Netting DOP Order/Structure—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Make To Order Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to simplify the process of setting up data correctly in order to complete the exercises below. It includes setting up your own site and copying specified data to that site. Before continuing with the exercises on this page, complete the lesson linked below. You need to do this exercise only once to support all Make to Order exercises in the current database.

Overview of Make To Order Data lesson

Netting DOP Order/Structure—Main Exercises

Manual Netting from Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to manually net unreserved parts from inventory. This process allows you to specify a particular inventory location to reserve parts for your DOP orders.

DOP Header
Receive Inventory Part
DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply
DOP Header/Tree Structure

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.
  2. Select your site from the List of Values, enter part number 22-110, a due date of approximately one week in the future, and a demand quantity of 10.
  3. Save the new record.
  4. Note the DOP ID: ________.
  5. In the header, right-click, point to Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure.  A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes. .
  6. Click the Structure tab to view the components of this DOP order.
  7. Find the DOP order for part 22-320 in the table area. Note that the quantity per assembly is 2, which makes the revised quantity due 20.
  8. We will manually net for this order, so you must ensure that there are parts available in inventory to net.
  9. Receive 15 of these parts into your inventory location, using the Receive Inventory Part window.
  10. Return to the DOP Header/Structure window.
  11. In the table area, select the row with the DOP order for part 22-320, and right-click and then click DOP Order Detail to open the DOP Order window.
  12. In the header area, right-click, point to Manual Netting, and then click Manual Netting from Inventory to open the Manual Netting from Inventory window.
  13. In the header, note the values in the Total Qty Netted, and Qty to Net fields.
  14. In the table area, create a new record. In the Location No field, select your inventory location from the List of Values.
  15. In the Qty Reserved field, enter 5. Save the record.
  16. Note in the header area that the values for the Total Qty Netted, and Qty to Net fields have changed to reflect that you have netted 5 parts from inventory.
  17. Close this window and return to the DOP Order window. Re-query your record.
  18. In the Detail tab of the DOP Order window, note that in the Qty Complete field, the value has change from 0 to 5 and the Comp Qty Required field value has been reduced from 20 to 15. Also note that the Status field now displays Netted.
  19. Click the Supply tab to view the newly create inventory reservation created by this netting process.
  20. In the Supply/Summary tab, the inventory reservation is shown. Note that the supply type is Inventory Reservation and the quantity fields reflect the quantities entered above.
  21. Click the Supply/Inventory tab to view the reservation record.
  22. Click the Tree Structure tab, and right-click and then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP structure and netted inventory parts.

Note: In this tab, you could, optionally unpeg this quantity. To do this, you select the record, and right-click and then click either Unreserve All, to remove all the inventory reservations, or Manually Unreserve, to open the same  Manual Netting from Inventory window. In this window, you can update the Qty Reserved field or simply delete the reservation record.

Note: The netting can also be made for the complete DOP structure in the DOP Header window, by clicking Net in the Operations menu. Netting can also be done for a specific DOP order and the structure that is below it, by clicking Net Branch on the Operations menu in the DOP Order or DOP Header/Structure windows. In these cases, the netting is performed as a background job.

Automatic Netting from Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to automatically net the unreserved parts from inventory. You can use this approach if you know the required quantities are available in inventory, and it is unlikely that any excess parts are available in a DOP order.

DOP Header
DOP Order/Supply
DOP Header/Tree Structure

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.
  2. Select your site from the List of Values, and enter part number 22-110, a due date of approximately one week in the future, and a demand quantity of 10.
  3. Save the new record.
  4. Note the DOP ID: ________.
  5. In the header, right-click, point to Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure. A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes.
  6. Click the Structure tab to view the components of this DOP order.
  7. Find the DOP order for part 22-320 in the table area. Note that the quantity per assembly is 2, which makes the revised quantity due 20.
  8. Verify that the Netting field is set to Netting and that the Inventory check box under Netting Supply is selected. You can limit the netting process to use only inventory by clearing the Same DOP and Other DOP check boxes and saving the record.
  9. In the header area or on the Detail tab, right-click, then click Net to automatically net up to the 15 available parts in inventory.
  10. Note that the value in the Qty Complete field has changed to 15 and the Comp Qty Required value has changed to 5.
  11. Click the Supply tab, as in the above exercise, to view the inventory reservation record.
  12. Click on the Tree Structure tab and use the right mouse button option, Expand Descendents, to view the DOP structure and netted inventory parts.

Note: If you have more or fewer parts available in inventory, your results will differ, including netting from other DOP.

Manual Netting from Other DOP

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to manually net from another DOP order. This approach would be useful in cases when you know that another DOP has excess of the needed parts, and you want to use those parts to fulfill your demand. To demonstrate this, you will first  create a DOP header and structure, release the DOP, then reduce the quantity due, which will create an excess. You will then create another header an manually net the excess from the first DOP.

DOP Header
DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply
DOP Header/Tree Structure

  1. In the DOP Header window, select the DOP from the above exercise. Make sure that the Allocate field is set to Allocate. This allows other DOP orders to net excess parts from this order.
  2. In the header area, right-click and then click Release to release the entire DOP structure. This is a background process that will take a short time to complete.
  3. Once the background job has completed, return to the DOP Header window and re-query your record.
  4. Note that the status is now Released. This means that a pegged shop order has been created to fulfill the demand for this DOP order.
  5. We now find that we only need 6 parts. In the Detail tab, change the quantity demand from 10 to 6 and save the record.
  6. Click the Structure tab. Note that the revised quantity due is still 10 and the value in the Comp Qty Required field is also still 10.
  7. We need to reflect the change in the demand quantity into the top DOP order. In the header area, right-click and then click Update Top Level Quantity.
  8. Note that the value in the Revised Qty Due field has now changed to 6.
  9. Now we need to propagate the change throughout the structure. In the header area, right-click, point to  Propagate Date/Quantity, and then click Propagate Quantity Upstream.
  10. Note that the quantity in the Comp Qty Required field has changed to 6.
  11. In the Structure tab, right-click, then click DOP Order Detail to open the DOP Order window.
  12. Note that the Excess Qty field now displays 4, which is the difference between the quantity on the pegged shop order created when the order was released and the quantity which is now due on the order. This excess quantity is available for other DOP orders to net. You will now create another DOP to net from this DOP.
  13. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.
  14. Select your site from the List of Values, part number 22-110, a due date of approximately one week in the future, and a demand quantity of 10.
  15. Save the new record.
  16. Note the DOP ID: ________.
  17. In the header, right-click, point to Create DOP Structure and then click Create Structure. A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes.
  18. Click the Structure tab to view the DOP orders.
  19. Right-click, then click DOP Order Detail to go to the DOP Order window.
  20. In the header area, right-click, point to Manual Netting, and then click Manual Netting from Other DOP Orders to open the Manual Netting from Other DOP Orders window.
  21. Create a new record in the table area.
  22. Using the List of Values, select the DOP ID
  23. The available amount will display in the Qty Reserved field. Change this to 3 to see the effect of netting only 3 of the 4 available parts.
  24. Save the record.
  25. Close the Manual Netting from Other DOP Orders window.
  26. In the DOP Order window, re-query the DOP order.
  27. Note that the Quantity Complete, Total Delivered, and Delivered to Parent fields are now 3 and that the Status field is now Netted.
  28. Click the Tree Structure tab, and right-click and then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP structure and netted excess from the other DOP.
  29. Click the Supply tab to view the record with supply type of DOP Order Excess in the Summary tab.
  30. Click the Supply/DOP Order Excess tab to view this record.

Note: When this order is released, the pegged shop order will be created for seven parts, since three are supplied from the other DOP.

  1. As with the netted inventory records, right-click and then click Unreserve All or Manually Unreserve to unreserve netted parts from other DOP in the Supply/DOP Order Excess tab.
  2. To go to the supplying DOP order, right-click and then click DOP Order Detail.
  3. Click the Excess Usage tab to view the record which shows where the excess from this order is netted.

Automatic Netting from Other DOP

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to automatically net from another DOP order. You would use this approach when you have numerous DOP orders in process, and excess is commonly created. If you want to avoid netting from inventory, you need to clear the Inventory check box under Netting Supply.

DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply
DOP Header/Tree Structure

  1. If a DOP order has excess quantity available, you can net from it to fulfill your demand.
  2. We will use the DOP order from the above exercise that has parts netted from another DOP order.
  3. In the DOP Order window, query the DOP order from above. Note that this is not the order that has the excess available.
  4. In the Detail tab, clear the Inventory check box under Netting Supply. Save your change.
  5. In the header area, right-click and then click Net. A message appears inquiring whether you want to net the order. Click Yes.

Note: You may need to re-query the record to see the effects.

  1. Note that the remaining part available from the other DOP order has been netted so that the Quantity Complete, Total Delivered, and Delivered to Parent fields are now 4.

  2. Click the Supply tab to see this record.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, and right-click and then click Expand Descendents to view the DOP structure and netted excess from the other DOP.

Note: If you have not changed the default Netting Supply settings, and you have available inventory for this part or parts from another DOP order, the quantity netted may be more. Automatic netting will attempt to fulfill as much of the demand as possible.

Automatic Netting During Release

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to have automatic netting performed during the release of a DOP header. You would use this approach when a DOP header is auto-released or when you want to make sure that netting is always done prior to release.

Inventory Part
DOP Order/Supply
DOP Header/Tree Structure

  1. In the Inventory Part window, query for part 22-110.
  2. Go to the Acquisition tab and set the DOP Netting parameter to Auto Netting.
  3. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.
  4. Select your site from the List of Values, and enter part number 22-110, a due date of approximately one week in the future, and a demand quantity of 10.
  5. Save the new record. Note the Netting parameter is set to Auto Netting.
  6. Note the DOP ID: ________.
  7. In the header, right-click, point to Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure. A message appears inquiring whether you want to create a structure. Click Yes
  8. Click the Structure tab to view the components of this DOP order.
  9. In the header, right-click, point to Release All.
  10. After the background job completes, check the DOP orders to view netting has occurred.