Using Order Discount—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a customer needed for running order discount.


  1. Create a record for customer XX140 Team Rahal

General exercise for creating Customer.

Create Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a sales part needed for running order discounts.

Sales Part

Car Type Price (USD) Weight (kg/lb) Volume (m³/ft³)
XX18-100 Red 150.- - -
XX18-200 White 120.- 1 -
XX18-300 Blue 160.- - 0.15
  1. Create records for three race cars XX18-100 Red, XX18-200 White and XX18-300 Blue using setup above. Weight and Volume is entered in fields Net Weight and Volume on Freight Information tab.

General exercise for creating Sales Part.

Main Exercise(s)

Create Discount Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create the different types of discount groups and connect them to a sales part.

Sales Part Discount Group
Sales Part

IFS Racing works with discount groups for their cars. They are using an order value based discount group for race car XX18-100 Red, order weight based discount group for race car XX18-200 White, and order volume based discount group for XX18-300 Blue.

Discount Groups

Order Value Based Discount Group Order Weight Based Discount Group Order Volume Based Discount Group
Order value USD Discount % Order weight kg/lb Discount % Order volume cubic meter/feet Discount %
1500.- 0 10 5 1.5 10
3000.- 5 20 10 3 15
4500.- 10 30 15 4.5 20
6000.- 15 40 20 6 25
7500.- 20 50 25 7.5 30
  1. Open the Sales Part Discount Group window and create three discount groups according to tab above. The first group should be value based, the second weight based, and the third should be volume based.
  2. Choose discount code, and enter order totals and discounts according to the table above.
  3. Connect the value based discount group to XX18-100 Red, weight based group to XX18-200 White, and volume based group to XX18-300 Blue. This is done in the Discount Group field in the Sales Part/General window.

Use Order Discounts: Value Based, Weight Based, and Volume Based

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how order discounts are calculated per order line and how the discounts will be calculated if you are using several types of discounts.

Customer Order

IFS Racing has received orders for a large number of race cars from XX140 Team Rahal. Depending on the type of car it is, XX140 Team Rahal receives different order discounts.

Value Based

  1. XX140 Team Rahal wants to buy 45 Race Cars XX18-100 Red, delivered 15 at a time, with 1 month between the three deliveries. Create a customer order for these cars.
  2. View the Order Value/Base field and compare the value with the table above. What discount should be deducted from the order lines?
  3. Release the order and check the result of the order discount in the Order Discount field. Did the result differ from your calculation?
  4. Note that the value in Order Value/Base has changed. Why?

At a later stage, XX140 Team Rahal orders additional cars. This time the order is for 25 XX18-100 Red and 9 XX18-200 White.

  1. Create and release a new order for quantities stated above.
  2. What is the Order Value/Base? Both order lines contributed to the order value, but is the order discount given to both order lines? Why?

Weight Based

  1. XX140 Team Rahal wants to buy 21 XX18-200 White cars, delivered 7 at a time, with 1 month between the three deliveries. Create a customer order for these cars.
  2. View the Order Net Weight field and compare the value with the table above. What discount should be deducted from each order line?
  3. Release the order and check the result of the order discount in the Order Discount field. Did the result differ from your calculation?

Volume Based

  1. XX140 Team Rahal wants to buy 36 XX18-300 Blue cars, delivered 12 at a time, with 1 month between the three deliveries. Create a customer order for these cars.
  2. View the Order Volume field and compare the value with the table above. What discount should be deducted from each order line?
  3. Release the order and check the result of the order discount in the Order Discount field. Did the result differ from your calculation?