Creating Project Purchase Requisitions—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create an inventory location for the receipt of project-specific items into inventory.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you have not already done so, create the following new inventory location at your site:
Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
PROJ A Proj parts PICK

General exercise for Entering Inventory Location

Required Data

Approving the Project Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Approve the project product structure.

General exercise for Approving Project Part Definitions and Project Items

Connecting Activities to Project-Specific Items

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Connect project activities to project-specific items in the project product structure.

General exercise for Connecting Requirement Actvities

Running the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Perform the gross requirements calculation (GRC) for your project.

General exercise for Running the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC)

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a purchase requisition for a project-specific item. 

Project Product
Project Product/Demand
Project Product/Supply
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order
Supplier for Purchase Part
Register Purchase Order Arrivals
Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Connections
Project Navigator/Activity
Project Navigator/Activity/Cost
Project Navigator/Activity/Hours

Prerequisite: Perform these exercises instead of those included in the Creating Project Purchase Requisitions for Serial Items extended exercises, and if you have not done the Defining Serial Numbers exercises.

Creating Project Purchase Requisition and Converting it to a Purchase Order 

  1. Open the Project Product window, and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Demand tab. 
  3. On the MPL tab, select the project-specific purchased item 20–11XX (Engine Block 1600), right-click, and then click Create Request. A message appears prompting you if you want to create a request for the part. 
  4. Click Yes. The Create Request window appears.
  5. Click Create New.
  6. Click the Supply tab and then the Procured tab. Make sure that a record has been created for the procurement of this project item.
  7. Note the purchase requisition number.
  8. Right-click and then click Purchase Requisition to view the created requisition.

Note: The Purchase Requisition right mouse button option is enabled if IFS/Purchasing is installed and existing in the executable.

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window.
  2. On the Part Requisition Lines tab, query for the purchase requisition number in your site.
  3. Look at the information in the Project ID and Activity Seq fields to verify that the purchase requisition has been preposted with the correct project.
  4. If you have not already done so, connect a supplier to the part by selecting the row,  right-clicking, and then clicking Supplier for Part. The Supplier for Purchase Part window appears.
  5. Connect part 20–11XX to Supplier 5000. Specify a price of 250 USD per piece. 
  6. Save your changes, and close the window.
  7. Return to the Part Requisition Lines tab.
  8. In the Supplier column, select Supplier 5000 using the List of Values.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Go to the connected activity in Activity tab in Project Navigator window, and then release it.
  11. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Release to release the purchase requisition.
  12. Select the current purchase requisition line, right-click, and then click Requisition to Order to convert the requisition to a purchase order. The Requisition to Order Parameters window appears.
  13. Click Create New. The Puchase Order(s) Successfully Created window appears.
  14. Click OK.

Checking Feedback of Purchase Order to the Project Activity 

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window, and query for your purchase requisition at your site.
  2. On the Part Requisition Lines tab, select the record, right-click, and then click Purchase Order. This enables you to view the purchase order. 
  3. Note the purchase order number. 
  4. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Release to release the purchase order.  A message indicating the release of the purchase order appears.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Open the Project Navigator window, and query for your project XXPD–01.
  7. In the graphical project structure on the left side of the window, go to activity 1010 (Purchase special engine block), i.e., the activity connected to the project-specific purchased item 20–11XX (Engine Block 1600).
  8. Click the Connections tab to verify that the purchase order is listed here as a connected object to the activity.
  9. Click the Activity tab.
  10. Check that the Calculated Progress is still 0% at this point.
  11. In the Cost or Hours tab, verify that a Committed material cost has been retrieved. This cost is based on the purchase price of part 20–11XX, which you specified for it in step 15 of the previous exercise.
  12. Return to the purchase order. Confirm it by right-clicking in the header portion of the window and then clicking Confirm. A message appears indicating the confirmation of the purchase order.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Return to the connected activity in step 7, and click the Connections tab. 
  15. Observe that the connected purchase order receives a progress of 50%.
  16. Click the Activity tab. Observe that the Calculated Progress is also 50%, which is the value retrieved based on the object's progress, i.e., the progress of your connected purchase order.
  17. Open the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window, and query for the order number at your site.
  18. Receive the purchase order into inventory by selecting the order, right-clicking, and then clicking Receive Order. The Receive window appears.
  19. In the Receive Case list, click Receive into Inventory.
  20. In the Location No field, select the inventory location that you created above (PROJ) using the List of Values. 
  21. Click OK.
  22. Close the window.
  23. Return to the connected activity in step 7, and click the Connections tab.
  24. Observe that the connected purchase order receives a progress of 75% if you have partially received the purchase order, or 100% if you have received the entire purchase order quantity.
  25. Click the Activity tab. Observe that the Calculated Progress is now 100%, as you have received the entire purchase order quantity.

Note: Retrieving the actual material cost is performed in the Issuing Items to the Delivery Project exercise in the Assemble and Test Project Delivery Product course.