Scheduling and Rescheduling Shop Orders Using the Infinite Scheduler - Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing course exercises

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Required Data

Make sure that your site is not CBS enabled. If your site is CBS enabled, the results of the scheduling could be completely different.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to study the changes in Shop Order/Operations  when changing the scheduling direction and changing work center parameters. 

Shop Order
Shop Order/Operation
Work centers
Reschedule Shop Order By Work Centers
Reschedule Shop Order By Site
Background Jobs

Shop Orders with Parallel Operations

Study the parallel operations in Shop Order / Operations and check the operation scheduling when changing the scheduling direction.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and create a new record.,
  2. If the value for the Site field is not your site, change it to your site.
  3. In the Part No. field, enter 21-410 as the part to be manufactured.
  4. In the Need date field, enter a date of one week ahead.
  5. In the Lot Size field, enter 50 for the quantity to be manufactured. Make sure that the Sched Direction field is set to Backwards Scheduling and Earliest Start Date field is set to current date.
  6. Save the information.

Note: The Start and Finish fields are calculated based on the manufacturing lead time for the piston assembly. The Finish field should contain the previous working day before the date in the Need Date field.

  1. Click the Operation tab and see the four lines of operations. Verify the operation 20 is set as parallel. Go to Op Start Date and Op Finish Date columns and see the starting and ending time of each operation is stated. Note the operation 10 and 20 have same starting and ending time. Note operation 40 has finished at the end of the day stated in Finish field on Shop Order Header.
  2. Go to the Mfg Factor column. Change the value for operation 20 to 0.05. Save the change.
  3. Go to Op Start Date and Op Finish Date columns. Verify the operations 10 and 20 have different starting times but same ending time.
  4. Go to Shop Order header and change Sched Direction field to Forward Scheduling. Save the changes.
  5. Click the Operation tab and go to Op start Date and Op Finish Date columns.
  6. Note the operation 10 and 20 have same starting time but different ending times. Also note the operation 10 and 20 have started in the beginning of the date stated in the Start field in the Shop Order Header

Schedule Shop Orders

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, the 21-410 part number, and a quantity of 50. 
  2. Change the Sched Direction to Backward Scheduling. Save the information.
  3. Go to Operation tab and verify the operation 20 is set to parallel. Verify the Work Center No for that operation is 200. Note the starting time of operation 20 is later than the starting time of operation 10.
  4. Open the Work Center window. Query for the work center 200. Change the Utilization Field to 20. Now the work center is working in 20% utilization.
  5. Go to Shop Order again. Right click anywhere in the header and click Schedule Shop Order.
  6. Go to Op Start Date and Op Finish Date columns in Operation tab. Note the starting time of operation 20 is earlier than the starting time of operation 10.
  7. Go back to Work Center window. Click the Resources tab. Change the value in the column Efficiency to 60. Save the change.
  8. Go to the shop order again. Right click anywhere in the header and click Schedule Shop Order.
  9. Go to Op Start Date and Op Finish Date columns in Operation tab. Note the starting time of operation 20 has become earlier than the previous value. It means the total shop order operation time has increased again. 
  10. Go back to Work Center window. Change the values in Utilization and Efficiency fields back into 100. Save the changes.

Reschedule by Work Center

  1. Open the Shop Order window. Create a new shop order for the part 21-410 for a quantity of 5 pcs.
  2. Make sure the field Site displays your site, Sched Direction is Backwards Scheduling, and Need Date is one week ahead. Save the information.
  3. Click the Operation tab. Record the operation starting time for operation 10 and the operation ending time for operation 40.
  4. Create new shop orders for quantities 10, 15, 20 with same need date and record operation starting and ending time for each shop orders. 
  5. Fill the below table with those details.
Shop Order Number Manufactured Qty. Op Starting Time for Operation 10 Op Ending Time for Operation 40
  1. Open the Work Center window. Query for the work center 300 in your site.
  2. Change the field Utilization to 50. Click the Resource tab and change the field Efficiency to 50. Save the changes.
  3. Open the Reschedule Shop Orders By Work Center window.
  4. Enter your site to the field Site and 300 to the field Work Center. You can use the List button also to fill those fields.
  5. Press OK to execute rescheduling process.
  6. Go back to the four shop orders you created. If you have closed those shop orders, query Shop Order window for the shop order numbers you have noted in the table above.
  7. Check the starting and ending time of each shop order. Note that the total operation time has been increased in all shop orders as the utilization and efficiency dropped in a work center 
  8. If you want, you may analyze how much of the time for each operation has been delayed. Determine how much additional time allocated for the operations 10, 30 and 40 after rescheduling. 
  9. Go back to Work Center window. Query for work center 300. Change Utilization and Efficiency fields back into 100. Save your changes.

Reschedule by Site

  1. Open Shop Order window. Create a new shop order for the part 21-110, quantity 5 and need date one week ahead. Save the information.
  2. Click Operation tab. Note the values in Op Start Date and Op Finish Date columns. Fill the 2nd and 3rd columns in the table below with details.
Operation Op Start Date  Before Rescheduling Op Finish Date  Before Rescheduling Op Start Date  After Rescheduling Op Finish Date  After Rescheduling
  1. Open the Work Center window. Query for the work centers 100, 300 and 810 in your site. Change the field Utilization for every work center to 75. Now work centers 100, 300 and 810 in your site are working at 75% utilization. Save the changes.
  2. Open the Reschedule Shop Orders By Site window.
  3. Enter your site into the field Site. You may use List of Values for that.
  4. Click OK to execute rescheduling process
  5. Open Background Jobs window and verify background job is completed.
  6. Refresh the shop order. Go to the Operation tab. Check the values in Op Start Date and Op Finish Date column and fill the 4th and 5th columns in the above table
  7. Compare the values. You may see that allocated time for all operations have been increased after rescheduling as work centers 100, 300 and 810 are under utilized in your site.
  8. Go back to Work Center window. Query for the work centers 100, 300 and 810 in your site. Change the field Utilization back into 100. Save the changes.

Note: The Discrete Manufacturing course will not use these shop orders after this exercise, so you may further process this shop order if you desire.