Reporting Operations on Shop Orders Using Shop Floor Workbench—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Enter Person

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new person record to be used in the main exercise.


  1. Open the Person window and create a new record.
  2. Enter an appropriate name.
  3. Save the information.

Enter Inventory Parts, Product Structures, Work Centers, Labor Classes and Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that is used in the main exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing exercises.

  1. Set up your site so that it includes all the discrete manufacturing data for racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Enter an Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up inventory picking locations for running functionality isolated by site.

Inventory Locations

  1. Create the inventory picking locations shown in the table below.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Description Location Group
Your Site 1 Main Main Warehouse 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Required Data

Create an Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you have enough parts to complete the main exercises.

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown on the table below available for manufacturing. If you do not, receive the indicated quantity of the parts into inventory location number 1.
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing Location No
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 30 1
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 30 1
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 30 1

General Exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Enter Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the shop orders that will be used in the main exercises.

Shop Order

  1. Create shop orders for the parts and quantities below. Release each shop order. Enter the date the order is required on, approximately a week ahead. Write down your shop order numbers so you can easily find the appropriate shop order for each main exercise.
Site Part Number Part Description Lot Size Shop Order Number Relevant Exercise
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 1, Reporting on Each Operation Using Start / Stop Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 2, Reporting on Several Operations Simultaneously Using Start / Stop Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 3, Reporting on Each Operation Using Only Approve Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 4, Reporting only on Last Operation Using Approve Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Cancel Clockings and Operation Reports Using Shop Floor Workbench

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

Labor setup time on operation 10 should be added to all shop order:

  1. Click the Operation tab, make sure labor class 1 is entered.
  2. Enter 0,1 in the Labor Setup Time field.
  3. Save the record.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter basic data for Shop Floor Workbench and use the Shop Floor Workbench for reporting operations.

Shop Floor Workbench Filter   
Shop Floor Workbench

Filter Operations in Shop Floor Workbench

Create a new filter, connect the filter to a person and view accurate operations in shop floor workbench.

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench Filters window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a filter name and its description.
  4. Select the site.
  5. Select the Executable in Selection drop down list. This option shows all operations on the shop order that are in a state higher than Planned, and lower than Closed.
  6. Enter the work center as 300. Only operations that belong to work center 300 will be shown.
  7. Save the information.
  8. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window.
  9. Enter your person in the Change Person dialog box, or select from list of values.
  10. Click OK.
    Note: If the dialog box did not open up automatically click Change Person on the upper right corner, to open it.
  11. Enter the name of your filter created in Filter field.
  12. Click on Refresh.
  13. Make sure the shop order operations created for this exercise are displayed in the list.
  14. If preferred, change the filter criteria in the header, e.g. change the selection operation to Executable and note that only the first operation in each shop order will be shown.

Report Operations Using Shop Floor Workbench - Scenario 1, Reporting on Each Operation Using Start / Stop Functionality

Note: In this exercise, reporting should be done on the first shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window, make sure the shop order operations created for this exercise are shown in the list. If not change the filtering criteria in the header such that they appear.
  2. Select operation 10 and then click Start Setup. The Start Setup dialog box will appear. On this operation, only labor setup time should be reported. Make sure only the Labor Time check box is selected. If preferred, change the crew size and/or add person records that should be connected to the operation in the table. It is also possible to enter a clocking note text that will be visible while the setup is running.
  3. Click OK and the clock for setup labor time will start.
  4. Wait a few minutes to simulate setup is being finished, then click Stop Setup. The Stop Setup dialog box will appear.
  5. In the dialog box, click OK and the clock for labor setup time will stop counting.
  6. Verify that a clocking has been created in the Clockings tab, and a transaction has been created in the Operation Report tab.
  7. On the same operation, click Start Production. The Start Production dialog box will appear.
  8. Both labor and machine time should be reported, therefore make sure that the Machine Time and Labor Time check boxes in the dialog box are selected.
  9. Click OK to start the clock for machine run time.
  10. Wait a few minutes to simulate some production has been performed, then click Stop Production. The Stop Production dialog box will appear.
  11. To simulate that production had to be stopped due to some kind of interruption, select Interrupted in the Stop Reason list and if preferred, enter an appropriate note in the Interruption Note field.
  12. Click OK and the clock for machine production time will stop counting.
  13. Verify that another clocking has been created in the Clockings tab and that two more transactions have been created in the Operation Report tab.
  14. Resume production again for the operation by clicking Start Production and then click OK in the dialog box that appears.
  15. Wait a few minutes to simulate production is being finished and then click Approve Operation.
  16. In the Approve Operation dialog box, make sure that the entire quantity is being reported in the Qty to Report field. Also make sure that the Close Operation and Stop Time check boxes are selected.
  17. Click OK. This will stop and report the production time, report quantity as finished, and close operation. The operation will disappear from the shop floor workbench.
  18. Select operation 20. On this operation only production time for machine and labor should be reported.
  19. Repeat appropriate steps above (7, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 17).
  20. Select operation 30. On this operation production time for both machine and labor time should be reported.
  21. Repeat appropriate steps above (7, 8, 9 and 15),
  22. Because operation 30 is the last operation on the shop order, the Receive area in the Approve Operation dialog box will be enabled. Make sure the check boxes Close Operation, Stop Time, and Receive Into Inventory are selected. Also make sure the full quantity is entered in the Qty to Report field and in Qty to Receive field.
  23. Enter 1 in the Receive Into Location field, or select one from the List of Values.
  24. Click OK. This will stop and report the production time, report quantity as finished, and close the operation. It will also receive the parts into inventory and set the status of the shop order to Closed.

Note: The start/stop feature only counts time within the calendar, i.e., if the calendar has work time defined between 8 A.M.-12 noon and 1 P.M.-5 P.M. and time is started at 11:45 A.M. and stopped at 1:00 P.M., only 15 minutes time will be reported.

Report Operations Using Shop Floor Workbench - Scenario 2, Reporting on Several Operations Simultaneously Using Start / Stop Functionality

Note: In this exercise, reporting should be done on the second shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Select operation 10 and report some labor setup time by clicking Start/Stop Setup as in the previous scenario.
  2. On operation 10 and 20, production machine and labor time should be reported simultaneously, therefore select both operations 10 and 20 and click Start Production.
  3. Start the clock for production machine and labor time by clicking OK.
  4. Wait a few minutes to simulate the production which is being performed for both operations 10 and 20.
  5. Select one of the operations and click Stop Production.
  6. Stop the clock for production machine and labor time by clicking OK. This will stop the clock for both operations, and the production time will be divided between the two operations proportionately according to the Machine Run Factor on the shop order.
  7. Click the Operation Reports tab to view the time reported. Verify that operation 20 has received twice as much manufacturing time as operation 10. (Because operation 20 has 1 hour planned manufacturing time and operation 10 has 0.5 hours).
  8. Close operation 10 and then operation 20 by clicking Approve Operation.
  9. Select operation 30 and report machine and labor production time by using the Start Production dialog box.
  10. Stop the production time, close operation 30, close the shop order and receive parts into inventory location 1 using the Approve Operation dialog box.

Note: To report operations simultaneously they should belong to the same work center.

Report Operations Using Shop Floor Workbench - Scenario 3, Reporting on Each Operation Using Only Approve Functionality

Note: In this exercise reporting should be done on the third shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Select operation 10 and click Approve Operation. The Approve Operation dialog box will open.
  2. In the dialog box, make sure the entire quantity is entered in the Qty to Report field.
    Note: It is only possible to use the Approve Operation dialog box when you have a quantity to report; i.e., it is not possible to use the dialog box if you have no (zero) quantity to report.
  3. Make sure the check boxes Close Operation and Report Time are selected.
  4. If preferred, change the time to report in the Operation Time area. The default value is the time from the shop order.
  5. Click OK to report time, issue connected components and close operation.
  6. Repeat step 1 to 5 for operation 20.
  7. Select operation 30 and click Approve Operation.
  8. Since this is the last operation on the shop order the Receive area will be enabled.
  9. Make sure the entire quantity is entered in the Qty to Report and Qty to Receive fields.
  10. Make sure the Close Operation, Report Time and Receive into Inventory check boxes are selected.
  11. If preferred, change the time to report in the Operation Time area.
  12. Enter 1 in Receive Into Location field or select a value from the List of Values.
  13. Click OK in order to report and close operation 30, close the shop order and receive parts into inventory location 1.

Report Operations Using Dispatch List - Scenario 4, Reporting only on Last Operation Using Approve Functionality

Note: In this exercise reporting should be done on the fourth shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Select operation 30 on the shop order and click Approve Operation. The Approve Operation dialog box will open.
  2. In the dialog box, make sure the entire quantity is entered (if not a partial receipt) in the Qty to Report and Qty to Receive fields.
  3. Make sure the Close Operation, Report Previous Operation, Report Time and Receive into Inventory check boxes are selected.
  4. Select the Receive with Backflush check box.

Note: If you select the Simplified Material Check check box, you do not need to issue planned quantity of materials but all materials need to be in the Issued status. That is, at least some quantity needs to be issued before using the Simplified Material Check check box to skip the issue of materials.

  1. If preferred, change the time to report on operation 30 in the Operation Time area.
  2. Enter 1 in Receive Into Location field or select a value from the List of Values.
  3. Click OK in order to report and close operation 10, 20 and 30, issue material/skip issue material, close the shop order and receive parts into inventory location 1.

Note: When performing a partial receipt and you wish to close the shop order at the same time you have to select the Close Shop Order check box.

Cancel Clockings and Operation Reports Using Shop Floor Workbench

Note: In this exercise reporting should be done on the fifth shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Select operation 10 and register some labor setup time by clicking Start/Stop Setup as you have done previously.
  2. On the same operation, register some machine and labor production time by clicking Start/Stop Production.
  3. Click the Operation Reports tab and verify that you have received three transactions, one for labor setup time, one for machine production time, and one for labor production time.
  4. Click the Clockings tab and verify that you have received two records, one for setup time, and one for run time.
  5. Select the record for run time, right-click and then click Cancel Stop to cancel the stopping of production. The clock for machine production time will be running again.
  6. Refresh the operation list by clicking Refresh. Verify that the operation now has a green symbol to the left indicating production time is running.
  7. Stop the time again by clicking Stop Production.
  8. Now cancel the start of the setup time on the operation by selecting it in the Clocking tab, right-clicking and then clicking Cancel Start. Verify that the entire record is removed from the table.
  9. Also verify that the transaction for labor setup time has been removed from the Operation Reports tab.
  10. Report quantity and close operation 10 by clicking Approve.
  11. Select operation 20 and click Approve.
  12. Report only half quantity so that the operation not will be closed. Make sure the Report Time check box is selected and values are entered in Machine Time and Labor Time fields.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click the Operation Reports tab and verify three transactions are created, one for machine production time, one for labor machine time and one for quantity.
  15. Cancel the transactions by right-clicking and then clicking the appropriate option.
  16. If preferred, finish the reporting on the operation. Also try to cancel from Operation Reports when the transactions have been created from clockings (start/stop functionality has been used. Then an error message will appear because these transactions must be canceled from the Clockings tab.