Production Events Reporting—Key Exercises

Basic Data Requirements

Define OEE General Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises.

Setup OEE

  1. Enter the relevant data required to perform the following exercises.

General exercises for entering OEE related basic data Define OEE General Data - Exercises

Main Exercises

The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to report different types of events in the system, such as log events, stop events, produced events, scrapping events and production change events. Later on these types of events are used for follow-up and analysis purposes.

OEE /PM2 Paper Machine 2 /Log Event
OEE /PM2 Paper Machine 2 /Stop Event
OEE /PM2 Paper Machine 2 /Produced Event
OEE /PM2 Paper Machine 2 /Scrapping Event
OEE /PM2 Paper Machine 2 /Production Change Event

In order to work entirely with your own data, please replace the letters XX in the exercises below, with your initials.

Report Log Event

In this section of the exercise, you will report a shift log event and a log bulletin event.

Scenario 1 - Create a Template - Create a shift log event from template:

For shift logs it is very useful to create a template that can be later used whenever a shift log needs to be created.

  1. Click on the PM2 - Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open the Production Unit window.
  2. Click the Report Log Message link to open the Log Event window.
  3. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new template for shift log events.
  4. In the Log Event Type field select the value SL - Shift Log in the list.
  5. In the Object ID field use the List of Values to select the equipment object for which you want to create the log event template.
  6. In the Note field enter some headings for the template that will be useful when creating new shift logs; e.g. Shift ID:, Absence:, Comments:, To Follow Up.
  7. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this log event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  8. To save the template select Save as Template from the toolbar. The Save as Template dialog box appears.
  9. Change text in the Title field to Shift Log Event Template XX and enter a description for the template in the Notes field. Click OK.
  10. Now click the PM2 – Paper Machine 2 production unit link once again in the navigator to open up the Production Unit window. Note: When asked to save the event click No.
  11. Click the Report Log Message link to open the Log Event window again.
  12. Click New from Template on the toolbar (Ctrl+T) to create a new shift log event from a template.
  13. Select the template you created and click OK.
  14. In the Note field enter information in addition to that which is displayed. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  15. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.
  16. Click the Save and Return link.
  17. In the Production Unit window check that the log event created above is available in the event index list.

Scenario 2 - Create a log bulletin event:

  1. Open the Log Event window (follow step 1 and 2 above).
  2. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new log event.
  3. In the Log Event Type field select the value BL - Bulletin in the list.
  4. In the Object ID field use the List of Values to select the equipment object for which you want to create the log bulletin event.
  5. In the From and To fields select the time period for when the log bulletin should be valid. Note: ensure the system date falls in-between this period.
  6. In the Note field enter a free text message for your log bulletin event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  7. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this log bulletin event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  8. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.
  9. Click the Save and Return link.
  10. In Production Unit window check that the log bulletin event created above is displayed in the Bulletin section in the upper right corner of the Production Unit window and also that the event is available in the event index list.

Report Stop Event

In this section of the exercise, you will report an unplanned stop event, a no production loss event that is connected to the unplanned stop event created and finally a planned stop event with a connected work order.

Scenario 1 - Create an unplanned stop event with a connected event:

  1. Click the PM2 - Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open the Production Unit window.
  2. Click the Report Stop link to open the Stop Event window.
  3. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new stop event.
  4. In the Stop Event Type field select the value UPLS – Unplanned Stop in the list.
  5. In the Object ID field use the List of Values to select the equipment object for which you want to create a stop event.
  6. In the From field select the date and time from when the stop event is valid.
  7. In the To field select the date and time up to when the stop event is valid. Alternatively you can enter the number of minutes as to how long the stop lasted in the Duration field. The To field will be updated automatically.
  8. Enter a date and time in the Startup Time field if there was a time lapse between the stop and when full production speed was reached. Alternatively you can enter the number of minutes it took to startup in the Duration field. the Startup Time field will be updated automatically.
  9. In the Note field enter a free text message for your stop event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  10. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this stop event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  11. In the Loss Cause field use the List of Values to select the cause for the stop.
  12. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.

Note: Steps 13-15 is only required if any action has been carried out for the stop event.

  1. In the Action field use the List of Values to select the action carried out.
  2. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for the action carried out.
  3. In the Note field enter a free text message for the action carried out. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  4. Save the information.

Next, we create and connect a new event to the unplanned stop event created above.

  1. Right-click on the Connected Events field and click Create New and Connect to create a new event and to automatically connect this event to the unplanned stop event created above.

  2. Make sure that the value in the Stop Event Type field is NPL – No Production Loss. If not change the value.
  3. If required change the values in the From and To fields. Note: The time period defined for the no loss event must be within the time period defined for the parent event.
  4. In the Note field enter a free text message for the stop event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  5. Click the Save and Return link.
  6. In the Production Unit window check that both the unplanned stop event and the no production loss event created above is available in the event index list.

Scenario 2 - Create a planned stop event with a connected work order:

  1. Open the Stop Event window.
  2. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new stop event.
  3. In the Stop Event Type field select the value PLS – Planned Stop in the list.
  4. In the Object ID field use the List of Values to select the equipment object for which you want to create the stop event.
  5. Go to the date fields in the Planned Stop section of the window. In the From and To fields enter the time period for when the stop event is planned.
  6. Enter a date and time in the Startup Time field if some idle time is planned between the stop and when full production speed is reached.
  7. In the Note field enter a free text message for the stop event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  8. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this stop event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  9. In the Loss Cause field use the List of Values to select the cause for the stop.
  10. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.

Note: Steps 14-16 is only required if any action has been carried out for the stop event.

  1. In the Action field use the List of Values to select the action carried out.
  2. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for the action carried out.
  3. In the Note field enter a free text message for the action carried out. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  4. Save the information.

Next, we create and connect a work order to the planned stop event created above.

  1. Right-click the Stop Event window and click Create Fault Report to open the Create New Work Order dialog box. Note that some information is automatically retrieved from the planned stop event above, such as site, object identity, reported by and fault description.
  2. In the Directive field enter a short description for the error reported.
  3. In the Maintenance Organization field use the List of Values to select the maintenance organization that will be responsible for this work order.
  4. In the Fault Description field enter a longer description in addition to what was included in the stop event.
  5. Enter the start and end dates of the work order in the Late Start and Requested Finish fields respectively.
  6. Enter the symptom of the error, the priority of the work order and how the error was discovered in the Symptom, Priority and Discovery fields respectively. Use the List of Values to select suitable values where appropriate.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Save the information.
  9. In the Stop Event window click the Work Order link to view the details of the work order in the IFS Web Client.
  10. Log into IFS Web Client with the same credentials used to login to IFS/OEE.
  11. Once you have completed viewing the details of the work order return to IFS/OEE and click the PM2 – Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open up the Production Unit window.
  12. In Production Unit window check that the planned stop created above is available via the planned stops link located in the Status section.

Report Produced Event

In this section of the exercise you will report a produced event.

  1. Click on the PM2 - Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open the Production Unit window.
  2. Click the Report Completed Production link to open the Produced Event window.
  3. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new produced event.
  4. In the From and To fields enter the time period for when the produced event is valid.
  5. In the Product ID field use the List of Values to select the product that is valid for the production.
  6. In the Quality ID field use the List of Values to select the quality that is valid for the production.
  7. In the Produced Qty field enter the quantity produced during the time of the production.
  8. In the Note field enter a free text message for the produced event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  9. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this produced event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  10. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.
  11. Click the Save and Return link.

Report Scrapping Event

In this section of the exercise, you will report a scrapping event, save the event as a draft and enter a note connected to the event. Finally search for the event draft, complete the information and save the event.

Create a scrapping event, find a production and save event as a draft:

  1. Click on the PM2 - Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open the Production Unit window.
  2. Click the Report Scrapping link to open the Scrapping Event window.
  3. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new scrapping event.
  4. In the Object ID field use the List of Values to select the equipment object to which the scrapping should be connected.
  5. Click the Find Production link to get the production event to which this scrapping event is to be connected. The Find Production dialog box appears.
  6. In the From and To fields select the date and time for the time period when the production event should be searched.
  7. In the Product ID and Product Qualities fields use the List of Values to select valid product and/or quality.
  8. Click Search.
  9. Check the graph for available productions. The blue section of the bar represents the production and the yellow section represents the scrapping connected to a production.
  10. Click on a production bar in the graph to view details about the production in the Selected Production section.
  11. When you find a production you want click OK. Note: See that values in Product ID, Produced Qty and Production Date fields automatically have been entered. For the moment do not enter a value in the Scrapped Quantity field.
  12. In the Loss Cause field use the List of Values to select the cause for the loss. Here you also have to decide if the loss was caused due to an internal or external reason.
  13. In the Note field enter a free text message for the scrapping event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.
  14. In the Reported By field use the List of Values to select the user responsible for reporting this scrapping event. The reported by user's maintenance organization will be displayed automatically in the Maintenance Organization field, but can be changed if required.
  15. In the Tracking ID field enter an identification number as a reference if required.
  16. Click Notes on the toolbar to create a note message that will be connected to the event.
  17. Enter a free text on the note, e.g. Must check with Shift 1 how much was scrapped.
  18. Click Save and Return link.
  19. Since not all mandatory fields have been properly filled with a value you will now get a Save As Draft message. Click Save As Draft.
  20. Change the text in the Title field if required.
  21. In the Notes field enter a free text message for your event draft, e.g. Unsure how much needs to be scrapped.
  22. Click OK.

Open up the draft of the event created, complete the event and save:

  1. In the Production Unit window, click the Report Scrapping link to open the Scrapping Event window again.
  2. Click Draft on the toolbar to select the draft of the event you created.
  3. Enter the quantity that was scrapped in the Scrapped Quantity field.
  4. Enter a comment on the Note stating that the answer is received, click Archive Note on the toolbar and then minimize the note.
  5. Click the Save and Return link.

Report Production Change Event

In this section of the exercise, you will report a production change event.

  1. Click the PM2 - Paper Machine 2 production unit link in the navigator to open the Production Unit window.
  2. Click the Report Production Change link to open the Production Change Event window.
  3. Click Create New on the toolbar to create a new production change event.
  4. In the From field select the date and time from when this new production change should be valid.
  5. In the Product ID field use the List of Values to select the product affected by this production change.
  6. In the Quality ID field use the List of Values to select the quality affected by this production change.
  7. In the Production Rate field enter the new production rate that should be valid.
  8. In the Loss Cause field use the List of Values to select the cause for the production rate change. Here you also have to decide if the loss was caused due to an internal or external reason.
  9. In the Note field enter a free text message for the production change event. Note: you can also enter URLs to websites as well as paste pictures.