Using Condition Codes in Sales—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Defining Condition Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify, and if necessary, enter condition codes that will be used in the main exercises.

Part Basic Data/Condition Codes

  1. Populate the tab and view the existing values. NORMAL is the code value installed with the system. All other values are user defined. If NEW, USED, REMANU, and UNSERV are not displayed, enter these condition codes.
  2. Verify that NEW is set as the default condition code. Save any changes.

General exercise for Condition Codes.

Display Condition Codes on Customer Order Reports

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enable the display of condition codes on reports in IFS/Customer Order. This is optional, but can be very useful in clearly communicating information about the part's condition codes, if any, on reports. No values will be displayed for parts that do not have condition codes enabled.

Site/Sales and Procurement

  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Query for your site and select the Sales and Procurement tab.
  3. In the Customer Orders group box, select the Print Condition Codes on Reports check box.
  4. Save the record.

Setting up Lot/Batch and Serial Tracked Parts with Condition Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up condition code functionality for lot/batch and serial tracked parts, and to receive quantities of these parts, which will be used in other exercises.

Sales Part
Inventory Part
Receive Inventory Part

  1. In the Sales Part window, create a new record for a lot/batch tracked part, XX LotCC, and a serial-tracked part, XX SerialCC. Replace XX with your initials. Enter values in all required fields.
  2. In the Inventory Part window, enter any additional required part information.
  3. In the Part/General tab, select the appropriate parameters for lot tracking, serial tracking, and to allow condition codes.
  4. In the Receive Inventory Part window, receive at least 100 of the lot/batch tracked part to your inventory location, using at least two different lot numbers and a different condition code for each lot.
  5. Receive at least 10 of the serial-tracked parts to your inventory location, using at least two different condition codes.

General exercise for Setting up Sales Parts with Condition Codes.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to demonstrate the use of condition codes within different steps of the customer order/sales flow.

Using Condition Codes in Sales Quotations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the use of condition codes in sales quotations.

Sales Quotation

  1. Create a new record, entering a customer and your site. Save the header.
  2. Create a new quotation line.
  3. Enter part number XX LotCC, condition code, NEW, and a quantity of 10.
  4. Create a new line for part number XX LotCC, condition code, USED, and a quantity of 10.
  5. Create a new line for a quantity of 2 for part number XX SerialCC. Do not enter a condition code. The default condition code, NEW, will be automatically filled in for the serial part.
  6. Release the quotation, and note the quotation number.
  7. Change the condition codes in the last line to USED. Can you save the changed record?

Using Condition Codes in Customer Order Lines

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the use of condition codes in customer order lines. In this exercise, you will convert the quotation lines from the above exercise into customer order lines. Alternatively, you could create a customer order directly for either of the parts.

Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines
Customer Order
Print Manager

  1. In the Sales Quotation window, right-click, then click Create Order From Quotation.
  2. Enter the required values in the dialog window that opens, then click OK to create the order. Note the order number that is displayed.
  3. Print/ preview the quotation. Are the condition codes displayed?
  4. Open the Customer Order window, and query for the order that you just created.
  5. Note the condition code values, which have defaulted from the sales quotation line. Can you change these values?
  6. Print/preview the order confirmation. Are the condition codes displayed?

Checking Availability of Parts for Reservation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to view the quantities of parts that are available to reserve. You will be able to view all quantities, regardless of the condition code specified on the order line. You could then use this information to change the condition code on the order line, if necessary.

Customer Order/Order Lines

  1. In the Order Lines tab, select the first line, right-click, then click Available to Reserve. In the window that opens, all quantities of the XX LotCC part will be displayed. You should see the lots you received into inventory, in the exercise above, listed on separate lines.
  2. Repeat this step for each of the lines. Is there sufficient quantity of the part with the specified condition code available? If not, change the condition code or quantity on the order line to match what is available to reserve.

Manually Reserving Parts with Condition Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to reserve parts with condition codes for customer order lines.

Customer Order/Order Lines

  1. In the Order Lines tab, select an order line, right-click, then click Manual Reservations. In the window that opens, only the quantities of parts with the specified condition code will be displayed. Enter an appropriate number in the Qty Reserved field of one or more lines. Repeat for each line in the customer order.
  2. In the Order Lines tab change the condition code of one of the lines. Are you able to save the changes?

Using Condition Codes in Shipping and Delivery

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is demonstrate the use of condition codes through picking and delivery of customer order lines.

Create Pick List for Customer Orders
Print Pick List
Print Manager
Deliver Customer Orders
Create Delivery Note for Customer Orders
Print Delivery Note for Customer Orders

  1. Create, print, and preview a pick list for the customer order. Note the pick list number.
  2. Are the condition codes displayed on the pick list?
  3. Deliver the customer order.
  4. Create a delivery note and print/preview the delivery note. Are the condition codes displayed on the note?

Using Condition Codes in Customer Order Returns

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the use of condition codes in authorizing the return of parts with condition codes, and receiving the parts back into inventory.

Return Material Authorization
Lot Batch Master
Part Serial

  1. In the Return Material Authorization window, create a new record for your customer, and save the header.
  2. In the Return Material Lines tab, create a line for the XX LotCC part.
  3. Create a return materials line to return one of the serial parts, entering values in the required fields.
  4. Save the record, and then release it.
  5. Select the line for the XX LotCC part, right-click then click Receive, Scrap, and Return into Inventory.
  6. In the Return into Inventory tab of the window that opens, enter 1 in the New Received field, and then click Apply.
  7. You now have the option to enter a transaction quantity in an existing line or to create a new line. If you use an existing line, the condition code for the returned part will be the same as the lot/batch you add the part to. If you create a new line, the returned part can have a different location, lot/batch number, and therefore, a different condition code. You can change the condition code of the lot/batch in the Lot Batch Master, if necessary.
  8. Click Apply, then note the changes in quantities on the line.
  9. Return to the Return Material Authorization window, and select the line for the XX SerialCC part.
  10. Repeat the steps to return the serial part. In this case, you will need to identify the specific serial part that is being returned. You can change the condition code in the Part Serial record, if necessary.
  11. If desired, repeat this exercise, following the options to scrap the returned parts.