Overview of Make to Stock Data—Introductory Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site(s) to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other sites, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site(s).

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create two sites for you to use while you work through the Make to Stock course. If you already have set up your own sites for this course or any other IFS course, you may use your existing sites.


  1. If you have not already done so, create two sites that will be for your own use throughout the Make to Stock course (and any other IFS course). The first site you create will be your primary site, while the other one will be your secondary site.

General exercise for Site

Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy inventory parts into your sites so they can be used as MRP parts.

Copy Parts To Site
Background Jobs
Inventory Part

Note: If you already have these parts copied to your site, you do not need to do this exercise.

  1. Open the Copy Parts To Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 920 in the Comm. Group 2 field. 
  4. In the To area, enter your primary site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Open the Background Jobs window and populate it. Make sure the background job is complete. When it finishes, the parts listed in the table below will be copied to your primary site.
  7. Open the Inventory Part window and query for your site and for part numbers that match 90-%. Make sure the parts shown on the table below have the planning method set as indicated.  
    Part No Description Part Type Planner U/M Planning Method Lead Time


    Group 2

    90-100 Dual 10" Sub-Woofer Box Manufactured * pcs A 0 920
    90-110 Fiberboard Box Manufactured * pcs A 3 920
    90-120 Speaker Terminal Cup Manufactured * pcs A 3 920
    90-130 Polyester Fiber Fill Purchased (raw) * pcs A 4 920
    90-111 Port Tube Purchased * pcs A 1 920
    90-112 5/8" Fiberboard Purchased (raw) * pcs A 2 920
    90-121 Cable Connector Purchased * pcs A 1 920
    90-122 Round Panel Purchased * pcs A 2 920
  1. Open the Inventory Part window and duplicate the 90-110, 90-111, and 90-112 parts into your secondary site. (Use the duplicate command and be sure to change the Site field to your own secondary site before saving the new part record.)
  2. For the three parts that you copied into your second site, make sure the planning methods are set as shown on the table above.

Product Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create product structures for the inventory parts.

Product Structure

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the product structures for the parts you copied above. You should copy the products structures from site 1 into your primary site. 
Parent Part  Component Part Qty per Assembly  Comp Scrap Scrap Factor
90-100 90-110 1
90-100 90-120 2 1
90-100 90-130 1 10
90-110 90-111 2
90-110 90-112 2
90-120 90-121 2
90-120 90-122 1
  1. Set the state of each structure you just copied to Buildable.
  2. Copy the structures shown in the table for the 90-110 parent part into your secondary site.

General exercise for Product Structure

Work Centers Department, Production Lines, and Work Centers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy the work centers that are linked to work center department and production lines into your sites so you will be able to use these work centers in the operation routing of manufactured parts. 

Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Work Center Department
Production Line
Work Center

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the work center departments shown in the table below from site 1 into your primary site. 

Department No Description
30 Assembly
80 Quality Assurance

General exercise for Work Center Department

  1. Duplicate the 001 production line shown in the table below  from site 1 to your primary site.

Production Line Description Calendar ID
001 Sub-Woofer Box Line 1 US5

General exercise for Production Line

  1. Duplicate the work centers shown in the table below from site 1 to your primary site.

WC No Description Calendar ID Department Production Line Capacity
888 Box Assembly US5 30 001 8 hr/day
889 Circuit Assembly US5 30 8 hr/day
890 Cutter US5 001 8 hr/day
800 Quality Assurance US5 80 8 hr/day

General exercise for Work Center

  1. Duplicate the 888 and 890 work centers to your secondary site. The production line and the department can be left blank.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy routings into your sites so you can use them for the CRP process.


  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufactured part routings described in the table below from site 1 into your primary site. For the 90-110 part, set the fixed by day lead time to 1 and set the variable by day lead time to 0.5. Promote all the routings to the Buildable state.

Part No Alternate Operation No Operation Name Work Center Machine Setup Time Machine Run Factor
90-100 * 10 Assembling 888 0 1
90-100 * 20 Testing 800 0 0.5
90-110 * 10 Cutting 890 1 4
90-110 * 20 Assembling 888 0 1
90-120 * 10 Assembling 889 0 0.25
90-120 * 20 Testing 800 0 0.25

General exercise for Routings

  1. Copy the routings for the 90-110 part into your secondary site. Also set the routing to Buildable.

Note: Use work center 888 and 890 you have copied to your secondary site at Work Centers Department, Production Lines, and Work Centers exercise section point no 4 above.

Period Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a period template, which will be used in an MRP query later.

Period Template Maintenance

  1. In your primary site, create a period template header with the data described in the table below.

Template ID  Description Calendar ID Period 1 Begin Date


MRP Template * Enter a valid date 3 months back from today 
  1. Create 12 period lines with 1 month in each period.

Note: Template ID 1 is used by the system as the default template and will be created automatically when you create a template for the first time.

  1. Duplicate the period template above into your secondary site.

General exercise for Period Template Maintenance


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create projects, and activities within the projects. These will be used to create demand for project parts which will be planned by PMRP in a later exercise.


Project Navigator

  1. Open the Projects window.
  2. Right click, then click Create New Project. In the Define Project Information , enter Project ID as XX100, where XX is your initials. Also enter the Project Name and Project Description fields. Leave the Manager and Company fields with the default values, then click the Next button.
  3. In the Planned Start field, enter today's date, and in the Planned Finish field, enter a date about a year from today. Note these dates down since you will need to refer to them in subsequent steps of this exercise. Click Next.
  4. Leave the Team ID and other columns blank, click Next.
  5. Enter a Customer ID from the list of values, say Honda, leave other fields blank, click Next.
  6. Leave the Milestone ID and other columns blank, click Next.
  7. Double click to create a new record, enter your site in the Site column, and save the record.
  8. Click Cancel in the Copy Project dialog that then appears. Verify that the project you just created appears in the Projects window.
  9. Open the Project Navigator window. Query for your XX100 project. Click on the project name at the top of  the tree list navigator. Right click, click Status, then click Approve. Click Yes on the subsequent dialog. Select project group 10 in the list of values for the Project Group field in the Approve Project - Create Finance Data dialog. Click OK.
  10. Click the Sub Project tab. Click the New record button, then enter XXSP100 in the Sub Project ID field (where XX refers to your initials), and enter a description in the Description field. Save the record. Verify that the sub project is now displayed in the tree list navigator in the left section of the window.
  11. Click on the XXSP100 sub project in the tree list navigator, then click on the Activity List tab.
  12. Click the New record button, enter XXA100 in the Activity ID field (where XX refers to your  initials. Enter an activity description, and dates in the Early Start and Early Finish fields that fall within the range you entered for the project planned start and finish dates in step 3. Save the record. Highlight the record, right click, click Status, then click Release. Click Yes on the subsequent dialog. Repeat this step, creating activities XXA110 and XXA120.
  13. Repeat steps 2 thru 11 to create a second project XX200. XX refers to your initials. For step 10, use XXSP200 for the sub project id. For step 12, use activity ids XXA200, XXA210 and XXA220.