Removing Project-Pegged Requests—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating Project Purchase Requisitions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a project purchase requisition for a project-specific item.

General exercise for Creating Project Purchase Requisitions

Creating Project Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create project shop orders for a project-specific item.

General exercise for Creating Project Shop Orders

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to delete a branch or project item from the project product structure.

Project Product
Project Product/Supply/Procured
Project Product/Demand/MPL

Removing a Project Purchase Request

  1. Open the Project Product window, and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Supply tab and then click the Procured tab.
  3. Look at the parts for which a request has been created.
  4. Check the details for the part 20–11XX (Engine Block 1600). Because you have completed the Creating Project Purchase Requisitions exercises, this part has the Closed purchase order status.
  5. Select the row containing part 20–11XX, and Delete. An error message appears informing you that you cannot delete the part request for the part because it has the Closed status.

Removing a Project Shop Order Request

  1. Open the Project Product window, and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Supply tab and then the Procured tab.
  3. Look at the parts for which a request has been created.
  4. Look at the details for the part 20–10XX (Engine 1600). Because you have completed the Creating Project Shop Order exercises, this part has the Reserved shop order status.
  5. Select the row containing part 20–10XX, and click the Delete button.
  6. Verify that the line no longer appears on the Procured tab.
  7. Because this part is not really obsolete, create a new request for it.
  8. Click the Demand tab.
  9. On the MPL tab, select the row containing part 20–10XX, right-click, and then click Create Request.
  10. Click the Supply tab and then click the Procured tab.
  11. Verify that a new shop order has been created for part 20–10XX.
  12. Note the shop order number. 
  13. Right-click and then click Shop Order to view the shop order. 

Note: The Shop Order right mouse button option is enabled if IFS/Shop Order is installed and existing in the same executable.

  1. Open the Shop Order window.
  2. Query for your shop order at your site.
  3. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Release to release the shop order. 
  4. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Material Actions – Reserve to reserve the parts to the shop order. 

Note: Because you have created the shop order for the top item in this exercise, i.e., not just a subassembly, you will continue with issuing the shop order in the Issuing Items from Inventory through a Shop Order exercises in the Assemble and Test Project Delivery Product course.