Entering and Handling Material Review Board (MRB) Cases on Shop Orders—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

MRB Checklist Template

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create your own MRB checklist to be used when associating MRBs with shop orders.

MRB Basic Data/Checklist Template

  1. If you haven't done so already, create an MRB checklist on your site with at least three checklist steps.

General exercise for MRB Checklist Template

Required Data

Shop Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a group of manually-created shop orders with information that will be modified in the exercises below.

Note: Record the shop order numbers so that it will be easy to identify the correct shop orders for the exercise.

  1. Create shop orders for the parts shown in the table below, specifying the appropriate lot size for each part. Make sure the shop orders have a status of Planned or Released.
Site Part No Part Description Lot Size Shop Order Number Relevant Exercises
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 5 Create an MRB for an In-Process Shop Order
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 8 Create an MRB During Shop Order Operation Reporting, and Disposition and Approve MRB Material
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 12 Create an MRB During Shop Order Receipt
Your Site 21-250 Fuel System 5   Create an MRB for an In-Process Shop Order for Component Material

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to make sure you have the correct quantity of the parts available to you before you begin the main exercises.

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part Currently On Hand window.
  2. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown on the table available for manufacturing. If you do not have at least that quantity, receive enough parts into the inventory picking locations so that you have at least the quantity shown.
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 50
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 50
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 50
Your Site 21-351 Carburetor 50

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create Material Review Board (MRB) cases for several shop orders in various states of processing, and then disposition the material on one of the MRBs you have created. The exercises will cover creation of MRB cases for both shop order WIP as well as shop order material.

Shop Order
MRB Case

You are the person responsible for checking quality and consistency of your company's manufactured items. Today you need to create MRBs for a series of shop orders for both WIP and component material. You will also need to follow through on a series of MRB checklist items, determine the fate of some parts on two of the MRBs, and complete the MRBs.

Creating an MRB Case for an In-Process Shop Order

There is a shop order for 5 electrical systems that has been created and started. You have seen that some of the parts being made for this shop order do not look quite right. You want to create an MRB case for this shop order so that the suspect parts can be formally reviewed and dispositioned later.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230 and a quantity of 5. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  2. Reserve and issue all the component material for the shop order.
  3. In the Shop Order window, verify that the value of the State field is Started. When the component material has been issued, work has started on the shop order.
  4. At this point, you notice a problem with the parts being manufactured. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Review Board, and then click Create. When the Create MRB Case dialog box appears, verify that the information about the shop order is displayed in the Source Information group box in the Order Ref1, Order Ref2 and Order Ref3 fields. The value in the Order Ref5 field should be 0, since the MRB was not created for a specific operation. The part no and site information should be displayed in the header section of this window. The shop order lot size should be displayed in the MRB Quantity column in the table window section of the window. Other data such as serial no, lot batch no etc. should display default values.
  5. In the Create MRB Case dialog box, enter a unique value, such as XX-101, in the Case ID field. (Your initials should replace 'XX'.) Enter descriptive text in the Case Description field. Enter 10 in the Nonconform Code field or click List to select a code that indicates a problem with the appearance of the parts. Uncheck the Print Labels check box. Click OK to save the MRB header and close the Create MRB Case dialog box.
  6. Refresh the Shop Order window. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Review Board, and then click View. When the MRB Case window appears, verify that the MRB you just created displays.
  7. Still in the Shop Order window, click on the MRB tab, and verify that the MRB you just created is displayed. Highlight the row containing the MRB you just created, right-click on the row, then click MRB Cases... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB you just created displayed.

Note: This shop order is not used after this exercise. While the MRB you have created will not be further processed in this exercise, leave it as it is since it will be used in other exercises to demonstrate querying and printing functionality.

Creating an MRB Case During Shop Order Operation Reporting

There is a shop order for 8 electrical systems, and operations activities are being reported against the order. You have noticed that some of the parts passing through the work centers do not look quite right. You want to create an MRB case for this shop order so that the suspect parts can be formally reviewed and dispositioned later.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230 and a quantity of 8. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  2. Reserve and issue all the component material for the shop order.
  3. In the Shop Order window, verify that the value in the State field is Started.
  4. With the issue of material, work on this order has begun. Right-click anywhere in the header, and click Report. When the Report Shop Order Operation window appears, verify that your shop order, with operations 10, 20 and 30, is displayed. Select the row for operation 10. Right-click on the row, and then click Report Time. Verify that the value of the Operation State field in the operation 10 row has changed to Closed.
  5. As the material being built is sent to operation 20, you notice some problems with the material. In the Report Shop Order Operation window, select the row for Operation 20. Right-click on the row, point to Material Review Board, and then click Create. When the Create MRB Case dialog box appears, verify that the information about the shop order is displayed in the Order Ref1, Order Ref2 Order Ref3, Part No and Site fields. The value in the Order Ref5 field should be 20, since the MRB was created for operation 20. The shop order lot size should be displayed in the MRB Quantity column in the table window section of the window. Other data such as serial no, lot batch no etc. should display default values.

Note: Record the MRB number entered in the next step so you will have it for the Process MRB Case exercise.

  1. In the Create MRB Case dialog box, enter a unique value, such as XX-102, in the Case ID field. (Your initials should replace 'XX'.) Enter descriptive text in the Case Description field. Enter 20 in the Nonconform Code field or click List to select a code that indicates the problem is how the parts fit together. Click OK to save the MRB header and close the Create MRB Case dialog box.
  2. Close the Report Shop Order Operation window.
  3. Refresh the Shop Order window, and click the Operation tab. Select the row for operation 20. Right-click on the row, point to Material Review Board, and then click View. When the MRB Case window appears, verify that the MRB you just created is displayed.
  4. Still in the Shop Order window, click on the MRB tab, and verify that the MRB you just created is displayed. Highlight the row containing the MRB you just created, right-click on the row, then click MRB Cases... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB you just created displayed.

Note: This shop order is not used after this exercise, but the MRB case you have created will be used in another exercise. Leave the shop order and its associated MRB in its current condition until you get to the Processing an MRB Case For Shop Order WIP exercise.

Creating an MRB Case During Shop Order Receipt

There is a shop order for 12 electrical systems that has almost completed, and parts are being received into inventory. You notice that some of the parts being sent to the warehouse look suspect, and you want to create an MRB case for this order so that the suspect parts can be formally reviewed and dispositioned later.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230 and a quantity of 12. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  2. Reserve and issue all the component material for the shop order.
  3. In the Shop Order window, verify that the value in the State field is Started.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the header, and click Report. When the Report Shop Order Operation window appears, verify that your shop order, with operations 10, 20 and 30, is displayed. Select the row for operation 10. Right-click on the row, and click Report Time. Verify that the value of the Operation State field in the operation 10 row has changed to Closed. Repeat this for the rows for operation 20 and operation 30, so that all three operations have been reported and have the status Closed.
  5. Close the Report Shop Order Operation window.
  6. Refresh the Shop Order window. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive. When the Receive Shop Order window appears, verify that the shop order is displayed, along with at least the default location for part 21-230.
  7. After all the operations have been completed, the parts are ready to be received into inventory. As the parts are being prepared for stocking, you notice a problem with some of the parts. In the Receive Shop Order window, right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Review Board, and then click Create. When the Create MRB Case dialog box appears, verify that the information about the shop order is displayed in the Order Ref1, Order Ref2 and Order Ref3, Part No and Site fields. The value in the Order Ref5 field should be 0, since the MRB was not created for a specific operation. The shop order lot size should be displayed in the MRB Quantity column in the table window section of the window. Other data such as serial no, lot batch no etc. should display default values.
  8. In the Create MRB Case dialog box, enter a unique value, such as XX-103, in the Case ID field. (Your initials should replace 'XX'.) Enter descriptive text in the Case Description field. Enter 20 in the Nonconform Code field or click List to select a code that indicates the problem is how the parts fit together. Click OK to save the MRB case and close the Create MRB Case dialog box.
  9. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  10. Refresh the Shop Order window. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Review Board, and then click View. When the MRB Case window appears, verify that the MRB you just created is displayed.
  11. Still in the Shop Order window, click on the MRB tab, and verify that the MRB you just created is displayed. Highlight the row containing the MRB you just created, right-click on the row, then click MRB Cases... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB you just created displayed.

Note: This shop order is not used after this exercise. While the MRB you have created will not be further processed in this exercise, leave it as it is since it will be used in other exercises to demonstrate querying and printing functionality.

Creating an MRB Case for an In-Process Shop Order for Component Material

There is a shop order for 5 fuel systems that has been created and started. During assembly operations, you have seen that some of the component parts issued to this shop order, specifically carburetors, do not look quite right. You want to create an MRB case from this shop order for the component material so that the suspect component parts can be formally reviewed and dispositioned later.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-250 and a quantity of 5. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  2. Reserve and issue all the component material for the shop order.
  3. In the Shop Order window, verify that the value of the State field is Started. When the component material has been issued, work has started on the shop order.
  4. At this point, you notice a problem with the parts being manufactured. Click on the Material tab, and then highlight the line containing component part 21-351 (carburetor). Right-click on the highlighted line, point to Material Review Board, and then click Create. When the Create MRB Case dialog box appears, verify that the information about the shop order is displayed in the Source Information group box in the Order Ref1, Order Ref2 and Order Ref3 fields. The value in the Order Ref5 field should be 0, since the MRB was not created for a specific operation. However, the value in the Order Ref4 field should correspond to the Line Item No for the 21-351 component part in the Material tab. The part no and site information should be displayed in the header section of this window. The shop order lot size should be displayed in the MRB Quantity column in the table window section of the window.
  5. Since the 21-351 carburetor is a serial-tracked part, the table section of the Create MRB Case dialog box should show 5 rows, one for each of the 5 serial-tracked component parts being submitted to the MRB case. For each row, the Serial No column should show the serial number of the component part being submitted. Other data such as lot batch no, waiv dev rej no etc. should display default values.
  6. In the Create MRB Case dialog box, enter a unique value, such as XX-101, in the Case ID field. (Your initials should replace 'XX'.) Enter descriptive text in the Case Description field. Enter 10 in the Nonconform Code field or click List to select a code that indicates a problem with the appearance of the parts. Uncheck the Print Labels checkbox. Click OK to save the MRB header and close the Create MRB Case dialog box.
  7. Refresh the Shop Order window. Click on the Material tab, then right-click on the material line corresponding to the 21-351 component part, point to Material Review Board, and click View. When the MRB Casewindow appears, verify that the MRB you just created displays.
  8. Still in the Shop Order window, click on the MRB tab, and verify that the MRB you just created is displayed. Highlight the row containing the MRB you just created, right-click on the row, then click MRB Cases... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB you just created displayed.

Note: This shop order is not used after this exercise, but the MRB case you have created will be used in another exercise. Leave the shop order and its associated MRB in its current condition until you get to the Processing an MRB Case For Shop Order Material exercise.

Processing an MRB Case For Shop Order WIP

You have an MRB for a shop order for 8 electrical systems, and you have been asked to follow through with the checklist items, inspection and the disposition of the parts on the MRB. This will require you to decide on the fate of the parts on the MRB, to follow the guidelines on the MRB checklist, and eventually to close the MRB when everything is handled. You will create two inspection lines, reflecting your observations that 2 parts appear to have faulty battery connectors, and 4 parts look like they have faulty ignition system connectors. You will also create three disposition lines, reflecting your observations that 2 parts appear to have poorly-seated connections, 4 parts look like the battery systems did not attach correctly into the ignition system connector, and the remaining 2 parts look okay and can be used in the shop order as is.

  1. Open the MRB Case window, and query for the MRB that was created for the shop order for this exercise. The Qty To Disposition field in the MRB case header should show a quantity of 8, which is the quantity of part 21-230 submitted to this MRB case.
  2. Click the Source tab, and verify that the shop order for which you created this MRB (for a quantity of 8 of part 21-230) is displayed.
  3. Click on the Part Details tab, and verify that the part details and quantity displayed correspond to that for the shop order from which you created this MRB case (quantity of 8 of part 21-230). Since no inspection lines or disposition lines have been created at this point, the Inspection Completed, Disposition and Disposition Completed columns should show the default value unchecked.
  4. Click the Checklist tab, and verify that the three checklist items from the MRB checklist template basic data display for your site and non-conformance code. All three Checklist Approved check boxes should be cleared.
  5. MRB checklist items may be checked at any time during the processing of an MRB, except when the MRB case has been closed; the checklist items reflect standard or special instructions used when dispositioning suspect parts. For this exercise, you will approve the checklist items now. Select all the Approve Checklist check boxes (one per row in the Checklist tab), and save the changes. Refresh the MRB Case window, and verify that the value of the Checklist Aproved checkbox in the MRB case header is checked. Close the MRB Case window.
  6. Open the Shop Order window, and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230 and a quantity of 8. The status of the shop order should be Started, with all material issued, and at least one operation reported to completion.
  7. Click the Operation tab. Select the row for operation 20. Right-click on the row, point to Material Review Board, and click View. When the MRB Casewindow appears, verify that the MRB case you are working with for this exercise is displayed.
  8. In the MRB Case window, click on the Inspection tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Inspection Line No column should default to 1. Enter text, such as "Inspect battery connectors" in the Inspection Instruction column to describe the kind of inspection to be done. Select a person to carry out the inspection by using the LOV in the Responsible Person column. Also enter a date in the Required Date column by which the inspection should be completed. Save the record.
  9. Right click on the inspection line you just created, then click Select Part. When the MRB Case Part Selection window appears, enter 2 in the Qty Selected column. The Qty Available column should show 8. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the inspection line detail record and close the MRB Case Part Selection window. Verify that an inspection line detail record is created in the lower table of the Inspection tab.
  10. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since an inspection line detail record has been created, verify that the Inspection Completed column displays as not checked. The application sets this flag to unchecked each time you create an inspection detail record, or set the inspection line record to not complete.
  11. You will now repeat steps 8 and 9 to create a second inspection line. In the MRB Case window, click again on the Inspection tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Inspection Line No column should default to 2. Enter text, such as "Inspect ignition connectors" in the Inspection Instruction column to describe the kind of inspection to be done. Select a person to carry out the inspection by using the LOV in the Responsible Person column. Also enter a date in the Required Date column by which the inspection should be completed. Save the record.
  12. Right click on the inspection line you just created, then click Select Part. When the MRB Case Part Selection window appears, enter 4 in the Qty Selected column. The Qty Available column should still show 8. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the inspection line detail record and close the MRB Case Part Selection window. Verify that an inspection line detail record is created in the lower table of the Inspection tab.
  13. Assume that you are the person responsible for conducting the required inspections, and that you have conducted the inspections. In the Inspection Result column for the first inspection line, enter text, such as "battery connector confirmed faulty for one part, ok for second part" to describe the results of the inspection. In the Inspection Note column, enter text, such as "disposition faulty battery connector, approve ok battery connector" to indicate that user or responsible person can proceed to dispositioning parts on this inspection line. Save the record.
  14. Check the Inspection Line Complete checkbox on the first inspection line, and then save the record again. This could have been done as part of step 13 as well.
  15. In the Inspection Result column for the second inspection line, enter text, such as "ignition connectors confirmed ok" to describe the results of the inspection. In the Inspection Note column, enter text, such as "all ignition connectors confirmed ok" to indicate that user or responsible person can proceed to dispositioning parts on this inspection line. Check the Inspection Line Complete checkbox on the second inspection line, and then save the record.
  16. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since all inspection lines have been set to completed, verify that the Inspection Completed column displays as checked. The application sets this flag to checked each time all inspection lines are set to completed, or when all inspection line detail records are deleted.
  17. At this point, you have completed your inspections, and you have determined that one of the parts with the suspect battery connector is actually broken, and will need to be scrapped. The other one with the suspect battery connector, and all of the parts with the suspect ignition connectors, are either OK or are repaired with a simple readjustment during shop order operations. Therefore, in dispositioning, you will need to scrap one part, and accept all the others.
  18. In the MRB Case window, click on the Disposition tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Disposition No column should default to 1. Enter a disposition code (or select from LOV), in the Disposition Code column to describe the kind of disposition to be done. If this is the part you are scrapping, select disposition code SCRAP or any disposition code where the Verify Scrapping column in the LOV shows as True. Save the record.
  19. Right click on the disposition line you just created, then click Disposition Part(s). When the Disposition MRB Part(s) window appears, enter 1 in the Qty Selected column in the table section of the window. The Qty Available column should show 8. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the disposition line detail record and close the Disposition MRB Part(s) window. Verify that a disposition line detail record is created in the lower table of the Disposition tab.
  20. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since a disposition line detail record has been created, verify that the Disposition column displays as checked, and the Disposition Completed column displays as not checked. The application sets the Disposition flag to unchecked each time you create a disposition detail record, or set the disposition line record to not complete. It also sets the Disposition Completed column to checked when all disposition lines have been set to completed.
  21. Now you will scrap the part, using standard functionality in the shop order to do so. In the Shop Order window, right-click anywhere in the header, and click Report. When the Report Shop Order Operation window appears, verify that your shop order, with operations 10, 20 and 30, is displayed. Select the row for operation 20. Right-click on the row, and then click Report Scrap. When the Report Scrap window is displayed, enter 1 in the Reported Scrap Qty field, and 10 (Out of Spec) in the Reported Scrap Reason field. Click OK to close the Report Scrap window and scrap the part.
  22. In the MRB Case window, in the Disposition tab, check the Disposition Complete checkbox column to complete the disposition for this part.
  23. You will now repeat steps 18, 19 and 21 to create and complete a second disposition line. Create a new row in the upper table in the Disposition tab. The value of the Disposition No column should default to 2. Enter a disposition code (or select from LOV), in the Disposition Code column to describe the kind of disposition to be done. Since these are the parts you feel are okay and can be used with minor or no adjustment, select disposition code APPROVE or some similar disposition code where the Verify Scrapping column in the LOV shows as False. Save the record.
  24. Right click on the second disposition line you just created, then click Disposition Part(s). When the Disposition MRB Part(s) window appears, enter 5 in the Qty Selected column in the table section of the window. The Qty Available column should show 7. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the disposition line detail record and close the Disposition MRB Part(s) window. Verify that a disposition line detail record is created in the lower table of the Disposition tab.
  25. On the second disposition line you just created, check the Disposition Complete checkbox column to complete the disposition for these 5 parts.
  26. Repeat steps 22 thru 24, this time for a disposition line detail quantity of 2, which is the quantity remaining to be dispositioned in this MRB case.
  27. Now that you have completed all of your disposition lines, and all the checklist items are approved, and all inspection lines have been completed, you can finish the MRB process. In the MRB Case window, right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Complete. The value of the MRB Status field will change to Completed. Once an MRB case has been completed or cancelled, it cannot be opened again.
  28. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since all disposition lines have been set to completed, verify that the Disposition Completed column displays as checked.

Note: If you wish to view data in the History Log tab, you will need to ask an application administrator to enable the database triggers for the MRB component tables using the Foundation Admin tool. Once this has been done, you can view which user made what kind of changes to an MRB case during the processing of the case, typically inserts of checklist items, inspection and disposition lines, updates of the same and deletes if any of the same.

Processing an MRB Case For Shop Order Component Material

You have an MRB for shop order component material for 5 carburetors, and you have been asked to follow through with an inspection and the disposition of the parts submitted to the MRB. This will require you to decide on the fate of the parts submitted to the MRB, to follow the guidelines on the MRB checklist, and eventually to approve the MRB when everything is handled. You will create two inspection lines, and three disposition lines, reflecting your observations that 2 parts appear to faulty, and 3 parts appear to be fine.

  1. Open the MRB Case window, and query for the MRB case that was created for the shop order component material for this exercise. The Qty To Disposition field in the MRB case header should show a quantity of 5, which is the quantity of part 21-351 submitted to this MRB case.
  2. Click the Source tab, and verify that the shop order for which you created this MRB (for a quantity of 5 of part 21-351) is displayed.
  3. Click on the Part Details tab, and verify that the part details and quantity displayed correspond to that for the shop order from which you created this MRB case (quantity of 5 of part 21-351). Since part no 21-351 is a serial-tracked part, there should be five records in the Part Details tab, one for each of the five component parts submitted to the MRB case. Since no inspection lines or disposition lines have been created at this point, the Inspection Completed, Disposition and Disposition Completed columns should show the default value unchecked.
  4. Click the Checklist tab, and verify that the three checklist items from the MRB checklist template basic data display for your site and non-conformance code. All three Checklist Approved check boxes should be unchecked.
  5. MRB checklist items may be checked at any time during the processing of an MRB, except when the MRB case has been closed; the checklist items reflect standard or special instructions used when dispositioning suspect parts. For this exercise, you will approve the checklist items now. Select all the Approve Checklist check boxes (one per row in the Checklist tab), and save the changes. Refresh the MRB Case window, and verify that the value of the Checklist Aproved checkbox in the MRB case header is checked. Close the MRB Case window.
  6. Open the Shop Order window, and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-351 and a quantity of 5. The status of the shop order should be Started, with all material issued, and at least one operation reported to completion.
  7. Click the Material tab. Select the row for part no 21-351. Right-click on the row, point to Material Review Board, and click View. When the MRB Case window appears, verify that the MRB case you are working with for this exercise is displayed.
  8. In the MRB Case window, click on the Inspection tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Inspection Line No column should default to 1. Enter text, such as "Inspect fuel valves" in the Inspection Instruction column to describe the kind of inspection to be done. Select a person to carry out the inspection by using the LOV in the Responsible Person column. Also enter a date in the Required Date column by which the inspection should be completed. Save the record.
  9. Right click on the inspection line you just created, then click Select Part. When the MRB Case Part Selection window appears, you should see five records displayed, one for each serial no of the 21-351 part submitted to the MRB case. Enter 1 in the Qty Selected column for any two rows of the serial numbers. Since this is a serial-tracked part, only a quantity of 1 should be entered, any other quantity will result in the application displaying an error message. The Qty Available column should show 1 for each row. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the inspection line detail record and close the MRB Case Part Selection window. Verify that two inspection line detail records are created in the lower table of the Inspection tab, for the two serial numbers that you selected.
  10. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since inspection line detail records have been created, verify that the Inspection Completed column displays as not checked for the rows corresponding to these serial numbers. The application sets this flag to unchecked each time you create an inspection detail record, or set the inspection line record to not complete.
  11. You will now repeat steps 8 and 9 to create a second inspection line. In the MRB Case window, click again on the Inspection tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Inspection Line No column should default to 2. Enter text, such as "Inspect sealing o-rings" in the Inspection Instruction column to describe the kind of inspection to be done. Select a person to carry out the inspection by using the LOV in the Responsible Person column. Also enter a date in the Required Date column by which the inspection should be completed. Save the record.
  12. Right click on the inspection line you just created, then click Select Part. When the MRB Case Part Selection window appears, you should see five records displayed, one for each serial no of the 21-351 part submitted to the MRB case. Enter 1 in the Qty Selected column for the other three serial numbers, i.e. the serial numbers that were not seletced for the first inspection line.  The Qty Available column should still show 1 for each row. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the inspection line detail record and close the MRB Case Part Selection window. Verify that three inspection line detail records are created in the lower table of the Inspection tab, for the three remianing serial numbers that you selected.
  13. Assume that you are the person responsible for conducting the required inspections, and that you have conducted the inspections. In the Inspection Result column for the first inspection line, enter text, such as "fuel valve confirmed faulty for one part, ok for second part" to describe the results of the inspection. In the Inspection Note column, enter text, such as "disposition carburetor with faulty fuel valve, approve ok carburetor" to indicate that user or responsible person can proceed to dispositioning parts on this inspection line. Save the record.
  14. Check the Inspection Line Complete checkbox on the first inspection line, and then save the record again. This could have been done as part of step 13 as well.
  15. In the Inspection Result column for the second inspection line, enter text, such as "sealing o-rings confirmed ok" to describe the results of the inspection. In the Inspection Note column, enter text, such as "all sealing o-ringss confirmed ok" to indicate that user or responsible person can proceed to dispositioning parts on this inspection line. Check the Inspection Line Complete checkbox on the second inspection line, and then save the record.
  16. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since all inspection lines have been set to completed, verify that the Inspection Completed column displays as checked for all rows. The application sets this flag to checked each time all inspection lines are set to completed, or when all inspection line detail records are deleted.
  17. At this point, you have completed your inspections, and you have determined that one of the component parts with the suspect fuel valve is actually broken, and will need to be scrapped. The other one with the suspect fuel valve, and all of the other component parts with the suspect sealing o-ring, are either OK or are repaired with a simple readjustment during shop order operations. Therefore, in dispositioning, you will need to scrap one part, and accept all the others.
  18. In the MRB Case window, click on the Disposition tab. Create a new row in the upper table in this tab. The value of the Disposition No column should default to 1. Enter a disposition code (or select from LOV), in the Disposition Code column to describe the kind of disposition to be done. If this is the part you are scrapping, select disposition code SCRAP or any disposition code where the Verify Scrapping column in the LOV shows as True. Save the record.
  19. Right click on the disposition line you just created, then click Disposition Part(s). When the Disposition MRB Part(s) window appears, you should see five records displayed, one for each serial no of the 21-351 part submitted to the MRB case. Enter 1 in the Qty Selected column in the table section of the window for the serial no that you intend to scrap. The Qty Available column should show 1 for all rows. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the disposition line detail record and close the Disposition MRB Part(s) window. Verify that a disposition line detail record is created in the lower table of the Disposition tab for the serial no that you intend to scrap.
  20. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since a disposition line detail record has been created, verify that the Disposition column displays as checked for the row corresponding to the serial no for which you created the disposition line detail, and the Disposition Completed column displays as not checked. The application sets the Disposition flag to unchecked each time you create a disposition detail record, or set the disposition line record to not complete. It also sets the Disposition Completed column to checked when all disposition lines have been set to completed.
  21. Now you will scrap the part, using standard functionality in the shop order to do so. In the Shop Order window, click the Material tab. Select the row for part no 21-351. Right-click on the row, point to Report Component Scrap.... When the Report Component Scrap window appears, verify that your shop order is displayed. In the lower table window, identify the row corresponding to serial no of the 21-351 part that you intend to scrap. Enter 1 in the Qty To Scrap  column, and 10 (Out of Spec) in the Scrapping Cause column. Save the record to scrap the part, and verify that the serial no is no longer displayed in the lower table window.
  22. In the MRB Case window, in the Disposition tab, check the Disposition Complete checkbox column to complete the disposition for this part.
  23. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Verify that the Disposition Completed column displays as checked for the row corresponding to the serial no which you scrapped. You will now repeat steps 18, 19, 20 and 21 to create and complete a second disposition line. Create a new row in the upper table in the Disposition tab. The value of the Disposition No column should default to 2. Enter a disposition code (or select from LOV), in the Disposition Code column to describe the kind of disposition to be done. Since this is a disposition line for the serial no that you feel is okay and can be used with minor or no adjustment, select disposition code READJUST or some similar disposition code where the Verify Scrapping column in the LOV shows as False. Save the record.
  24. Right click on the second disposition line you just created, then click Disposition Part(s). When the Disposition MRB Part(s) window appears, verify that the serial no which you scrapped on the first disposition line is not displayed. Thus, a part can have multiple inspection lines, but can have only disposition line, i.e. a part can only be dispositioned once. Enter 1 in the Qty Selected column in the table section of the window for the serial no where the part can be used with minor readjustment. The Qty Available column should show 1. Ignore the Select All and Deselect All buttons. Click OK to save the disposition line detail record and close the Disposition MRB Part(s) window. Verify that a disposition line detail record is created in the lower table of the Disposition tab for the selected serial no.
  25. On the second disposition line you just created, check the Disposition Complete checkbox column to complete the disposition for these 5 parts.
  26. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Verify that the Disposition Completed column displays as checked for the row corresponding to the serial no which you just dispositioned.
  27. Repeat steps 23 thru 25, this time for a disposition line detail quantity of 3, which is the quantity remaining to be dispositioned in this MRB case. Use a disposition code such as APPROVE, or some similar disposition code, since the parts appear to be okay.
  28. Now that you have completed all of your disposition lines, and all the checklist items are approved, and all inspection lines have been completed, you can finish the MRB process. In the MRB Case window, right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Complete. The value of the MRB Status field will change to Completed. Once an MRB case has been completed or cancelled, it cannot be opened again.
  29. Refresh the MRB Case window for the MRB case you are working with. Click on the Part Details tab. Since all disposition lines have been set to completed, verify that the Disposition Completed column displays as checked.

Note: If you wish to view data in the History Log tab, you will need to ask an application administrator to enable the database triggers for the MRB component tables using the Foundation Admin tool. Once this has been done, you can view which user made what kind of changes to an MRB case during the processing of the case, typically inserts of checklist items, inspection and disposition lines, updates of the same and deletes if any of the same.