Performing CRP and Evaluating Results—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site(s) to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site(s).

Basic Data Setup

Make to Stock Course Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the required prerequisite data needed for the Make to Stock exercises. You need to do this exercise only once to support all the key Make to Stock exercises in the current database.

  1. If you haven't done so already, create two sites and set up the key Make to Stock required data in those sites.  

General exercise for Make to Stock required data

Required Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create loads for your work centers. 

Shop Order
Shop Order Requisition

  1. In your primary site make sure you have a shop order created for the 90-110 part by querying for the part in the Shop Order window. Check the state of this shop order; it should be in a planned state. (This shop order should have been created in the "Performing MRP and Evaluating Results" exercise.)

Note : If this order does not exist in the system, you will need to create it.

General Exercise for Performing MRP and Evaluating Results

  1. Update the need date to 1 month from today.
  2. Create another shop order for the 90-120 part with a need date 1 month from today and a quantity of 100 pieces. Release the shop order.

Note: When you release the shop order you will get info message that inventory value must be set prior to receipt.

  1. Create another shop order for the 90-120 part with a need date 3 days after the need date of the shop order created in step 3. This shop order should have a quantity of 100 pieces. Release the shop order.
  2. Create another shop order for the 90-120 part with a need date 3 days after the need date of the shop order created in step 4. This shop order should have a quantity of 100 pieces. Leave the shop order in a planned state.

General Exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually  

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisition window and make sure there is a requisition for the 90-120 part. This requisition should have been created in the Performing MRP and Evaluating Results exercise.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to perform capacity requirements planning (CRP) and evaluate the results.

Perform CRP
Background Jobs
CRP Load per Work Centers
Operations per Work Center

Orders per Work Center

CRP Load per Work Center
CRP Load per Production Line
CRP Load per Work Center Department
CRP Load per Work Center in All Sites

Performing CRP

  1. Open the Perform CRP window.
  2. Enter your primary site in the window.
  3. If you want to stop the CRP process when an error occurs, you can select the Stop CRP On Error check box
  4. Click OK.
  5. Check the Background Jobs window until you see that the CRP process has finished.

Evaluating CRP Results 

There are a variety of ways to evaluate the CRP results. The following exercises will allow you to use these different methods.  

Showing Workloads By Work Center and Work Day

  1. Open the CRP Load per Work Centers window and query for all the work centers in your primary site.
  2. Look at Work Center 888. You should see the following information displayed:
Planned Capacity Load %
4 8 50
8 8 100
8 8 100
  1. The results for those 3 rows are loaded in the Planned column, which shows the load is coming from the created shop order for the 90-110 part. The workload is shown as the number of hours they will need to be processed. The Capacity column displays the work center capacity per day in hours and the Load% column is calculated from the total load and work center capacity on each row.

Note: The total load for this example comes only from the planned load. However, in your daily work, keep in mind that it is possible for the total load to be derived from planned load, released load, requisitioned load, unreleased DOP load, or a combination of any of these.

  1. Look at Work Center 889.
  2. Here you have load in the Planned, Released, and Requisitioned columns. Planned load is coming from planned shop order for 90-120 part, Released load is coming from the released shop orders for the 90-120 part and Requisitioned load is coming from the Shop Order Requisition for 90-120 part created by MRP.

Note: The load is over the work center's capacity when you see that the Load % column is over 100%. This points to a situation in which you will want to consider re-scheduling the load.

Evaluating the Operations that Create Load on Work Centers

  1. Open the  Operations per Work Center window and query for all work centers in your primary site.
  2. Note that all operations on your work centers were created by the shop orders, based on the routing operations that you defined in the Make to Stock Course Data Setup exercise. The window displays the operations along with the revised quantity, the operation's start and finish dates, order properties, and the source that originated the load.
  3. You can select one or more rows and then right-click and click on View Planning to open the Inventory Part Availability Planning window, which will display with the selected part(s) queried.

Evaluating the Orders that Create Load on Work Centers

  1. Open the Orders per Work Center window and query for all work centers in your primary site.
  2. Note that this query window is similar to  Operations per Work Center except this one does not display the operation's properties and the record is grouped per order.
  3. You also can select one or more rows and then right-click and click on View Planning to open the Inventory Part Availability Planning window, which will display with the selected part(s) queried.

Evaluating CRP Load Graphs for Work Centers

  1. Open the CRP Load per Work Center window and query for all work centers in your primary site.
  2. Select Work Center 889 from the Work Center list.
  3. Update the From Date and To Date fields so that you can see the loads from the shop orders you have created. 
  4. Right-click on the window header and then click Calculate Graph.
  5. Evaluate the 2D bar graph of the load for this work center. There are 9 different colors in the graph legend to indicate different load sources. From the bottom, they are:
  6. There are some loads from different sources which overlaps and over the work center capacity on a specific day. When this occurs the load is displayed in certain order, just as you see the order at the graph legend. The released shop order will be at the bottom because it has the highest priority and at the top will be Maintenance load because it has the lowest priority.
  7. Select the Weekly check box. This will cause the graph to be recalculated and displayed in a weekly format. Using this feature, you can view the graph in a wider date range. Since now one bucket in the axis represents 1 week, the work center capacity line also displays weekly, accumulating the capacities from all work days for the week into each weekly bucket.
  8. Right-click on the window header and then click on:

Evaluating CRP Load Graphs for Production Lines

  1. Open the CRP Load per Production Line window and query for the Sub Woofer Box Line 1 production line (001).
  2. Production line 001 is used by Work Center 888 and Work Center 890, and therefore the load and the capacity for these two work centers will be accumulated in this window.
  3. Select the Weekly check box if you want to display the graph in a weekly format.
  4. Right-click on the window and note that you can open other query windows, just as you could in the CRP Load per Work Center window.

Evaluating CRP Load Graphs for Departments 

  1. Open the CRP Load per Work Center Department window and query for the Assembly department (30).
  2. Work Center 888 and 889 are in the Assembly department, and therefore the load and the capacity for those work centers will be accumulated in this window.
  3. Select the Weekly check box if you want to display the graph in a weekly format.
  4. Right-click on the window and note that you can open other query windows, just as you could in the CRP Load per Work Center window.

Evaluating CRP Load Graphs for Work Centers Shared by Multiple Sites

  1. Open the CRP Load per Work Center in All Sites window. This window is similar to the CRP Load per Work Center window except the information is grouped by work center number regardless of site.
  2. Query for the 888 and 890 work centers.
  3. Each of these work centers is defined in multiple sites, the loads and the work center capacity in the graphs are accumulations from those sites.

Note: The same work center number also may be defined by other students in their sites. Therefore the load and capacity on a specific work center may vary, depending on the number of students performing this exercise.