Releasing DOP Orders—Key Exercise

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Make To Order Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to simplify the process of setting up data correctly in order to complete the exercises below. It includes setting up your own site and copying specified data to that site. Before continuing with the exercises on this page, complete the lesson linked below. You need to do this exercise only once to support all Make to Order exercises in the current database.

Overview of Make To Order Data lesson

Releasing DOP Orders—Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create pegged orders based on the DOP structure and to observe the system effects of releasing DOP orders. Different methods for releasing DOP orders will be shown.

Releasing All DOP Orders At Once

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to release all the orders for a DOP ID at once after the DOP structure is created.

DOP Header
Background Jobs
DOP Order

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.

  2. Enter or use the List of Values to select your site. Enter 22-110 in the Part Number field, and enter a due date approximately one week in the future, with a quantity demand of 2.

  3. Save the record.

  4. In the header of the window, right-click, select Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure.  A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes

  5. The structure will be created and the DOP header Status will be Unreleased.

  6. In the header of the window, right-click and then click Release All.  A message appears inquiring whether you want to release all the orders. Click Yes. Note that this is a background process and will take a short time to complete.  You can check the status of the Release Structure background process in the Background Jobs window.

  7. Once the background process is complete, re-query your DOP ID in the DOP Header window.

  8. You can see the pegged supply orders in the Tree Structure tab.  Select the top order for the 22-110 part and right-click, then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP orders and the pegged orders.

  9. When you select any pegged order (i.e., shop orders, purchase requisitions, or purchase orders) in the tree list, the pegged order information will appear in the right hand portion of the tab.

  10. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Tree Structure tab. Right-click on the pegged order in the tree structure,  then click the appropriate right mouse button option: Shop Order Detail, Purchase Requisition Detail, or Purchase Order Line.

  11. You can also query the DOP ID in the DOP Order window and the go to the Supply tab.

  12. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Supply tab.  Select the pegged order record, right-click, then click Go to Supply.

Releasing All DOP Orders At Once Using Auto Release

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to release all orders for a DOP ID at one time, at the same time as the DOP structure is created.

DOP Header
DOP Order

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.

  2. Enter or use List of Values to select your site. Enter 22-110 in the Part Number field, with a due date approximately one week in the future, and a quantity demand of 2.

  3. Change the value of the Auto Release field to Auto Release.

  4. Save the record.

  5. In the header area, right-click, select Create DOP Structure, then click Create Structure. Click Yes to create the structure. The structure will be created and the DOP will be released. 

  6. Note that this time, the release is run as a foreground process so it may take a short time for the release process to finish. The DOP header status will be Released.

  7. You can see the pegged supply orders in the Tree Structure tab. Select the top order for the 22-110 part and right-click, then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP orders and the pegged orders.

  8. When you select any pegged order (i.e., shop orders, purchase requisitions, or purchase orders) in the tree list, the pegged order information will appear in the right hand portion of the tab.

  9. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Tree Structure tab.  Right-click on the pegged order in the tree structure,  then click the appropriate right mouse button option: Shop Order Detail, Purchase Requisition Detail, or Purchase Order Line.

  10. You can also query the DOP ID in the DOP Order window and the Supply tab.

  11. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Supply tab. Select the pegged order record, right-click, then click Go to Supply.

Releasing DOP Orders One At A Time

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to manually release one DOP order at a time. This would be done when you want complete control over the DOP release process.

DOP Header
DOP Order
DOP Orders

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.

  2. Enter or use List of Values to select your site. Enter 22-110 in the Part Number field, with a due date approximately one week in the future, and a quantity demand of 2.

  3. Save the record.

  4. In the header area of the window, right-click, select Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure.  A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes. The DOP header status will be Unreleased.

  5. A DOP order cannot be released unless all the DOP orders under it in the structure have been released. This means that the DOP must be released starting from the bottom of the structure up. 

  6. Click the Structure tab.

  7. Right-click in the header area of the tab, then click Release.

  8. An error message will appear, which informs you that the order cannot be released because at least one component (DOP order) exists in state Unreleased.

  9. In the table area, select the DOP order for part 22-210, Engine Assembly. Right-click, then click Release.

  10. The same error message will appear.

  11. Now let's really release the orders.

  12. In the Structure tab, select all the orders in the table area. Right-click on the selected orders, then click DOP Order Detail to open the DOP Order window.

  13. All the components of the top order are now displayed in the DOP Order window.

  14. Click the Components tab.

  15. To release all the components, select all the component records, right-click, and then click Release. A message appears inquiring whether you want to release the selected DOP orders. Click Yes. You can also release one order at a time. Note that this is a foreground process and that it will take a short time to complete.

Note: As soon as you release any DOP orders, the status of the DOP header changes to Released.

Note: Releasing orders for which the Create Pegged field set to No Pegged Orders does not create pegged orders, but it is necessary to release these orders so that the orders above them in the structure can be released.

  1. Select the next order in the DOP Order window, select the component records, right-click, then click Release.

Note: You don't need to select all orders at once. You can select one or more at a time to release.

  1. Continue this process for all the DOP orders in the DOP Order window.

  2. You can now query the DOP order 1 for this DOP ID in the DOP Order window. In the header, right-click, then click Release to release the top order. This top order can also be released from the DOP Header/Structure tab.

  3. All orders are now released.

Note: The DOP order release process is available in several windows. For a variation of this process, create a DOP structure and then query it in the  DOP Orders window. You can then find the lowest level (largest number) in the DOP Structure Level field. Release these orders first, then the next level up, then the next until you reach the top level of 0.

  1. You can see the pegged supply orders in the Tree Structure tab. Click the top order for the 22-110 part and right-click, then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP orders and the pegged orders.

  2. When you select any pegged order (i.e., shop orders, purchase requisitions, or purchase orders) in the tree list, the pegged order information will appear in the right hand portion of the tab.

  3. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Tree Structure tab. Right-click on the pegged order in the tree structure,  then click the appropriate right mouse button option: Shop Order Detail, Purchase Requisition Detail, Purchase Order Line.

  4. You can also query for the DOP ID in the DOP Order window and the go to the Supply tab.

  5. You can jump to the pegged order window from the Supply tab. Select the pegged order record, right-click, then click Go to Supply.

Releasing DOP Order Branches

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to manually release one DOP order branch at a time. This is done when you want control over the DOP release process but want to release more than a single order at a time.

DOP Header
DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.

  2. Enter or use List of Values to select your site. Enter 22-110 in the Part Number field, with a due date approximately one week in the future, and a quantity demand of 2.

  3. Save the record.

  4. In the header, right-click, select Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure. A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes.  
    The DOP header Status will be Unreleased.

  5. A DOP order cannot be released unless all DOP orders under it in the structure are released. This means that the DOP must be released from the bottom of the structure up. One way to release the structure manually is to let the system release the orders below the order you want to release.

  6. Click the Structure tab.

  7. In the table area, select all the DOP orders, right-click, then click DOP Order Detail to open the DOP Order window.

  8. All the components of the top DOP order are displayed in the DOP Order window.

  9. For each of these orders, right-click in the header area, then click Release Branch. This is a background process and it may take a short time to complete.

  10. Re-query the orders and when the selected order has a Status of Released, look at the records in the Components tab to verify that the status of each of these orders is Released.

  11. Return to the DOP Header window and re-query your DOP ID.

  12. Click the Structure tab. Note that the DOP header has a status of Released, but the top order for part 22-110 still has a status of Unreleased.

  13. In the window area, right-click, then click Release to release the top order.

  14. All orders are now released.

Note: If you use the release branch function on the top order for part number 22-110, you will release all the DOP orders.

Releasing All Unreleased DOP Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to release all remaining unreleased DOP Orders. This is done when you have first released only some DOP Orders or DOP Branches

DOP Header
DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.

  2. Enter or use List of Values to select your site. Enter 22-110 in the Part Number field, with a due date approximately one week in the future, and a quantity demand of 2.

  3. Save the record.

  4. In the header area, right-click, select Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure. A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes.  
    The DOP header status will be Unreleased.

  5. Click the Structure tab.

  6. In the table area, select all the DOP orders, right-click, then click DOP Order Detail to open the DOP Order window.

  7. All the components of the top DOP order are displayed in the DOP Order window.

  8. For one of these orders, right-click in the header area, then click Release Branch. This is a background process and it may take a short time to complete.

  9. Query again for the order. If the order has the Released status, verify that the same order on the Components tab is also in the Released status.

  10. Return to the DOP Header window and re-query your DOP ID.

  11. Click the Structure tab. Note that the DOP header has a status of Released, but the top order for part 22-110 still has a status of Unreleased.

  12. Click the Detail tab. In the header area, right-click, then click Release All to release all remaining unreleased DOP Orders.

  13. When the background process completes, all orders are now released.

Note: If you use the release branch function on the top order for part number 22-110, you will release all the DOP orders.

Releasing DOP Orders from Customer Order Using Release DOP

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to automatically release DOP orders when releasing a customer order. This automates the entire process, including creating pegged orders, when the customer order is released. This would be used in cases where you would not make any modifications to the structures.

Customer Order
DOP Header
Background Jobs

  1. In the Customer Order window, create a new record for customer 1000 for your site. Enter a date in the Delivery Date/Time field about a week into the future. If there is no value in the Order Type field, enter NO or select this value from the List of Values. Use the default values that are automatically filled in, and save the record. Note the order number: ________.

  2. In the Order Lines tab, create a customer order line and use the List of Values to select sales part number 22-110, Engine, Racing, MTO and a sales quantity of 2.

  3. Verify that the Acquisition field defaults to DOP Order. Note that the DOP Connection field defaults to Automatic DOP. Set the DOP Connection to Release DOP.

  4. Save the record.

  5. In the customer order header right-click, then click Release to release the customer order. This is a background process and it may take a short time to complete. Re-query the customer order until the Status field has changed to Released.

  6. Releasing the customer order creates a DOP header record, then creates the DOP structure using the default structure and routing revision/alternate, then releases each order creating pegged supply orders.