Multi-Site MRP—Extended Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

MRP Extended Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the required prerequisite data needed for the extended MRP exercises. You must do this exercise once to support the extended MRP exercises in the current database. (If the database has been refreshed since the time you set up the data for the MRP extended exercises, you will need to set up the data again.)

  1. If you haven't done so already, create your own sites and set up the extended MRP data (for extended exercises) in those sites. 

General exercise for Overview of Extended MRP Data

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to perform MRP on the parts that you have already defined and evaluate the result. After evaluating results, release distribution orders and re-run MRP to observe results.

Perform MRP
Background Jobs
MRP Part Information

Distribution Orders

MRP Material Plan

Performing MRP

  1. Open the Perform MRP window and start the MRP process for your planning network.  This is the planning network you created in the Extended MRP Data exercise to include your two sites.
  2. Check the process from the Background Jobs window.
  3. Go to the next section when the process is done.

Evaluating MRP Result

  1. Open the  MRP Part Information window and query for part 90-211.
  2. Select the 90-211 part defined on your primary site from the Part Number list.  This part is defined as a multi-site planned part supplied from the secondary site defined as an internal supplier.
  3. Examine the MRP results for this part.  On the Receipts and Deliveries tab, look for MRP DO (Distribution Order) receipt quantities corresponding to inter-site requests.  MRP always plans DO Receipts for multi-site planned parts, as opposed to MRP Manufacture Receipt or MRP Buy Receipt quantities.
  4. Now select the 90-211 part defined on your secondary site from the Part Number list.  This part is defined as a manufactured part on the supplying location.
  5. Examine the MRP results for this part.  On the Receipts and Deliveries tab, look for the DO Receipt quantities to be recognized here as gross requirement corresponding to inter-site requests.
  6. On the Gross Requirements tab, you can see the specific distribution order pegging information driving this demand.

Release MRP Distribution Order

  1. Navigate to the Distribution Orders window and query for your part 90-211.  Depending on your MRP results, you should find several records at state Planned.
  2. Choose the distribution order with the earliest Planned Due Date and use the right-mouse button menu to select Distribution Order to navigate to the detail screen.  Here you can see the Distribution Orders generated as supply proposals from MRP for the demand site.  Your secondary site should be indicated as the supply site.
  3. Choose Release from the right-mouse buttoner menu for this distribution order to release this order for execution.  Purchase Orders and Customer Orders between the internal supplier and customer are generated to assist in execution of this material demand, though you can execute the basic material flow directly from the distribution order itself.  Note the status of the distribution order has changed.
  4. Use the Purchase Order... and Customer Order... right-mouse button selections to navigate to the resulting orders.  Make a note of the order numbers for your records.

Re-Run MRP - Performing MRP

  1. Open the Perform MRP window and once again start the MRP process for your planning network.  This is the planning network you created in the Extended MRP Data exercise to include your two sites.
  2. Check the process from the Background Jobs window.

Evaluating MRP Result

  1. Return to the MRP Part Information window and once again query for the 90-211 part.
  2. Select the 90-211 part defined on your primary site from the Part Number list.  This part is defined as a multi-site planned part supplied from the secondary site defined as an internal supplier.
  3. When the query results display, on the Gross Requirements tab you should now notice Purchase Order supply created as a result of the released distribution order.  In addition, new Planned MRP distribution order receipts should be visible.  These are created to replace those created in the earlier MRP run, and subsequently deleted in this run.
  4. Now select the 90-211 part defined on your secondary site from the Part Number list.  This part is defined as a manufactured part on the supplying location.
  5. On the Gross Requirements tab you should now notice Customer Order gross requirements created as a result of the released distribution order.  In addition, new Planned MRP distribution order demands should be visible as gross requirements for the supplying site's part.

View Material Plan

  1. Open the MRP  Material Plan  window and query for part 90-211.
  2. Use the RMB method to select Restrict to Planning Network... and select your planning network from the list of values in the subsequent dialog.  This limits the query to only those part and sites existing within the specified network.
  3. In the table window, you can see the supply/demand picture existing for this part including released purchase orders, customer orders, as well as projected MRP planned orders and requirements.