Initial Exercises—Dynamic Order Processing 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is for the instructor to use them to demonstrate the basic functionality in Dynamic Order Processing. These exercises are divided into two exercise documents which should be completed sequentially before going on to the various key exercises. This first portion includes:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Make To Order Data

Purpose: You need to do this exercise only once to support all Make to Order exercises in the current database. If you are participating in instructor-led courses, you will not set up this specified data until after the following initial exercises. If you are doing self-directed learning and want to complete the following initial exercises, you should first complete this linked exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to simplify the process of setting up data correctly in order to complete the exercises below. It includes setting up your own site and copying specified data to that site.

Overview of Make To Order Data lesson

Creating DOP Headers from Customer Order Lines

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating DOP headers by releasing customer order lines. This is the typical way that DOP headers are created. You will create a customer order with two lines for the same part. These lines will generate separate DOP headers, which will be used in exercises below.

Prerequisites: Complete the Make To Order—Dynamic Order Processing Introductory lesson. For self-directed study, you must also complete the Overview of Make To Order Data lesson linked above.

Customer Order
Customer Order/DOP Info
Background Jobs

  1. In the Customer Order window, create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Customer field enter 1000 or select this value from the List of Values.
  3. In the Delivery Date/Time field, enter a date about one week from today's date.
  4. In the Site field, enter your site. (Instructors only, use site 1.)
  5. If there is no value in the Order Type field, enter NO or select this value from the List of Values. 
  6. Save your changes (F12). The order number will be automatically generated, and will appear in the Order No. field. Note it here: _______
  7. Click in the table area of the Order Lines tab, and create a new record (F5).
  8. In the Sales Part No. field, enter the sales part number 22-110, and in the Sales Quantity field, enter a quantity of 5.
  9. Save your changes (F12).
  10. Create another record (F5).
  11. In the Sales Part No. field, enter the sales part number, 22-110, and in the Sales Quantity field, enter a quantity of 7.
  12. Save your changes (F12).
  13. Right-click in the header and then click Release. This is a background process, and it will take a short time for the status to change.
  14. In the Order No. field, select your order number from the list or query (F3) and enter your order number.
  15. Verify in the Status field that the order is now Released.
  16. Click the DOP Info tab. The DOP orders that were created when you released the customer order can be viewed by clicking in the Line No field. Use the default line number 1, delivery number 1.
  17. Select the DOP order record, and right-click and then click DOP Header Detail.
  18. The DOP Header window will open and display the newly created DOP. In the DOP ID field, the ID will be automatically created. Note it here: _______.
  19. In the Status  field, verify that the status of the order is Created.

Creating DOP Structures and Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating DOP structures and routings by selecting standard product structures and routings for the DOP header. The standard structures and routings can be used as they exist, or they can be modified for the particular DOP structure.

Prerequisites: Structures and routings for the specified part(s) in the DOP header must already exist.

DOP Header

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Query (F3) for the DOP ID created in the lesson above.
  2. With the cursor in the header portion, right-click and click Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure to choose the default structure and routing for the selected part.
  3. View the structure in the following tabs:

Netting for DOP Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for netting, which reserves inventory to the DOP order. Netting can be done automatically or manually, both before and after the DOP order is released. For this exercise, we will do a manual netting from inventory to demonstrate this functionality.

Prerequisites: Verify that the Netting field is set to Netting.

Receive Inventory Part
DOP Header
DOP Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Receive Inventory Part window, query for your part 22-110 and your site. In the table area, verify that you have an inventory quantity on hand. If not, you will need to receive at least two parts at an inventory location.
  2. In the DOP Order, query for the DOP ID you created above.
  3. In the header area, right-click and click Manual Netting, and then click Manual Netting from Inventory.
  4. In the Manual Netting from Inventory window, create a new line in the table area.
  5. In the Location No field, select a location with sufficient quantity available from the List of Values.
  6. In the Qty Reserved field, enter 2.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. Return to the DOP Order window and re-query for the DOP ID, and note the changes in the Status, Qty Complete, and Comp Qty Required fields.

Note: Since you have netted a quantity of  2, this has reduced the quantity of the top part you need to manufacture. This has in turn reduced the quantity of component parts needed. You can verify this by querying for the associated DOP Order ID 2 and comparing the quantities in the Orig Qty Required and the Revised Qty Due fields in the Details tab.

Note: There are multiple ways to net DOP orders. These are covered in the DOP key exercises.

Releasing DOP Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for releasing DOP orders and observing the resulting changes. When you release a DOP order, all those with the Create Pegged field set to Pegged Orders will have an associated supply order created, which can then be viewed.

Prerequisites: You will use the same DOP ID created above.

DOP Header
DOP Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the header, right-click and then click Release All or click the Details or Structure tabs, and right-click and then click Release.
  2. Click Yes in the dialog box.
  3. When the background job for releasing the DOP order has completed, you can view additional information in the following tabs: