Defining Modifications—Extended Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these lessons is to learn how to register and do modification planning.

New revision of Modification Program - Wheel Axle

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new revision of the modification of your Nose Landing Gear. The manufacturer Bulletin (With ID nNEWAXL) says that due to corrosion problems, an improved revision 2 of the Wheel Axle should replace the present 1 revision. The change is that due to the severe damage this can cause the modification need to have more inspections to be able to discover the problem in time.

Initial inspection should initially be executed every 100 FHR, and should be intensified to every 50 FHR (continued inspection) if corrosion is identified. Modification should be executed at first A-check after a initial or continued inspection shows severe corrosion. To do the initial inspection you need a mechanic and a hangar for 1 hour.

The structure impacts introduced by this modification will be that you need to add a new position alternate to the Wheel Axle X32AXL7003 rev * and rev 1 and also add a new position, Speed Transduser, under the Nose Landing Gear.

You have also decided that you want to have more detailed information saved regarding which specific part (affected part) is worked on when performing the modification.

Prerequisite: The last exercise in lesson Instructions must be completed.

Define Modification
Modification Details
Serial Structure Template

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Find your modification (nNEWAXL) and duplicate the record (F6)
  3. Change revision and save (F12).
  4. Right-click on the window header and then click Copy Modification.
  5. Enter information for Modification to copy from (your first revision of the same modification).
  6. Chose option Supersedes Modification copied from and all the copy options except Termination Action.
  7. When ready click Finish.
  8. Look under the different tabs to see that the information has been copied correctly.
  9. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab and delete all the revisions except yours, n.
  10. Right click on the Define Modification window header and then click Modification Details.
  11. Initial inspections are entered in the Execution tab. Click the Initial Inspections sub tab and specify Inspection Interval 100 FHR and Inspection Interval Limit 600 FHR.
  12. Save the information (F12).
  13. Click the Continued Inspections sub tab and set Inspection Interval 50 FHR and Inspection Interval Limit 600 FHR.
  14. Save the information (F12).
  15. Click the Termination Action sub tab to to verify that the row here is not copied from the old revision of the modification.
  16. Next you have to enter an Instruction for your initial inspection. Click the Instructions tab and enter information for the Initial Inspection
  17. Click the Operations tab, create new record and enter Operation Number =n032902, Operation Description = Initial inspection Nose Landing Gear, Type=XCHK, Location=XNLG, Competence=XMECH, No. Of Persons=1 and Hour Cons.=1, Function Number=3220, Sub Function=3222 and a proper Work Description.
  18. Save the information (F12).
  19. Open the Tools and Facilities tab and specify a maintenance facility for 1 hour. Save.
  20. To enter affected parts open the Affected Parts tab and create new record for part X32NLG7001, revision n.
  21. To define the structure impacts you need to navigate to the Define Modification window by right-click on the window header and then click Define Modification.
  22. Open the Structure Impacts tab and create new record for a position alternate.
  23. Enter Template Part Number = X32NLG7001, Template Part Revision = n, Structure Position = 102, Installed Part Number = X32AXL7003, Installed Part Revision = *.
  24. Enter same part number as the alternate part but revision = 1 and Two way interchangeable between the parts.
  25. Save the information (F12).
  26. Click the Template Changes sub tab to enter a new structure position under the Nose Landing Gear.
  27. Enter Structure Impact Type, Template Part Number = X32NLG7001, Template Part Revision = n, Impacted Structure Position = 105, New Parent Structure Position = TEMPLATE (Nose Landing Gear), New Prime Part Number =  X32SPE7005 (Speed Transducer) and New Prime Part Revision = *.
  28. You also need to enter information that the modification should be executed at the first A-check under the Assign Parts tab.
  29. Save the information (F12).
  30. To activate the modification right-click on the window header and then click Status and Set Active.

To see the changes for the old revision of the modification:

  1. Find the old revision of the modification (F3), nNEWAXL, rev 1.
  2. See that the status has changed to Obsolete since we chose to supersede the modification copied from.
  3. You can also look under tab References (Modification Details) to see that a reference to the new revision has been created.

To see the serial template structure changes:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window
  2. Find (F3) your Part Number = X747-900 and Revision = n
  3. Select the Nose Landing Gear and go down one level.
  4. Click the Alternates/Position Alternates sub tab and make sure that an alternate for the Wheel Axle has been inserted. The field Modification Code shows which modification introduced the position alternate.

Handling "Documentation" Modification

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a "documentation" modification. The manufacturer of the flight X747-900 has changed the flight manual (Page 31 is no longer accurate and needs to be removed) and we need to create a modification to update requested documentation.

This needs to be done latest this year and you require 1 day task forewarning, and the modification requires two hours in workshop.

When the modification work has been completed, the modification should be signed off.

Define Modification
Modification Details

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Create a new record (F5) and specify your Mod Code nNEWDOC- New documentation. Enter a proper first revision. 
  3. Specify Category = Recommended, Assignment Type = Documentation, Mod Type = DOC and a Level Code.
  4. Enter Days Forewarning, Duration Workshop and Rescission Date according to the information described above.
  5. Enter a proper information text describing what to be done (see above).
  6. Save the information (F12)
  7. To activate the modification right-click on the window header and then click Status and Set Active.
  8. When the work has been completed you need to sign off the modification. Right-click on the window header and then click Sign Off. Information automatically added to the fields Sign Off Date and Signed Off By.

Modification Program with Referenced Modification - Supersede

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a modification with a referenced modification of type Supersedes. There is a modification, SHUTDOWN, that needs to be changed slightly. The modification needs to be completed two months earlier than said before. To do this you will create a new modification (normally same mod code but new revision) that will replace the old one. If there are serials on the old modification that have already been complied with this is good enough.

Define Modification
Modification Details

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Find (F3) modification SHUTDOWN.
  3. Create a new record by duplicating the modification you have found (F6) and change Mod Code to nSHUTDOWN.
  4. Change Recession date according to information above.
  5. Field Supersede Rule should not be checked.
  6. Save the information (F12)
  7. Right-click on the window header and click Copy Modification.
  8. Enter the old modification SHUTDOWN you want to replace.
  9. Select checkbox Supersedes Modification copied from.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Click the Assign Parts Revisions tab and delete all revisions but your own n.
  12. Save the information (F12).
  13. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  14. Click on the References tab and make sure that the superseded modification SHUTDOWN is registered (done automatically, see step 9).
  15. To activate the modification you need to go back to the Define Modification window and right-click on the window header, click Status and Set Active.
  16. Status is changed to Active and serials are assigned to the modification. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  17. Click on the Assign Serials tab and verify that the assigned serials have the fields Perform Modification and Reference Compliant set correctly.
  18. You can also look at the referenced modification to see that status has changed to Obsolete and that the new modification is registered in the References tab (for your revision) with Reference Type = Superseded By.

Note: The serial nX40000 should have the perform flag set to Not to be performed since we have the check box Supersede Rule not selected which means that it is not required to perform the superseding modification if the serial already complies with the superseded modification.

Modification Program with Referenced Modification - Mandatory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a modification with a referenced modification of type Mandatory. There is a new Airworthiness Directive from the Federal Aviation Administration which concerns the electrical system in the X747-900 airplanes. There is already an earlier registered modification for this which needs to be performed before this new one. You will therefore create a new modification with a reference of type Mandatory to the earlier modification. The new modification should be executed at the next visit in workshop.

Define Modification
Modification Details

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Find (F3) modification nSHUTDOWN.
  3. Create a new record by duplicating the modification you have found (F6) and change Mod Code to nSHUTDOWN2.
  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Click on the Assign Parts tab and enter part number according to information above.
  6. Select check box Next Visit In Workshop.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. Click on the Assign Part Revisions tab and enter your revision n. Save (F12).
  9. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  10. Click on the References tab and create a new record for the referenced modification SHUTDOWN. Reference Type should be Mandatory.
  11. Save (F12).
  12. To activate the modification you need to go back to the Define Modification window and right-click on the window header, click Status and Set Active.
  13. Status is changed to Active and serials are assigned to the modification. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  14. Click on the Assign Serials tab and verify that the assigned serials have the fields Perform Modification and Reference Compliant set correctly.

Note: The serial nX50000 have the check box Reference Compliant not selected since this modification cannot be performed until the referenced modification is performed. The serial nX40000 have the check box Reference Compliant selected since the referenced modification is already performed for this serial.

Modification Program with Referenced Modification - Exclude

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a modification with a referenced modification of type Exclude. There is a new Airworthiness Directive from the Federal Aviation Administration which concerns the electrical system in the X747-900 airplanes. There is already an earlier registered modification for this and serials that are performed on this one does not need to be performed on the new one. You will therefore create a new modification with a reference of type Exclude to the earlier modification. The new modification should be executed at the next visit in workshop.

Define Modification
Modification Details

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Find (F3) modification nSHUTDOWN.
  3. Create a new record by duplicating the modification you have found (F6) and change Mod Code to nSHUTDOWN3.
  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Click on the Assign Parts tab and enter part number according to information above.
  6. Select check box Next Visit In Workshop.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. Click on the Assign Part Revisions tab and enter your revision n. Save (F12).
  9. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  10. Click on the References tab and create a new record for the referenced modification SHUTDOWN. Reference Type should be Exclude.
  11. Save (F12).
  12. To activate the modification you need to go back to the Define Modification window and right-click on the window header, click Status and Set Active.
  13. Status is changed to Active and serials are assigned to the modification. Right-click on the window header and click Modification Details.
  14. Click on the Assign Serials tab and verify that the assigned serials have the fields Perform Modification and Reference Compliant set correctly.

Note: The serial nX40000 have the check box Reference Compliant not selected since the referenced modification is performed for this serial and can therefore not be performed on this modification. The serial nX50000 have the check box Reference Compliant selected since the referenced modification is not performed for this serial and can therefore be performed on this modification.

Modification Program leading to a Part Identity Change

Purpose: Our engineering department has decided to rebuild the Leg Assy (X32LEG7004) to improve its quality. The rebuild is indicated by a modification and this modification will lead to a part identity change on affected part X32LEG7004. 

Prerequisite: A valid alternate must have been defined for the part number that is to be renamed.

Define Modification
Modification Details

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter the following details:
            Modification Code - nRENMOD
            Modification Description
    - Rebuild of Leg Assy
            Modification Revision - *
            Category - Recommended
            Assignment Type - By Serial Range
            Modification Type - XENG
            Level Code
    - enter a valid workshop level code
            Days Forewarning
    - 7
            Duration Workshop
    - 1 day
            Rescission Date
    - 6 months from today's date
    - enter information on what is to be done through the modification
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Click the Assign Parts tab and create a new record (F5).
  5. Enter Part Number X747-900 and select the Next Visit in Workshop check box.
  6. Save the information (F12).
  7. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab and verify that the revision (*) exists. If other revisions are listed, those should be deleted.
  8. Click the Serial Range tab and create a new record (F5).
  9. Enter Part Number X747-900 and Serial Number Range nX30000.
  10. Save the information (F12).
  11. Right-click on the header of the window and then click Modification Details. The Modification Details window opens.
  12. Click the Affected Parts tab and create a new record (F5).
  13. Enter the following details:
            Affected Part Number - X32LEG7004
            Affected Part Revision
    - *
            Sign Off
    - Affected serial marked as complied with
            Change to Part Number - X32LEG7005
            Change to Part Revision - *
            Change to Manufacturer's Number - enter the new manufacturer's number
            Change to Manufacturer's Part Number - enter the new manufacturer's part number
  14. Save the information (F12).
  15. Click the Instructions tab and select Mod Execution Type Terminating Action.
  16. Click the Operations sub tab and create a new record (F5).
  17. Select a valid Operation Number and save the record (F12).
  18. Go back to the Define Modification window and activate the modification. To do this, right-click on the header of the window, point to Status and then click Set Active.

Note: You have now defined and activated a modification that leads to a part identity change. When this modification is performed for serial X747-900, nX30000 a part identity change will be performed automatically on affected part X32LEG7004 in the structure of the serial.

  1. Continue with exercise: Task Distribution - 6.       

Configuration Changes Introduced by Modification

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to add a new structure position to a template structure. A modification may introduce one or more new template structure position. We have in previous exercise defined a template structure change where we added a new position to the Nose Landing Gear. Now we are going to introduce this change to the template structure

Prerequisite: The first exercise New Revision of Modification Program must be completed.

Define Modification
Serial Structure Template

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window and query for your active modification nNEWAXL for which template structure changes will be made.
  2. Click the Structure Impacts tab and then click the Template Changes sub tab.
  3. Select the record, right-click, and click Add Position to Template.
  4. Enter Position = 40, Quantity = 1, Sorting code = 40 and Not Life Limited Part. Do not create as separate template.
  5. Click OK and the position is added to the template structure.
  6. To look at the template structure select the record right-click, and click Serial Structure Template.
  7. Open the Consist Of tab, right-click and click Previous Level. Now you can see that the new structure position is added under the Nose Landing Gear.
  8. Status for the new structure position is still Preliminary. To change status select the record, right-click, and click Status and Set Active.