Setting Up Supply Site Reservation and Availability—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register sites and customers in the basic data so you can use them in the main exercise Setting Up Supply Site Reservations.

Sites per User

  1. In the Site window, enter the site that would be used as the supplying site.
  2. Enter at least one site that will be used as the demand site
  3. Enter a customer for each demand site that you created. Connect to site using the field Customer Site in the tab Misc Customer Order tab.

General exercise for Customer
General exercise for Site

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to understand how to enter data for the Site-to-Site Reservation and Availability Setup.

Site to Site Reservation and Availability Setup

Setting Up Supply Site Reservation and Availability

The site-to-site reservation and availability setup is used to define which demand sites should be allowed to enter supply site reservations on the supply site and how supply site availability is visible.

  1. In the Site to Site Reservation Setup window, query for the supply site you created in the basic data setup.
  2. Enter a new record in the lower section of the window.
  3. Enter one of the demand sites that you created in the basic data setup.

Note: The internal customer number is shown as a reference when a demand site is defined.

  1. Enter the required Supply Site Reservation Type.
  2. Enter the required value for the Supply Site Availability Visible check box.
  3. Save your record (F12).

Note: The entered demand sites will now be able to perform supply site reservations against the supply site unless the supply site reservation type is defined as Not Allowed. Another way of disallowing supply site reservations for a demand site, is to simply remove the demand site from this tab.