Scheduling and Rescheduling Shop Orders Using the Advanced Planning Board—Exercises

Required Data

Manufactured Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a manufactured inventory part to be used in the exercises that follow.

Inventory Part

Note: In this exercise and the ones that follow, replace XX with your initials to distinguish your data from that of others.

  1. Create a manufactured inventory part on your site using XX-750-1 as the part number.

General exercise for creating a Manufactured Inventory Part

Purchased Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a purchased inventory part to be used in the exercises that follow.

Inventory Part

  1. Create a purchased inventory part on your site using XX-780-1 as the part number.

General exercise for creating a Purchased Inventory Part

Infinite Work Center

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a work center with infinite scheduling capacity to be used in the exercises that follow.

Work Center

  1. Create a work center on your site with XXWC1 as the work center number.
  2. In the Sched Capacity field of the Work Center window, select Infinite capacity.

General exercise setting up a Work Center

Product Structure and Routing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the product structure and routing to be used in the exercises that follow.

Product Structure

  1. Create a product structure for part number XX-750-1 using part number XX-780-1 as its component.
  2. Enter one operation for the routing for XX-750-1, using 1 hour as the machine run factor.
  3. Promote the structure and the routing to Buildable state.

General exercise for creating a Product Structure
General exercise for creating a Routing

Advanced Planning Board Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an Advanced Planning Board (APB) site and enable it to use the APB for scheduling.

Scheduling Basic Data

  1. Open the Scheduling Basic Data window and create a new record.
  2. Enter your site in the Site field or select it from the List of Values.
  3. In the Shop Order Scheduling/General tab, the Scheduling Horizon, Scheduling Start Point, Sequencing Horizon and Priority Adjustment Factor Weight fields will have their default values. You may change these values to suit your requirements. These values are used by the Advanced Planning Board during its scheduling process.
  4. Make sure that the Enable Constraint Based Scheduling check box and the Use Advanced Planning Board option are selected. This allows you to load the Advanced Planning Board for the selected site.

Main Exercises

Loading and Scheduling Shop Orders with Infinite Resources

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create and load shop orders to be scheduled using the Advanced Planning Board, when they use work centers of infinite scheduling capacity. Similar results can be expected when tools and labor classes of infinite scheduling capacity are used.

Shop Order
Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing
Advanced Planning Board

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing window, specify that shop orders are to be created with the Planned status.
  2. Open the Shop Order window and create a new shop order.
  3. In the Order No field, enter XX-SO-1.
  4. In the Part No field, enter XX-750-1.
  5. In the Site field, enter your site, if it is not defined as the default site for your user.
  6. In the Sched Direction list, click Backwards Scheduling.
  7. In the Earliest Start Date field, enter next Monday's date in MM/DD/YY format.
  8. In the Need Date field, enter next Thursday's date in MM/DD/YY format.
  9. In the Lot Size field, enter 8.
  10. Save the shop order.
  11. Now enter and save a second shop order in the same way, but specify the order number as XX-SO-2.

Expected Results: Once you save the first shop order, the shop order infinite scheduler schedules it and updates the start and finish dates. The need date is the date before which the order should be completed. With backwards scheduling, the infinite scheduler tries to adjust the schedule of the shop order so that it is as close to this date as possible. If the order is not finished by the day before its need date, a message appears indicating that the shop order did not meet its need date, and the order is designated as tardy by the infinite scheduler. Once you save the second shop order, the infinite scheduler schedules it in the same time period as the first shop order. This means that the work center resource is overloaded to twice its capacity for this time period. However this is expected since the work center's scheduling capacity is defined as infinite.

  1. In the Shop Order/Operation tab, verify that the value in the CBS Scheduled field is Unscheduled. This indicates that this shop order has been scheduled by the infinite scheduler and not by using the Advanced Planning Board.
  2. Launch the Advanced Planning Board for your site, using the Advanced Planning Board dialog box.
  3. In the Load Options tab of the Load Shop Orders dialog box that appears, select the For Part check box and enter XX-750-1 in the Part No field. Alternatively, you may select XX-750-1 from the List of Values for this field. Click OK.
  4. In the Shop Orders node of the Activities tab, select XX-SO-1 and XX-SO-2 and drag and drop them into the object table area of the Gantt Overview pane. These shop orders are in Unscheduled state now since they have not yet been scheduled using the Advanced Planning Board. You may verify this by double-clicking on one of them and viewing the status in the Show Status tab.
  5. Select the two shop orders, right-click and then click Scheduling.
  6. In the Change Schedule dialog box that appears, click As Late As Possible in the Operation Schedule Mode area. Click OK.
  7. The shop orders will now be scheduled as close as possible to the need date and utilize the same time period since the work center has infinite scheduling capacity.
  8. Plot the work center resource of work center XXWC1 on the Gantt Overview pane.
  9. Select the work center resource, right-click and then click Show. In the Work Center Resource window that appears, view the overload information in the Show Contents tab.
  10. Click Save to save the schedule back to the database. The value in the CBS Scheduled field of the Shop Order/Operation tab will be Scheduled.

Once the orders have been scheduled by the Advanced Planning Board, it is possible to perform planning activities such as drag and drop scheduling.

Scheduling Shop Orders with Finite Resources

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create and load shop orders to be scheduled using the Advanced Planning Board, when they use work centers of finite scheduling capacity. Similar results can be expected when tools and labor classes of finite scheduling capacity are used.

Shop Order
Advanced Planning Board
Work Center

  1. In the Work Center window, query for the work center XXWC1.
  2. In the Sched Capacity field, select Finite Capacity.
  3. In the Shop Order window, query for the shop orders you created in the previous exercise.
  4. For each shop order, right-click in the header, point to Update Allocations and/or Operations and then click Update Routing Revision and/or Alternative. In the Update Routing Operation and/or Alternate dialog box that appears, click OK. This will update the operations with the change in work center capacity (the value in the Schedule Capacity field in the Operation tab changes to Finite Capacity). This will also change the value in the CBS Scheduled field to Unscheduled.
    Note: The start and end times are the same for both orders. Although work center capacity is finite the shop order infinite scheduler schedules the orders on the same time slot, thus overloading the resource.
  5. Perform steps 13 to 17 of the previous exercise.
  6. The shop orders will now be scheduled as close as possible to the need date but in different time slots. This is because the Advanced Planning Board considers the finite scheduling capacity of the resource and does not overload it when scheduling orders.
  7. Click Save to save the schedule back to the database. The value in the CBS Scheduled field of the Shop Order/Operation tab will be Scheduled and the values in the Start and End fields of each of the shop orders will be updated according to the schedule that was created in the Advanced Planning Board.

Automatic Scheduling of Shop Orders Upon Load

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how you can perform automatic scheduling of shop orders when they are loaded to the Advanced Planning Board.

Shop Order
Advanced Planning Board

  1. Open the Shop Order window and create a new shop order.
  2. In the Order No field, enter XX-SO-3.
  3. In the Part No field, enter XX-750-1.
  4. In the Site field, enter your site, if it is not defined as the default site for your user.
  5. In the Sched Direction list, click Backwards Scheduling.
  6. In the Earliest Start Date field, enter next Wednesday's date in MM/DD/YY format.
  7. In the Need Date field, enter next Friday's date in MM/DD/YY format.
  8. In the Lot Size field, enter 8.
  9. Save the shop order.
  10. In the Shop Order/Operation tab, verify that the value in the CBS Scheduled field is Unscheduled. This indicates that this shop order has been scheduled by the infinite scheduler and not by using the Advanced Planning Board.
  11. Launch the Advanced Planning Board for your site, using the Advanced Planning Board dialog box.
  12. In the Load Options tab of the Load Shop Orders dialog box that appears, select the For Part check box and enter XX-750-1 in the Part No field. Alternatively, you may select XX-750-1 from the List of Values for this field.
  13. Click the Automatic Scheduling tab.
  14. In the Automatically Schedule area, select the Unscheduled Operations check box.
  15. Click OK. The shop orders for XX-750-1 will be loaded. Notice that XX-SO-3 will also be in Scheduled state and you do not have to perform the manual scheduling steps. You may drag it to the Gantt Overview pane along with the other orders and see how it has been accommodated in the schedule.
  16. Save the schedule.
  17. Verify that the value in the CBS Scheduled field of the Shop Order/Operation tab is Scheduled.

Likewise you may use the other automatic scheduling options in the Automatically Schedule, Dispatch Rule, Operation Schedule Mode, Operation Resource Assignments and Adjust Schedule Due To Shop Floor Reporting areas in combination with each other in order to produce a variety of schedule effects.

Performing Batch Load of Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how you can set up the Advanced Planning Board to load shop orders in batches at a predefined time.

Advanced Planning Board

  1. On the File menu, click Batch Processing. The Batch Processing Parameters window appears.
  2. Select the Batch Loading Enabled check box in the Batch Load Setup tab.
  3. In the Next Date/Time field in the Batch Processing Details area, enter a date and time using the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format. This is the time when the next batch load will take place and should be equal to or later than the value in the Earliest Possible Execution Time field.
  4. In the Interval field, enter the number of minutes that should elapse after the next batch load before another batch load is initiated. This time interval will be used for subsequent batch loads as well.
  5. Click the Load Options tab and enter the criteria for selecting shop orders to be loaded when the batch load takes place. All the open shop orders in the site will be loaded if no load options are specified on this tab.
  6. Click the Automatic Scheduling tab and enter the options for performing automatic scheduling of shop orders. No automatic scheduling occur if you have not selected any of the options in this tab.
  7. Click OK.
  8. The next batch load will be initiated at the time you entered in step 3. The Scheduled Batch Load Process dialog box will appear indicating that the batch load is about to begin within a few seconds. Click Execute Now if you want the it to begin immediately or click Skip This Time to skip this execution of the batch load. Subsequent batch loads will take place after the time interval you entered in step 4.

Viewing a Shop Order in the Advanced Planning Board

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how you can view shop order scheduling results and perform schedule changes without affecting the values stored in the database. 

Advanced Planning Board

  1. Load the shop orders for XX-750-1.
  2. In the Scheduling Scenarios list, click All Shop Orders.
  3. In the Gantt Overview pane, click Plot Settings and then click This Gantt Chart in the menu that appears.
  4. Click Plot Settings again and then click Plot Settings in the menu that appears. The Settings window that appears.
  5. In the Plot Settings tab and its sub tabs, make sure that no plot settings have been selected.
  6. Click Close.
  7. Select shop order XX-SO-1. In the Gantt Detail pane you can see the order, its operations, assigned resources and assigned material.
  8. If the shop order does not appear on the Gantt chart, click the scroll arrows adjoining the End Date field above the Gantt chart a few times to expand the time schedule. Try the other buttons above the chart, and experiment with their functions.

    In the object table, the status or statuses of each object are displayed. Also, each object (i.e., a shop order or shop order operation) has its own icon, which helps to identify the type of object. To remove an object from either Gantt chart, drag it to the trash can, or click Clear All to remove all objects. Note that this action does not delete the objects entirely. It only removes them from the chart.

  9. Another way to adjust the time schedule is to drag an object, i.e., a shop order, upward from the object table onto the Drag & Drop Auto Timescale (ruler) button to adjust the time scale and make this object's schedule completely visible.
  10. In the Tree View/Master Data window, expand the Work Centers node. For Work Center XXWC1, hold down the left mouse button and Shift key and drag the work center into the object table area of the Gantt Overview pane. The work center and its resources appear as objects in the Gantt chart.
  11. Make sure that the shop orders and work centers are visible in the Gantt chart and then perform step 4 again.
  12. In the General tab, select the Resource Availability check box. The gray color for work center resources represents the time during which the resource is unavailable, according to the work center's calendar.
  13. In the Operations tab, select the Names check box to plot the operation names on the operation and work center resource objects.
  14. Select the Splitted check box to plot the operations as connected segments of time during the available time rather than as a block of time covering both available and unavailable time.
  15. Select the Planned Line check box in the Operations area and the Released check box under the Operation Status option in the Derive Operation Color From area. Now the status of the operations in the Gantt chart is shown with color codes.
  16. In the Operations area, select the Setup Times check box. Now the operation time is broken into its setup portion (white with blue diagonal lines) and run-time portion (gray with a light green stripe to indicate the status).
  17. Select the Tardy Line check box.
  18. Find your shop order, XX-SO-1, in the Gantt chart.
  19. Select the operation, right-click and drag the operation to the right, into the next available time slot. The shop order operation becomes tardy and a red stripe appears in the operation. Remember that these changes are not saved to the database until you click Save.

Using Schedule Statistics in the Advanced Planning Board

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate the use of schedule statistics within the Advanced Planning Board.

Advanced Planning Board

On the Tools menu, click Scheduling Statistics. Alternatively, click Scheduling Statistics on the toolbar. The Schedule window appears. This window displays the overall performance measures of the site's schedule, as listed in the table below.

Performance Measure Description
Show Status Allows you to choose from the following types of graphical display:
  • Status Pie: Displays a pie chart showing the percentage of early/on-time, tardy, and unscheduled orders for the site. Click any segment of the chart to see a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Tardy Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of tardy orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Early/On-Time Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of early/on-time orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Scheduled Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of early/on-time and tardy orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
Show Orders Lists the schedule detail for each shop order. The Lead Time column specifies the total amount of time from the start of the first operation to the finish of the last operation for a shop order. The Productive LT column specifies the amount of actual schedule time for a shop order. The Prod LT Factor column specifies the ratio of productive lead time to total lead time. The goal is to have this ratio as close as possible to 1.00.
Show Tardy Lists the schedule details of all tardy orders.
Show Early/On-Time Lists the schedule details of all early/on-time orders.
Show Unscheduled Lists the schedule details of all unscheduled orders.
Show Snapshots Displays a window listing the available schedule snapshots.

Exporting Data from the Schedule

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to export schedule data.

Advanced Planning Board

  1. On the Tools menu, click Export. The Export Options window appears.
  2. In the Include in Export column, select the check boxes in the Shop Order and Operation rows.
  3. Select the Shop Order row, right-click and then click Export Settings.
  4. In the Export Settings window that appears, select the Parent Name, Part No, Need Date, Start Date, Finish Date, Quantity Due, Tardiness, and Adjustment Factor check boxes.
  5. Click Close to close the Export Settings window and return to the Export Options window.
  6. Select the Operation row, right-click and then click Export Settings.
  7. In the Export Settings window that appears, select the Parent Name, Part No, Quantity Due, Quantity Complete, Units/Hour, Setup Time, Scheduled Setup, Start Date, Finish Date, Processing Time, and Role Detail check boxes.
  8. Click Close to close the Export Settings window and return to the Export Options window.
  9. If Microsoft Excel has been installed on your computer, click Launch Export Application and then OK. Microsoft Excel opens and two files are created: one for the shop order data, and the other for the operation data. You can save these files to a location of your choice. If Microsoft Excel has not been installed on your computer, click Save Export Data to File, click OK, specify the directory in which to save the files and then click Save.

Note: If you choose to launch Microsoft Excel, the shop order file may initially appear in front of the operation file. To view the operation file, select its file name from the Window menu.

Sorting by Earliest Due Date

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how sorting by earliest due date changes the sequence of the schedule.

Advanced Planning Board

Note: Before beginning this exercise, you will need to create four new shop orders for part XX-750-1, as listed in the table below.

Shop Order Schedule Direction Earliest Start Date Need Date Lot Size
XX-SO-4 Forward Second Monday from today  The Thursday following the second Monday 15
XX-SO-5 Forward Second Monday from today The Saturday following the second Monday 100
XX-SO-6 Forward Second Monday from today The Wednesday following the second Monday 10
XX-SO-7 Forward Second Monday from today The third Monday from today 5
  1. Load the shop orders to the Advanced Planning Board.
  2. In the Scheduling Scenarios list, click All Shop Orders. All shop orders are plotted in the object window.
  3. Scale the Gantt chart to display the schedules for Shop Orders XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, and XX-SO-7. The shop orders are scheduled in the sequence in which they were entered.
  4. Select shop order XX-SO-4 in the Gantt Overview pane and select it again in the Gantt Detail pane.
  5. The Show Status tab of the Detail Property Pane displays the need date, start date, and finish date of the shop order.
  6. Click the Show Contents tab. It displays the quantity due, part number, part description, date entered, earliest possible start date, and adjustment factor for the shop order.
  7. In the Gantt Overview pane, click Plot Settings and then click This Gantt Chart in the menu that appears.
  8. Again, click Plot Settings and then click Plot Settings in the menu that appears. The Settings window appears.
  9. In the Settings/Plot Settings/Extended Information tab, select Shop Order in the Class Name list and then select the Need Date check box in the Plot Settings list.
  10. Click Close. The need date of each shop order now appears on the Gantt chart.
  11. In the Tree View/Activities window, select the Shop Orders node, right-click and then click Unschedule. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  12. In the Operation Resource Assignments area, click Maintain Resource Assignment and then click OK. The shop orders will be in Unscheduled state. This step is necessary because operations can be sorted only while they are in Unscheduled state.
  13. Select the Shop Orders node again, right-click and then click Sort By EDD. This option sorts the shop orders by earliest due date.
  14. Select the Shop Orders node once more, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  15. In the Operation Schedule Mode area, click As Soon as Possible. In the Operation Resource Assignments area, click Maintain Resource Assignment. Click OK. The sequence of shop orders XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, and XX-SO-7 is changed. These shop orders are now scheduled in the following sequence: XX-SO-6, XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, and XX-SO-7.

Sorting by Latest Possible Start Date

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how sorting by latest possible start time changes the sequence of the schedule.

Advanced Planning Board

  1. In the Tree View/Activities window, select the Shop Orders node, right-click and then click Unschedule. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  2. In the Operation Resource Assignments area, click Maintain Resource Assignment and then click OK. The shop orders will be in Unscheduled state. This step is necessary because operations can be sorted only while they are in Unscheduled state.
  3. Select the Shop Orders node again, right-click and then click Sort By LPST. This option sorts the shop orders by latest possible start time.
  4. Select any shop order, right-click and then click Ext Info Setting. The Extended Information window appears.
  5. On the Plot Settings tab clear the Need Date check box and select the LPST check box.
  6. Click Close.
  7. Select the Shop Orders node once more, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  8. In the Operation Schedule Mode area, click As Soon as Possible. In the Resource Assignments area, select Maintain Resource Assignment. Click OK. The sequence of shop orders XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, and XX-SO-7 is changed. These shop orders are now scheduled in the following sequence: XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, XX-SO-4, and XX-SO-7.

Sorting by First Come First Served

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how sorting by first come first served changes the sequence of the schedule.

Advanced Planning Board

  1. In the Tree View/Activities window, select the Shop Orders node, right-click and then click Unschedule. The Change Schedule dialog box opens.
  2. In the Operation Resource Assignments area, click Maintain Resource Assignment and then click OK. The shop orders will be in Unscheduled state. This step is necessary because operations can be sorted only while they are in Unscheduled state.
  3. Select the Shop Orders node, right-click and then click Sort by FCFS. This option sorts the shop orders by first come, first served.
  4. Select any shop order, right-click and then click Ext Info Setting. The Extended Information window appears.
  5. On the Plot Settings tab, clear the LPST check box and select the Date Entered check box. Click Close.
  6. Select the Shop Orders node once more, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  7. In the Operation Schedule Mode area, click As Soon as Possible. In the Resource Assignments area, select Maintain Resource Assignment. Click OK. The sequence of the shop orders XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6 and XX-SO-7 changes. These shop orders are now scheduled in the following sequence: XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, and XX-SO-7.

Increasing Shop Order Priority

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how increasing the priority of a shop order causes it to be scheduled earlier.

Shop Order
Advanced Planning Board

Note: The way to increase or decrease the priority of a shop order is to assign it a priority category. This category has an adjustment factor ranging from 1 to 1,000. Each shop order can have a different priority category. You can create a shop order priority category for your site in the Shop Order Basic Data  window. Any shop order that has no priority category gets a default adjustment factor of 100.

Prerequisites: Make sure there are two priority categories for your site. One priority category should be called High and have an adjustment factor of 1,000. The other priority category should be called Low and have an adjustment factor of 10.

  1. Open the Shop Order window, and query for Shop Order XX-SO-7.
  2. In the Priority Category field, enter High.
  3. Load the shop order to the Advanced Planning Board.
  4. Select shop order XX-SO-7, right-click and then click Show. A dialog box appears showing the status of the shop order.
  5. Click the Show Contents tab. Note the adjustment factor, adjusted need date, adjusted date entered, and adjusted latest possible start time (LPST) of the shop order.

Note: The following calculation is used to determine the adjustment to the need date:

[(New Adjustment Factor – Old Adjustment Factor)/100] * Priority Adjustment Factor Weight


[(1000 – 100)/100] * 1 = 9 days (earlier)

The adjusted need date is used when Sort by Earliest Due Date is selected. With an adjustment factor of 100, the adjusted need date equals the shop order's need date.

The adjusted latest start time is used when Sort by Latest Possible Start Time is selected. This value is always calculated from the adjusted need date.

The adjusted date entered is used when sort by first come, first served is selected. With an adjustment factor of 100, the adjusted date entered equals the date entered for the shop order. It is adjusted by the same amount of time as the adjusted need date when an adjustment factor other than 100 is used.

  1. In the Gantt Overview window, click Plot Settings and then click This Gantt Chart in the menu that appears.
  2. Again, click Plot Settings and then click Plot Settings in the menu that appears. The Settings window appears.
  3. In the Settings/Plot Settings/Extended Information tab, select Shop Order in the Class Name list.
  4. In the Plot Settings list, clear the Date Entered check box and select the Adjusted Need Date check box. Click Close.
  5. In the Tree View/Activities window, select the Shop Orders node, right-click and then click Unschedule.
  6. In the Change Schedule dialog box that appears, click Maintain Resource Assignment in the Resource Assignments area. Click OK.
  7. Select the Shop Orders node again, right-click and then click Sort By EDD. This option sorts the shop orders by earliest due date.
  8. Select the Shop Orders node once more, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.
  9. In the Operation Schedule Mode area, click As Soon as Possible. In the Resource Assignments area, select Maintain Resource Assignment. Click OK. The sequence of shop orders XX-SO-4, XX-SO-5, XX-SO-6, and XX-SO-7 changes. These shop orders are now scheduled in the following sequence: XX-SO-7, XX-SO-6, XX-SO-4, and XX-SO-5.

Creating a Manual Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define a resource break using the Resource Break window.

Resource Break

  1. Create a new record.
  2. In the Break ID field, enter, XXRB1.
  3. In the Break Desc field, enter, XXRBreak1.
  4. In the Break Duration field, enter 48 (hours).
  5. In the Begin Date Range field, enter next Wednesday's date (e.g., 2/14/08).
  6. In the End Date Range field, enter the date of the second Monday from today (e.g., 2/19/08).
  7. Click the Work Center Resources tab and create a new record.
  8. In the new record, enter XXWC1 in the Work Center field and XXWC1 in the Resource ID field.
  9. Save your changes. The resource break is created with the Proposed status. By default, the break type is Manual.

Note: The resource break cannot be loaded to the Advanced Planning Board until it is approved. Refer the Approving a Resource Break exercise given below for steps on how to do this.

Creating a Manual Resource Break in the Advanced Planning Board

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define a new resource break within the Advanced Planning Board.

Advanced Planning Board
Resource Break

  1. Load the Advanced Planning Board and click the Activities tab.
  2. Select the Resource Breaks node, right-click and then click New Child. This will open the Create dialog box.
  3. Enter XXRB2 in the Name field.
  4. Click Resource Break. A new resource break object will be created under the Resource Breaks node and the Resource Break window will appear. The resource break will be in Incomplete state.
  5. In the Show Status tab, enter appropriate dates in the Need Date and EPST fields.
  6. Click the Show Contents tab and enter the break duration in the Duration Time field.
  7. Select an option in the Rescheduled Operations area.
  8. In the Description field, enter Machine Maintenance.
  9. Click the Show Assignment tab and then click New Role.
  10. Drag and drop the resource of XXWC1 from the Master Data tab of the Advanced Planning Board to the Assigned Resource field. You may add more than one role and a resource if necessary.
  11. Drag and drop the resource break object into the object table area of the Gantt Overview pane.
  12. Select the object in the object table area, right-click and then click Scheduling.
  13. In the Change Schedule dialog box that appears, select the appropriate option in the When rescheduling this area and then click OK.
  14. Save the schedule back to the database.
  15. In the Resource Break window, query for XXRB2 and notice that it is in Scheduled state.

Approving a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to approve a resource break. Note that resource breaks cannot be loaded to the Advanced Planning Board until they are approved.

Resource Break
Advanced Planning Board

  1. In the Resource Break window, query for XXRB1.
  2. Right-click in the header and then click Approve. The status of the resource break changes to Unscheduled.
  3. Load shop orders to the Advanced Planning Board.
  4. In the Activities tab of the Tree View window, under the Activities node, find Resource Break XXRB1, and drag it onto the Gantt chart.
  5. Hold down the Shift key, and drag Work Center XXWC1 onto the Gantt Overview pane. Note that the color of the resource break is gray. This indicates that it is not scheduled.

Scheduling a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how a resource break is scheduled.

Resource Break
Advanced Planning Board

  1. In the object table area, select XXRB1, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box opens.
  2. In the When rescheduling this area, select Do not reschedule other operations unless necessary.
  3. Click OK. The resource break will be scheduled and visible in the Gantt chart.
  4. Double-click the resource break object. In the Show Contents tab, verify that the status of the resource break is Released.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Open the Resource Break window and query for XXRB1. The Start Date and Finish Date fields are updated according to the schedule and the status will have changed to Scheduled.

Note:  When a resource break is scheduled it means that the resource will not be available during that time period. Some operations which lie during this time period (i.e. between the EPST and the need date of the break) may be rescheduled if necessary.

  1. In the object table area, select XXRB1, right-click and then click Scheduling. The Change Schedule dialog box opens.
  2. In the When rescheduling this area, select Reschedule other operations to utilize freed resource time.
  3. Click OK and save the information.
  4. Query for XXRB1 in the Resource Break window. The Start Date and Finish Date fields are updated according to the schedule and the status will have changed to Scheduled.

Note: The operations loaded on the resource for which the break is to be applied will be rescheduled and therefore some resource time may become available.

Completing a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you what happens when a resource break is completed.

Resource Break
Advanced Planning Board

  1. Return to the Resource Break window. Right-click and then click Complete. The status of the resource break changes to Finished.
  2. Reload shop orders to the Advanced Planning Board. Verify that resource break XXRB1 is no longer visible in the Advanced Planning Board.

DOP Structures from Customer Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to work with DOP orders in the Advanced Planning Board.

Prerequisites: Overview of MTO Manufacturing Data-Overview Exercises

Customer Order
DOP Header
Advanced Planning Board

  1. Open the Customer Order window and create a customer order for your customer.
  2. Enter a customer order line for Sales Part 22-110. The acquisition type is set to DOP Order.
  3. Release the customer order.
  4. Once the background processing has completed, find the DOP ID for this customer order line.
  5. Open the DOP Header window and query for the DOP ID.
  6. Right-click in the header, point to Create DOP Structure and then click Create Structure.
  7. The status of the DOP structure is set to Unreleased.
  8. Right-click in the header again and then click Release All.
  9. Load shop orders to the Advanced Planning Board. Find the DOP ID under the DOP Demand Orders node.
  10. Right-click the DOP ID, and click Show.
  11. Click the Show Contents tab to see customer order information for the DOP demand order.
  12. Click the Show Relations tab to see the shop orders supplying the DOP order.