Entering Historical Life Data—Extended Exercises

Required Data

Serial Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

Each student needs to create his or her own serial structure to work with when performing the exercises in this lesson. The serial structures will be based on the X747-900 aircraft template structure from the RACE-data.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (revision *) template structure. Use the serial number ACN-10 where N is your student number.
  3. Import the template structure to the new serial. Generate serial numbers automatically, and set the Mfd Date (Manufactured Date) six months back in time.
  4. Enter the maintenance program 100 and maintenance group *. To update the maintenance program for the entire structure, right-click and click Change Maintenance Program.
  5. Set the structure to the In Operation status, and enter the Str Chg Date (Structure Change Date) six months back in time.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to enter operational start values, performed interval maintenance, complied modifications and historical stress ratings for a serial that has had an earlier life.

Enter Historical Life Data - Operational Logging/Interval Maintenance

Purpose: Since one of your aircrafts is in the repair shop for quite some time you need to lease another aircraft. The leased aircraft is not new. Therefore, it is essential to enter new life information to be able to continue maintenance program based on operational data, interval maintenance and modifications from prior use of the serial.

Component Life

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Component Life window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. The latest operational logging for the aircraft (AC) was done three months ago. Enter the Recorded Date in the header of the window.
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Click the Operational Log tab and select the Spread On Branch check box.
  5. Enter the Add On Value for the aircraft X747-900, ACN-10 by using the information in the following table:
Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 150
FCYC  60
  1. Save the information (F12).
  2. Click the Interval Maint tab to enter performed interval maintenance.
  3. According to the maintenance plan, there is an A-check every 100 FHR (50 FCYC) and the last A-check was performed on 85 FHR (30 FCYC) 1 month prior to the last operational logging.
  4. Change the Recorded Date in the header of the window and save the information (F12).
  5. In the upper table, enter 150 (operational logging shown in the table above) in the Value At Maintenance and Value Total fields for the A-check and operational parameter FHR. Note that the daily check is of calculation rule type No calculation and is displayed for informational purposes only.
  6. Observe the Correction Value and Maint Interval. Verify that the displayed values are correct.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. In the lower table, enter an operational logging for the operational parameter FCYC. Use the operational logging shown in the table above.
  9. To verify that the next interval maintenance is due at 185 FHR, right-click on the header of the window, and then click Serial Maintenance.
  10. Next, right-click on the header of the Serial Maintenance window and then click Task Calculate to calculate the entire structure.

Enter Historical Life Data - Modification Compliance

Purpose: Since one of your aircrafts is in the repair shop for quite some time you need to lease another aircraft. The leased aircraft is not new. Therefore, it is essential to enter new life information to be able to continue maintenance program based on operational data, interval maintenance and modifications from prior use of the serial.

Note: The modification NEWAXL was complied with two days after the latest interval maintenance.

Component Life

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Component Life window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Modification Compliance tab.
  3. Select the modification, right-click and click Enter Modification Compliance. The Enter Modification Compliance wizard opens.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Enter Modification Execution step, verify that the current execution type is set to Terminating Action.
  6. Enter an execution remark and change the recorded date.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Enter Operational Parameter Values step, enter operational parameter values.
  9. Click Get Defaults to display the default operational parameter values. Verify that you have the correct values for this date.
  10. Select the Triggered Execution check box for the operational parameter FHR (Flying Hours).
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Verify that the compliance status of the modification has been changed to Complied.

Enter Historical Life Data - Modification Compliance leading to a Part Identity Change

Purpose: Since one of your aircrafts is in the repair shop for quite some time you need to lease another aircraft. The leased aircraft is not new. Therefore, it is essential to enter new life information to be able to continue maintenance program based on operational data, interval maintenance and modifications from prior use of the serial.

The modification nRENMOD, through which the reliability of Leg Assy X32LEG7004 is to be improved by introducing a new strut, has already been performed on the serial structure X747-900, ACN-10, but not yet entered in the system. The new strut is two-way interchangeable with the old one. However, since the installation will change the maintenance requirements, it is necessary to change the part number after installing the new strut. Consequently, we need to enter the compliance of the modification leading to the part identity change in the system.

Prerequisite: The Modification Program leading to a Part Identity Change exercise must have been performed. Note: When you are creating the serial range for the modification make sure to enter a range that includes the serial number ACN-10, where N is your student number.

Component Life

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Component Life window.
  2. Query (F3) for the aircraft with part number X747-900, revision * and serial number ACN-10, where N is your student number.
  3. Click the Modification Compliance tab and then click the Assigned Serials sub tab.
  4. Select the row that contains the modification nRENMOD, right-click and then click Enter Modification Compliance. The  Enter Modification Compliance wizard opens.
  5. Observe the displayed modification and part information.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter a Mod Execution Remark and enter the Recorded Date.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter operational parameter values. Click Get Defaults and verify that the correct values are displayed for the given date.
  10. Select the Triggered Execution check box for the operational parameter FHR.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Observe the value in the Compliance Status field; the modification has been Complied.
  13. In the graphical object structure, expand the structure for the Nose Landing Gear (X32NLG7001) and select the Leg Assy (X32LEG7004).
  14. Click the Affected tab.
  15. Right-click and click Enter Performed Rename Modifications. The Enter Performed Rename Modifications wizard opens.
  16. In the Mod Code field, enter nRENMOD. Click List to select the value.
  17. The assigned serial number does not appear automatically. In the Serial Number field (in the Assigned area), enter the correct serial number. Click List to select the value.
  18. Click Next.
  19. When the part number of the serial is changed you may need to enter different data for the new part number. Use the Enter Rename Part Info step to enter the desired information.
  20. Click Next.
  21. Select the three check boxes, i.e., Oper Log History, Replacement History and Other History, found in the Update History area.
  22. Click Next.
  23. Enter a Mod Execution Remark.
  24. In the Recorded Date field, enter the same date and time you entered when complying the assigned serial.
  25. Click Next.
  26. Click Get Defaults to display default operational parameter values. Select the Triggered Execution check box for the operational parameter that triggered the modification to become due.
  27. Click Finish.
  28. The affected serial is renamed to X32LEG7005 as defined on the modification. This can be observed in the graphical object structure.

Enter Historical Life Data - Modification Decompliance reversing a Part Identity Change

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to decomply a modification that led to a part identity change on a serial.

A fault has been discovered on the aircraft on which the modification nRENMOD was previously incorporated. It appears that the strut has been damaged, and needs to be replaced. However, the new upgraded strut that was installed and required to comply with nRENMOD is not available within an acceptable timeframe. In order to avoid an AOG (Aircraft On Ground), it is decided to reinstall the original strut type. As a result, the modification nRENMOD is decomplied and a reversal of the part number change on the Leg Assy is required.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must have been completed.

Component Life

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Component Life window.
  2. Query (F3) for the aircraft with part number X747-900, revision * and serial number ACN-10, where N is your student number.
  3. Click the Modification Compliance tab and then click the Assigned Serials sub tab.
  4. Select the modification nRENMOD, right-click and click Enter Modification Compliance. The Enter Modification Compliance wizard opens.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Enter Modification Execution step, enter an execution remark and change the recorded date.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Enter Operational Parameter Values step, enter operational parameter values.
  9. Click Get Defaults to display the default operational parameter values. Verify that you have the correct values for this date.
  10. Click the Triggered Execution check box for the operational parameter FHR (Flying Hours).
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Verify that the compliance status of the modification has been changed to Not Complied.
  13. In the graphical object structure, expand the structure for the Nose Landing Gear (with part number X32NLG7001) and select the Leg Assy (with part number X32LEG7005).
  14. Click the Affected tab.
  15. Right-click and then click Enter Performed Rename Modifications. The Enter Performed Rename Modifications wizard opens.
  16. In the Mod Code field, enter nRENMOD. Click List to select a value.
  17. The assigned serial number does not appear automatically. In the Serial Number field, found in the Assigned area, enter the correct serial number. Click List to select a value.
  18. Click Next.
  19. When the part number change on a serial is reversed, you may need to enter data relevant to the original part number. This rename information can be entered in the Enter Rename Part Info step.
  20. Click Next to view and/or enter additional rename information. The check boxes in the Update History area will be selected/not selected according to the values set when the modification was complied. These check boxes cannot be updated.
  21. Click Next.
  22. In the Mod Execution Remark field, enter an execution remark.
  23. In the Recorded Date field, enter the same date and time as entered when decomplying the assigned serial.
  24. Click Next.
  25. Click Get Defaults. Observe the operational parameter that triggered the decomply modification to become due.
  26. Click Finish.
  27. Verify that the part number of the affected serial has been reversed back to the original part number X32LEG7004 as defined on the modification. Observe the graphical object structure and verify that the rename has been performed as required.

Enter Historical Life Data - Set Historical Stress Rating

Purpose: Since one of your aircrafts is in the repair shop for quite some time you need to lease another aircraft. The leased aircraft is not new. Therefore, it is essential to enter new life information to be able to continue maintenance program based on operational data, interval maintenance and modifications from prior use of the serial.

The default stress rating is set when you change the status of the structure to In Operation and a stress rating history record is created with the correct date. You will verify that the previous operational loggings have the correct stress rating and also change the stress rating from 1 month back in time.

Component Life

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Component Life window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab.
  3. Select one of the engines, right-click and click History per Serial. The History per Serial window opens with your data.
  4. Observe at the Stress Rating and Operational Log tabs to verify that the default stress rating were set correctly when the status of the serial was changed to In Operation and also that the performed logging have this stress rating.
  5. To change the historical stress rating, navigate back to the Component Life window, and in the header set the Recorded Date one month back in time. Next, right-click and then click Set Historical Stress Rating.
  6. Change the stress rating ID found in the lower part of the window. Click List to select a value and then click OK.
  7. To verify that the stress rating is changed, navigate back to the Stress Rating tab in the History Per Serial window and observe the information.