Creating and Modifying DOP Headers—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Make To Order Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to simplify the process of setting up data correctly in order to complete the exercises below. It includes setting up your own site and copying specified data to that site. Before continuing with the exercises on this page, complete the lesson linked below. You need to do this exercise only once to support all Make to Order exercises in the current database.

Overview of Make To Order Data lesson

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create DOP headers in various ways using different settings to provide different levels of automatic processing. 

Creating DOP Headers from Customer Orders with Automatic DOP

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a DOP header, using the automatic DOP functionality. You will be able to observe how much information for the associated DOP orders is automatically generated when this functionality is used.

Customer Order
DOP Header

  1. In the Customer Order window, create a new record for customer 1000. If there is no value in the Order Type field, enter NO or select this value from the List of Values.  Use the default values that are automatically filled in, and save the record. Note the order number: _________.

  2. In the Order Lines tab, create a customer order line and use the List of Values to select sales part number 22-110, Engine, Racing, MTO with sales quantity of 2.

  3. Verify that the Acquisition field defaults to DOP Order and that the DOP Connection field defaults to Automatic DOP.

  4. Save the record, then right-click in the header area, and click Release to release the customer order. Note that this is a background process and may take a short time to complete. Re-query the customer order until the Status field has changed to Released.

  5. Click the DOP Info tab. Note the DOP ID: _________.

  6. Select the DOP record in the table area, right-click, then click DOP Header Detail to open the DOP header that was automatically generated when the customer order was released.

  7. Note that the DOP header was created, but the DOP structure was not created.

Note: A separate DOP header will be created for each order line for parts set to Automatic DOP or Release DOP.

Creating DOP Headers from Customer Orders with Release DOP

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a DOP header and structure for a part with an existing structure, using the release DOP functionality. You will be able to observe how much information for the associated DOP orders is a generated when this functionality is used.

Customer Order
DOP Header

  1. In the Customer Order window, create a new record for customer 1000. If there is no value in the Order Type field, enter NO or select this value from the List of Values.  Use the default values that are automatically filled in, and save the record. Note the order number: _________.

  2. In the Order Lines tab, create a customer order line and use the List of Values to select sales part number 22-110, Engine, Racing, MTO Mfg, with a sales quantity of 2.

  3. Verify that the Acquisition field defaults to DOP Order. Change the DOP Connection field to Release DOP.

  4. Save the record, then right-click and click Release to release the customer order. This is a background process that will take a short time to complete. Re-query the customer order until the Status field has changed to Released.

  5. Click the DOP Info tab. Note the DOP ID: _________.

  6. Select the DOP record in the table area, right-click, then click DOP Header Detail to open the DOP header that was automatically generated when the customer order was released.

  7. Note that the DOP header status is Released. The DOP header was created, the structure was created and the DOP was released.

  8. Review the information on each of the tabs. You can view the structure in the Structure, Structure Multilevel, and Tree Structure tabs. In the Demand tab, you can view the customer order that created this demand.

  9. Also, in the Tree Structure tab, you can see the pegged shop order for the top level part. To see the pegged orders for the entire structure, select the top order (order number 1), right-click then click Expand Descendents.

 Note: The structure is created with default structure/routings and alternatives, and the DOP is released. Other methods of creating structures are covered in the Creating DOP Structures/Routings exercise.

Creating DOP Headers Manually

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a DOP header manually. The power of the DOP functionality is to automate the creation of DOP orders as much as possible. However, there are times when you might need to create DOP headers manually. For example, you may anticipate that you will be receiving customer orders for parts in the future and you want to begin planning and possibly building them. After creating DOP headers manually, you can link the DOPs to customer orders entered at a later date.

DOP Header
Customer Order

  1. In the DOP Header window, create a new record.
  2. Select your site from the List of Values, part number 22-110, a due date about a week into the future, and a demand quantity of 2.
  3. Save the new record.
  4. Note the DOP ID: _________.
  5. In the Customer Order window, create a new record for customer 1000 for your site. Make the delivery date/time at least one day later than the due date of the DOP header created in the previous step. If there is no value in the Order Type field, enter NO or select this value from the List of Values.  Use the default values that are automatically filled in, and save the record. Note the order number: _________.
  6. In the Order Lines tab, create a customer order line and use the List of Values to select sales part number 22-110, Engine, Racing, MTO and a sales quantity of 2

  7. Verify that the Acquisition field defaults to DOP Order. Note that the DOP Connection field defaults to Automatic DOP. Change this to Manual DOP.

  8. Save the record.

  9. Right-click in the header and select Release to release the customer order. This is a background process that will take a short time to finish. Requery the record until Released is displayed in the Status field.

  10. Return to the DOP Header window and click the Demand tab.

  11. Create a new record.

  12. Using the List of Values, select the customer order number from step 8.

  13. Save the record.

  14. The customer order and the DOP are now connected. Return to the Customer Order window and re-query for your order.

  15. Click the DOP Info tab to verify that the DOP record is shown.

Note: Note that more that one DOP can be used to supply a customer order line and more than one customer order line can be supplied by a single DOP.

DOP Header Parameters

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to observe where the DOP header parameters are changed, for use in future exercises. The values of these parameters are discussed below. Settings made on the DOP header will default to all the associated DOP orders, but these settings can be individually changed on any of these orders.

DOP Header/Detail

  1. Using the DOP header created in the above exercise, look at the Settings section of the Details tab.
  2. In the Allocate field, you can choose Allocate or Not Allocate. This setting determines whether any excess parts from the DOP order(s) can be allocated to other structures to meet their DOP demand. The default value is Allocate.
  3. In the Netting field, you can choose Netting, Auto Netting or No Netting. This setting determines whether or not DOP functionality will use dedicated orders, or will automatically attempt to secure supply from excess inventory, excess within the same DOP, or excess within other DOP. If supply is secured from these sources, then the demand of the DOP orders will be reduced. Netting is the default.
  4. In the Netting Supply area, the Inventory, Same DOP, and Other DOP check boxes determine where automatic netting functionality will look for parts to net. The default is that all supply check boxes are selected.
  5. In the Structure Depth field, you can select DOP Parts or Full Level. This setting determines whether the structure is created only for DOP parts, or for all parts in the structure, regardless of the supply code. The default is DOP Parts.
  6. In the Financial Integration field, you can specify whether there is no financial integration, or whether you want to manually or automatically create code part values. The default is No Integration.
  7. The Auto Release field allows you to specify whether or not all of the orders associated with the DOP header will be released when the structure is generated. The default value is No Auto Release.
  8. If the Allow changes to created DOP structure check box is selected, it will be possible to manually add and remove components (both configurable and not configurable) and operations within the DOP structure.

DOP Pre-Accounting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the setup and use of pre-accounting in DOP structures. This is only necessary if you select either Create values or Auto pre posting in the Financial Integration field.

Posting Control
DOP Header/Detail

  1. You need to verify which company your site is connected to.
  2. In the Site  window, query for your site. In the Company field, locate the ID of the  company associated with your site.
  3. In the Posting Control window, look in the upper left corner of the window title bar. Verify if the company ID from step 2 is displayed.
  4. If it is different, right-click, then click Change Company.
  5. In the Options window that opens, click in the Value field, and select your site's company from the list.
  6. In the Posting Control window, query for posting type M112. Verify the values in the steps below.
  7. If M112 does not exist, create a new record.
  8. Enter M112 in the Posting Type field.
  9. Tab to the Code Part Name field and use the List of Values to select Account.
  10. Tab to the Control Type field. Select AC2, Pre posting from the List of Values.
  11. In the DOP Header window, create and save a new DOP header, using the values of your choice.

Note: If the Financial Integration field is set to Create values or Auto pre posting, a code part value is created in IFS/Financials when the DOP structure is created.
If Auto pre posting is selected, the code part value is transferred to all DOP orders in the DOP structure.

  1. In the header area, right-click, then click Pre Posting.
  2. In the Pre Posting window, click List to select the account of your choice, then click OK.