Initial Exercises—Make To Stock 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of  these initial exercises is for the instructor to demonstrate the basic functionality in Make to Stock. The Make to Stock functionality includes: 

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity.  If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students.  Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site. 

MRP Initial Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality of Material Requirements Planning (MRP).

Prerequisites:  The following data must be set up in your site.

Note : Site 1 is available for the instructor to be used. If you are a student, it is recommended to setup your own site to maintain data integrity.

General exercise for Site

Inventory Parts

Part No Description Part Type Planner U/M Planning Method Lead Time


Group 2

90-100 Dual 10" Sub-Woofer Box Manufactured * pcs A 0 920
90-110 Fiberboard Box Manufactured * pcs A 3 920
90-111 Port Tube Purchased * pcs A 1 920
90-112 5/8" Fiberboard Purchased (raw) * pcs A 2 920

General exercise for Manufactured Part

General exercise for Purchased Part

Product Structure

Parent Part Component  Qty/Ass State
90-100 90-110 1 Buildable
90-110 90-111 2 Buildable
90-110 90-112 2 Buildable

General exercise for Product Structure

Period Template

Period Template ID No of Periods   Length / period Start Date
2 12  1 month 3 months before today's date

General exercise for Period Template Maintenance

Note: In Site 1, period template described in the table above is defined as period template ID 4.

Work Center

Work Center No Description
888 Box Assembly
890 Cutter

General exercise for Work Center


Part No Operation Description Work Center Machine Setup Machine Factor State
90-110 10 Cutting 890 1 4 Buildable
90-110 20 Assembling 888 0 1 Buildable

General exercise for Routings

Supply and Demand

Data Type Part No Quantity Due Date Details
MS Level 1 Forecast 90-100 10 1 month ahead from today (Run MS level 1 calculation for this part) MS Set =1



Shop Order 90-110 10 1.5 month ahead from today Leave Shop Order in state Planned.

General exercise for Performing MS Level 1

General exercise for Manually Creating Shop Order

Perform Site MRP
Background Jobs
MRP Action Proposals
MRP Part Information
MRP View Material Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Perform Site MRP window and enter your site into the Site field.
  2. Click OK ( Enter ).
  3. Open the Background Jobs window and populate the window with all records (F2).
  4. Check the status of the MRP process and wait until it is complete. The state will end up in either a Warning or Error state. Warning is displayed because status information is logged in the Database Background Job window although no error has occurred. Select the row, and right-click and then click View Details to see those details. When the process is stopped with an error, you also can check the error text in this window so you can fix the problem.
  5. Open the  MRP Action Proposals window and query for all your parts. You should see an action message for the 90-110 part indicating that the supply needs to be rescheduled to meet the demand (late order). 
  6. The 90-100 part is not listed in this window because it is defined as an MS level 1 part. 
  7. Open the  MRP Part Information window and query for your parts again. Click the Receipts and Deliveries tab to see the gross and net requirements, and also to see the existing supply or created MRP plan receipt to supply the demand.
  8. Open the MRP View Material Plan  window and query for your parts again. Here you can see that the shop order for the 90-110 part exists as supply and the master scheduling forecast for the 90-100 part drives the demand for the 90-110 part. 
  9. Open the MRP Material Plan Graph window and query for your parts. Use period template ID 2. Right-click and then click Show Graph to view the supply and demand graph.

PMRP Initial Exercise

Since running the PMRP process requires setting up of a project and demand for parts from a project, this is deferred until the Introduction section for Make To Stock Planning.

CRP Initial Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for CRP.

Prerequisites:  Create demand as described in the table below, and then run the MRP process.

Data Type Part No Quantity Due Date
Material Requisition 90-110 10 2 months ahead from today

Perform CRP
Background Jobs
CRP Load per Work Centers
CRP Load per Work Center

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Perform CRP window and enter your site into the Site field. 
  2. Click OK ( Enter ).
  3. Open the Background Jobs window and populate it with all records (F2).
  4. Check to see if the CRP process is finished. The job status is Ready when it is the process is complete.
  5. Open the CRP Load per Work Centers window and query for all work centers in your site (F3).
  6. You should see the workload for each of your work centers. The load is derived from the manually-created shop order and a shop order requisition created by MRP.
  7. Open the CRP Load per Work Center window and query for all your work centers. 
  8. If the graph shown does not display any load, you may need to change the date range or select another work center. You can check when the load for each work center starts in the CRP Load per Work Centers window, and then enter the appropriate date range in the From Date and the To Date fields in the CRP Load per Work Center window. Right-click and then click Calculate Graph to recalculate the graph based on the new information in the date fields.
  9. A 2D bar graph displays, showing the load from the shop order and the shop requisition. The order or priority of  the load displays in the legend to the right of the graph. Released shop orders will be loaded first and maintenance load will load last. When the load overlaps, the higher priority load will display at the bottom and the lower priority load will display on top.
  10. Select the Weekly check box. The graph re-calculates and displays a weekly format, but still uses the date range specified. In this mode, the load per day and  the work center capacity will be accumulated.

Spare Parts Initial Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for Spare Parts.

Prerequisites:  Open the Inventory Part window and query for part 90-110. Select the Forecast Consumption check box in the Misc. Part Info tab, and then save the record. 

MRP Spare Part Family Forecast
Background Jobs
MRP Spare Part Forecast

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the MRP Spare Part Family Forecast window, and create a new 101 - Woofer Box Component family. Define Consumption Window field to 1 and set the Roll flag to Drop forecast
  2. Define the 90-110 part as the family member, with a quantity percentage of 100% since it is the only member. This percentage is used when the disaggregation process is performed. The forecast from the family level will be distributed to all parts in the family based on this percentage.
  3. Under the Family Forecasts tab, create a family forecast for a quantity of 10 on the date one month from today's date. Set the Allow Disaggregation flag set to Disaggregate. This enables the disaggregation process to distribute the forecasts defined in this family to all spare parts under it.
  4. Right-click on the window's header portion and click Disaggregate forecast for current Spares Family. A background process to disaggregate the forecast is ordered.
  5. Open the Background Jobs window and populate the window (F2). Check to see if the disaggregation process is finished. You can move to the next step when the status of the job is Ready.
  6. Open the MRP Spare Part Forecast window and query for the 90-110 part. In the table, you should see a new forecast line created with a Disaggregated record type and a quantity of 10 pieces on the family forecast date you entered above.

Note:  You can update the existing forecast or manually create new forecasts from the MRP Spare Part Forecast window. There is also an Import Demand Planning Forecasts for Spare Parts window, which can be used  to import forecasts from IFS/Demand Planning. 

Multilevel Availability Analysis Initial Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for Multilevel Availability Analysis.

Prerequisites: The MRP initial exercise should be performed first. 

MRP Part Availability
MRP Order Availability

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the MRP Part Availability window and query for the 90-110 part.
  2. Enter a quantity of 21 in the Quantity field, and then right-click on the window header and click Perform Availability Analysis.
  3. A dialog box in which you can set the start date or end date appears. Since you need to check the availability of this part  today, enter today's date as the end date. Click OK (Enter).
  4. After the calculation process is performed, a message displays. The total cumulative lead time for the 90-110 part is 5 days, 3 days of which is lead time for the 90-110 part itself and 2 days of which is for the 90-112 component part. This causes the calculated start date to fall before today's date, so the message indicates that this part cannot be made available today. The required components are listed in the table. 

Note: You can perform the availability analysis on a shop order in the Multilevel Availability tab in the MRP Order Availability window. 

  1. Open the MRP Order Availability window and query for all orders in your site.
  2. Select the shop order you created previously, and then move to the Multilevel Availability tab. Right-click on the table, and then click Perform Availability Analysis. The same process will be performed as in the MRP Part Availability window, except the shop order quantity, revised start date, and revised due will be used in the calculation.