Perform Availability Analysis on Shop Orders—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. If you haven't done so already, set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Part Availability Check

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up availability checking for the parts you will use in the main exercises.

Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window and query for the 21-230 and 21-332 parts.
  2. Click the Misc Part Info tab. For each part, select the Availability Check check box and save the changes.

Alternate Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an alternate structure for the 21-230 part so it can be used in the Simulating Material Availability for a Shop Order exercise.

Product Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window and query for the 21-230 part on your site. The system should return with the default alternate * structure.
  2. Create a new alternate structure, entering 1 as the alternative and entering any description that you wish.
  3. Enter the 21-332 part as the only component for this new alternate structure, and assign a quantity per assembly of 1 for the component.
  4. Save the record and set the structure state to Plannable.

General Exercise for Product Structure

Required Data

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that you have enough parts to complete the main exercises. 

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Verify that you have at least one part on hand for the parts shown on the table below. If you do not, receive some parts into inventory picking locations.
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System > 0
Your Site 21-332 Battery System > 0

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Create Shop Order for the Parent


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a shop order that will trigger a shop order planning alert due to material shortage.

Shop Order
Background Jobs

  1. Create a shop order with the information shown on the following table.
Site Part Number Part Description Need Date Lot Size
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 5 working days from today's date > quantity on hand of part 21-230 and part 21-332
  1. Save the record.
  2. Right-click and then click Release. When the Release Shop Order window appears, make sure the Automatic Availability Check check box is selected, then click OK
  3. Open the Background Job window and make sure the Calculate Onhand Analysis Shop Material Allocation process is complete before continuing.

Creating Shop Orders Manually

Main Exercise

Using Shop Orders Planning Alerts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to use a shop order planning alert to indicate a material shortage for the shop order you created. 

Shop Order Planning Alerts

  1. Open the Shop Order Planning Alerts window and populate the window.
  2. You should see an alert for the 21-332 part because the availability check flag for this part is on and a shortage has occurred. The alert indicates which shop order has the problem and indicates the shortage quantity. In the Alert Type field, you should see that is set to High because the shop order has a Released state. (If the shop order were in a Firm Planned state, the alert type would be Low.)

Note: Shop order planning alerts are created only for shop orders that are in Released and Firm Planned states.

  1. Select the row with the alert for the 21-332 part. Right-click and then click Approve Planning Alert to approve the alert. This will update the Confirm field to Yes. (Typically, once you acknowledge this type of alert, you would need to update the shop order either by rescheduling it or by reducing the lot size. However for this exercise, leave the shop order as it is so that you can print a shortage report for it in the next exercise.)

Printing a Shop Order Shortage Report

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to print a shop order shortage report that will indicate whether there are material shortages for shop order you created. 

Shop Order
Shortage for Shop Order Report

  1. Open the Shop Order window.
  2. Query for the shop order you used in the previous exercise.
  3. Click the Material tab, on which you can view all the components required to build the 21-230 part. Select the row for the 21-332 component part, and right-click and then click Reserve. This will update the state of this component to Reserved. Notice that the shop order also has been updated to a Reserved state.
  4. Open the Shortage for Shop Order Report window.
  5. Enter your site in the Site field.
  6. Enter an appropriate date range using the From Date and To Date fields. This date range should include the need date for your shop order. 
  7. Select Reserved from the State list.
  8. Leave all other fields as they default.
  9. Click OK. A report print dialog will display. 
  10. Click Preview so you can view the results online instead of printing them. 
  11. Click on the arrow buttons to move forward and backward in the preview window. Notice that your shop order is listed and the 21-332 part is also listed in the shortage information section.
  12. You can either print the report by clicking the printer button or close this preview window to move to next exercise.

Note: You must have a printer set up and linked to your machine to print your shop order shortage report.

Simulating Material Availability for a Shop Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to simulate material availability for a shop order created on a specific date with a specific quantity.

Simulate Availability for Shop Order Material

  1. Open the Simulate Availability for Shop Order Material window and query for the parts for these exercises on your site.
  2. You should see that you have two alternate structures for the 21-230 part. Select the alternate 1 structure from the Part No list. 
  3. In the Simulate conditions area, notice that the default quantity is 1 for the simulation and the Start Date field defaults to today's date. Since the  21-332 component part currently has a shortage, the Availability field for that part displays Not Available.
  4. From the Part No list, select alternate * for the 21-230 part.
  5. Notice that the 21-230 part contains components parts 21-330, 21-231, and 21-232. The 21-330 and 21-331 component parts are available and the 21-332 component part is not available.
  6. Check the Availability Qty Onhand column to see the available quantities for those components.
  7. Update the simulation quantity with a number that is greater than the quantity displayed in the Availability Qty Onhand field for the 21-330 part.
  8. Right-click in the header area of the window and then click Simulate. A simulation process starts online and then the results populate the table.
  9. After the results populate the table, note that the 21-330 part is not available. 

Querying for Material Availability Information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to query for the availability of all the components involved in the shop order and to query the supply and demand detail for each component.

Shop Order

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query the shop order for the 21-230 part.
  2. Right-click on the header area of the window and then click Component Availability.
  3. When the Shop Order Availability window appears, you will see that all the components for the 21-230 part are displayed.
  4. Select how you want to process the query. You can select one or more of the following options:
  5. The window will re-query when a check box is selected or cleared.
  6. Close the Shop Order Availability window and return to the Shop Order window.
  7. Click the Material tab.
  8. Select all the displayed components, and right-click and then click Availability Planning. The Inventory Part Availability Planning window displays with the 21-330, 21-331, and 21-332 parts populating the window.
  9. In this window, you can study the supply and demand for each component in more detail. 

Overview - Shop Order Material Planning

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to get an overview of the material availability for a selected shop order.

Shop Orders Material Planning

  1. Open the Shop Orders Material Planning window and query for one or more shop orders.
  2. Specify one or more of the following conditions to indicate which component rows you want to view.
  3. Click Refresh to retrieve information which meets the conditions that you specified in step 2.
  4. Select a shop order in the upper table of the window. Its component lines which match the conditions specified will be displayed in the lower table. Do this for each of the shop orders that you want to analyze material planning information for.

Using MRP Results

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to use MRP results to check shop order availability. You can check the MRP action messages to see if supplies need to be created for one or more of the component parts needed by the shop order for the 21-230 part. After you perform MRP you can also use the Order Availability Analysis process in MRP to perform the availability check.

  1. Perform and Evaluate MRP Result.
  2. Perform Availability Analysis.