Audit Management—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Viewing Person

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that you have defined your user as a person in the application.


  1. Verify that your user has been defined as a person.

General exercise for Entering a New Person

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to enter audit groups, audit types, audit authority types, audit authorities, internal auditors, audit business areas, reference standards and audit object connections.

Audit Basic Data
Object Connections

Entering Audit Groups

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Audit Group tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Audit Group ID column, enter a short code for the audit group (for example, 1).
  4. In the Description column, enter a description of the audit group (for example, Internal).
  5. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the audit group. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  6. Save when complete.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

An audit group can be linked to one or more existing companies. Doing so will restrict access to the audit information only to users who are associated with the company. If there are no companies linked to the audit group, then any associated audit information will be available to all users who have access to the audit information.

  1. Select the required audit group and then create a new record in the lower table section.
  2. In the Company Controlled ID column, click List to select a required company from the List of Values.
  3. Save when complete.

Entering Audit Types

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Audit Type tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. The Audit Type ID is a system generated value that cannot be edited.
  4. In the Description column, enter a description of the audit type (for example, Internal Audit).
  5. In the Audit Focus column, select the required audit focus from the list. The default value is Internal (for this exercise, use Internal).
  6. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the audit type. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  7. Save when complete.

Entering Audit Authority Types

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Audit Authority Type tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Authority Type ID field, the value is system generated and cannot be edited.
  4. In the Description column, enter a description of the audit authority type (for example, Quality Department).
  5. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the audit authority type. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  6. Save when complete.

Entering Audit Authorities

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Audit Authority tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Authority ID column, enter an authority ID. If you do not do so, the system assigns one automatically.
  4. In the Description column, enter a description of the audit authority (for example, Internal Quality Assurance).
  5. In the Audit Authority Type ID column, click List to select a required audit authority type from the List of Values.
  6. In the Default Audit Type column, click List to select a required audit type from the List of Values.
  7. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the audit authority. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  8. Save when complete.

Entering Internal Auditors

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Internal Auditors tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Auditor ID column, click List to select the id of a required person from the List of Values.
  4. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the internal auditor. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  5. Save when complete.

Entering Business Areas

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Business Area tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Business Area ID column, enter a short code for the business area ( for example, MFG).
  4. In the Description column, enter a description of the business area ( for example, Manufacturing).
  5. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the business area. Entering a value in this column is optional.
  6. Save when complete.

Entering Reference Standards

  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Reference Standards tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Reference Standard column, enter a new reference standard (for example, ISO/TS 16949).
    Note: Once saved, this value cannot be edited.
  4. In the Reference ID column, enter a unique reference ID (for example, 4.10).
    Note: Once saved, this value cannot be edited.
  5. In the Description column, enter a description of the reference ID (for example, Inspection and Testing).
  6. Save when complete.
  7. Create a new record.
  8. In the Reference Standard column, click List to select the reference standard created in step 3 (i.e., ISO/TS 16949) from the List of Values.
  9. In the Reference ID column, enter 4.10.2.
  10. In the Description column, enter Receiving Inspection and Testing.
  11. In the Parent Reference ID column, click List to select the reference ID created in step 4 (i.e., 4.10) from the List of Values.
  12. Save when complete.

Configuring Audit Object Connections

  1. Populate the Object Connections window and search for the required LU Name. If the LU Name of the object that you want to connect is not displayed on the list, you have to add a new connection line.
    Note: Only a system administrator can access and configure the audit object connections in the Object Connections window.
  2. Select the required LU Name and add AuditObjectConnection^ in the Service List column to make them audit aware. For instance, make the LU Names SupplierInfo, InventoryPart, CustomerInfo and Activity audit aware.
  3. Save when complete.
    Note: You need to log out and then log in to the application to be able use the newly created audit object connections.