Managing Campaigns—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for using the campaign functionality.


  1. Create two new customers named XX110, XX120 and name them XXMcLaren and XXCrMart.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Customer.

Create Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for using the campaign functionality, including deal per sales group.

Sales Part

  1. Create four new sales parts: Race Cars XX18-100 Red, XX18-200 White, XX18-300 Blue, and XX18-450 Yellow.
  2. Remember the tax codes used if your company is within a VAT tax regime. 
  3. Save your changes.

General exercise for Sales Part.

Create Customer Price Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for using the campaign functionality, including valid for customer price group.

Customer Price Group

  1. Enter a new Customer Price Group, XXCPG.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Enter Customer Price Groups.

Connect Customer price Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for using the campaign functionality, including valid for customer price group.


  1. Create a Customer named as XXGroup.
  2. In the Customer/Order/General tab, enter the value XXCPG as the Cust Price Grp.
  3. Save your changes.

Create Assortment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for using the campaign functionality, including valid for customer price group.

  1. Create an assortment XXPAINT
  2. Enter assortment nodes XX2L Two litres and XX4L Four litres.
  3. Create and connect part XX2BLUE, Blue paint 2L to the assortment node XX2L
  4. Create and connect parts XX4Red, Red paint the assortment node XX4L
  5. Activate the assortment using the operation menu.

General exercise for Create Assortment.

Purchase Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter purchase parts and connect them to suppliers.

Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Enter XX18-100 Red, XX18-200 White, XX18-300 Blue, and XX18-450 Yellow as purchase parts.
  2. For supplier XX1001, enter Parts XX18-100 Red, XX18-200 White.
  3. For supplier XXCS1, enter part XXCP2 XX18-300 Blue, and XX18-450 Yellow.

General exercises for Purchase Part and Supplier for Purchase Part.

Main Exercises

Create a Campaign

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create a campaign with prices and discounts.

Customer Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

Note: Assume that your company needs to do a campaign with special prices and discounts during a particular period.

In this exercise, prices for two sales parts are registered, one of which has a discount connected. Customer order lines are created for those sales parts.

  1. Open the Campaign window. Create a new campaign. Default values are retrieved for the reference site and currency can be changed before saving the campaign.
  2. Enter the sales start date and sales end date in the Campaign/General tab.
  3. Click the Parts tab. Enter Sales Part XX18-100 Red.
  4. Enter the price for XX18-100. If it is within a VAT tax regime and the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected in the campaign header, you can enter the price inclusive of tax. The price is not editable.
  5. Enter another line for part XX18-200 White. Enter a price and sales discount type.
  6. In the Valid For Sites tab, enter one or more sites belong to the company of the campaign.
  7. In the Valid for Customer/Customer tab, enter the customers XXMcLaren and CrMart. Instead the campaign can be made valid for all customers by selecting the Valid for All Customers checkbox in the Valid for Customers tab
  8. Right-click and then click Activate.
  9. Clear the Ignore If Lower Price Found check box in the General tab (If not, the campaign price will be ignored if there is a lower price than in the campaign in some other price source).

Note: A campaign has now been created. This campaign has a price for the sales parts XX18-100 Red and XX18-200 White. The campaign is valid for two customers  XXMcLaren and XXCrMart. The next step is to create a customer order for XXMcLaren, with the two parts included in the campaign.

  1. Open the Customer Order window. Create an order for XXMcLaren, including XX18-100 Red.
  2. Verify that the correct price has been fetched from the above campaign.
  3. Create another customer order line for XX18-200 White.
  4. Verify that the price and discount has been fetched from the above campaign.
  5. Notice that you can see those customer order line information in the Campaign\Follow Up\CO-lines tab.

Create a Campaign Valid for Customer Price Group

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create a campaign valid for customer price groups.

Customer Order

In this exercise, a campaign is created for sales parts and made valid for customer price groups.

  1. Open the Campaign window. Create a new campaign.
  2. In the Parts tab, enter the price for XX18-100 Red.
  3. Enter your site in the valid for site tab.
  4. In the Valid for Customer/Customer Price Group tab, enter the customer price group, XXCPG.
  5. Activate the campaign.
  6. Clear the Ignore If Lower Price Found check box in the General tab (If not, the campaign price will be ignored if there is a lower price than in the campaign in some other price source).

Note: Now a campaign has been created valid for the supply price group XXCP. Next steps are to create a customer order line for a customer of this customer price group and the sales part  XX18-100 Red.

  1. Create a customer order for customer XXGroup, who is connected to the customer price group XXCPG.
  2. Enter a customer order line for the sales part XX18-100 Red.
  3. Notice that the price is retrieved from the campaign created in step 1.

Note: Now a campaign has been created valid for the supply price group XXCP. Next steps are to create a customer order line for a customer of this customer price group and the sales part  XX18-100 Red.

Register Prices and Discounts Per Assortment Nodes in a Campaign

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create campaign prices and discounts per assortment nodes and how they are applied in a customer order.

Customer Order

In this exercise, a campaign is created and sales prices and discounts are registered per assortment nodes.

  1. Open the Campaign window and create a new campaign.
  2. Enter your assortment, XXPAINT in the campaign Assortment field.
  3. In the Assortment tab, enter the new line for an assortment node XX2L with price and a discount.
  4. Enter another line with a discount only for the assortment node, XX3L
  5. In the Valid for Customer/Customer tab, enter the customer XX110  XXMcLaren.
  6. In the Valid for Site tab, enter your site.
  7. Activate the campaign.
  8. Clear the Ignore If Lower Price Found check box in the General tab (If not, the campaign price will be ignored if there is a lower price than in the campaign in some other price source).

Note: Now a campaign has been created valid for customer XX110 and your site. This campaign has two assortment node lines, one with a price and a discount and another with a discount only. Now you need to create sale parts for the parts connected to those nodes in your site.

  1. Create sales parts XX2BLUE, Blue paint 2L and XX4Red, Red paint 4L in your site.
  2. Create a customer order for the customer XX110, XXMcLaren.
  3. Enter a customer order lines for the sales parts XX2BLUE and XX4Red.
  4. Notice that, for the sales part XX2BLUE, the price and discount are retrieved from the above campaign.
  5. Notice that, for the sales part XX4RED, the discount is retrieved from the campaign while price is retrieved from the sales part.

Creating Supplier Agreements Via Campaign

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create a supplier agreement via campaign.

Supplier for Purchase Part

In this exercise, a campaign is created and purchasing information will be stored in lines and supplier agreements will be created via campaign.

  1. Create a campaign for your site and customers.
  2. Enter a supply site and a purchasing start date. Optionally you can enter purchasing end date.
  3. Supplier for purchase part information should exist in your supply site, for the purchase parts connected to the inventory parts with part ID's XX18-100, XX18-200, XX18-300, XX18-450.
  4. Enter sales parts XX18-100, XX18-200, XX18-300, XX18-450 with a price.
  5. Notice that supplier and purchase part have been retrieved from the primary supplier for purchase part in your supply site. Enter purchase prices for those parts.
  6. For the part XX18-450, enter a purchasing discount as well.
  7. Activate the campaign
  8. Right-click and then click Create Supplier Agreements.
  9. In the dialog box that appears, select the supplier agreement type.
  10. Notice that supplier agreements are created for each supplier and they are shown in the Campaign/Supplier Agreement tab.
  11. Use the right mouse button option to go to created supplier agreements. In the supplier Agreement/General tab, the campaign ID is stored.
  12. Notice that for the supplier agreement part line XX18-450, the discount entered in the step 7 has been stored.
  13. Activate the supplier agreements.
  14. Create a purchase order line so that purchase price is retrieved from one of the supplier agreements created.
  15. Notice that you can see those purchase order line information in the Campaign/Follow Up/CO-Lines tab.