Handling Supplier Agreements—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Supplier Assortment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter an assortment.

Procurement Basic Data

  1. Enter an assortment called XXTR1.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercises for Supplier Assortment.

Purchase Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter purchase parts and connect them to suppliers.

Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Enter XXC16, XXC30, XXCP1, and XXCP2 as purchase parts.
  2. For supplier XX1001, enter Parts XXC16, XXC30, and XXCP1.
  3. Connect XXCP1 to supplier assortment XXTR1.
  4. For supplier XXCS1, enter part XXCP2.

General exercises for Purchase Part and Supplier for Purchase Part.

Supplier Agreements

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter supplier agreements.

Supplier Agreement

  1. For supplier XX1001, enter a supplier agreement. Use the Purchase Agreement agreement type. Connect at least two valid sites.
  2. For supplier XXCS1, enter a supplier agreement. Use the Blanket Purchase Order agreement type.

General exercises for Purchase Agreement and Blanket Purchase Order.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to enter parts, assortments, and step pricing on supplier agreements. This lesson also teaches you about price retrieval and demonstrates how purchase orders can be created quickly using agreements.

Supplier Agreement
Part Step Pricing
Supplier Assortment Step Pricing
Purchase Order
Create Agreement Release

Parts and Assortments

  1. On the supplier agreement with the Purchase Agreement agreement type, click the Parts tab.
  2. Connect Purchase Parts XXC16 and XXC30 to the supplier agreement.
  3. Enter an agreed-upon price, discount, and additional cost. If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, enter the price including tax, discount and additional cost including tax.
  4. Specify the maximum quantity.
  5. The price for XXC16 should be valid for all sites. Leave the Site field blank.
  6. The price for XXC30 should be valid for only one site. Enter the site in the Site field.
  7. Click the Supplier Agreement Assortment tab, and connect the XXTR1 assortment to the agreement. Enter the discount and maximum amount.
  8. Activate the agreement. Create purchase orders for XXC16, XXC30, and XXCP1. What price did you get?

Step Pricing

  1. Query for Part XXC30. Add a step price with three steps.
  2. Create purchase order lines with different quantities. What price do you get?
  3. Click the Part Step Pricing/Cumulative, and then refresh the display. What is displayed?
  4. Create a step price for assortment XXTR1.

Create Supplier Agreement Release

  1. Open the Supplier Agreement window. On the agreement with the Blanket Purchase Order agreement type, click the Parts tab.
  2. Connect Purchase Part XXCP2 to the agreement.
  3. Enter an agreed-upon price, discount, and additional cost. If the Use Price Incl Tax is selected, enter the price including tax, discount and additional cost including tax.
  4. Specify the maximum quantity.
  5. Activate the agreement.
  6. Open the Create Supplier Agreement Release window, and enter the agreement number, part number, and quantity.
  7. Open the Purchase Order window, and query for the order that you just created. What is its status?