Manual Pegging of Shop Order Materials - Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used for set up the basic data required for manual pegging of shop order material exercises. 

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data.

Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that required product structure alternates are copied to your site.

Structure Graphic
Product Structures

  1. Open the Product Structure window. Query for the part 21-250 in your site.
  2. Make sure it has 3 components. 21-350, 21-351 and 21-352. Make the structure buildable.
  3. Go for RMB Next Levels of 21-350 and 21-352 and verify those two parts are purchased parts and have no components.
  4. Go for RMB Next Levels of 21-351 and verify it has five components. 21-451, 21-452, 21-453, 21-454 and 21-455.
  5. Open the Structure Graphic window. Query for the part 21-250 in your site.
  6. Go to Graphical Structure tab and verify the structure for 21-250.

General exercise for Create Product Structure

Receive Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set required inventory quantities for shop order component parts.

Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open Receive Inventory Part window. Query fort the parts 21-451, 21-452, 21-453, 21-454 and your site.
  2. Receive 40 pcs each into picking locations.

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set required suppliers for parts that to be purchased.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open Supplier for Purchase Part window. Query for the parts 21-350 and 21-352.
  2. Connect suppliers for those parts.
  3. Provide other necessary information and save.

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part 

Required Data

Creating Shop Orders and Purchase Orders.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set the required data for manual pegging of shop order material that is used in the exercises below.

Shop Order
Purchase Order

  1. Open Shop Order window. Create five new shop orders for 21-351 with several need dates and different lot sizes. 
  2. Open Purchase Order window. Create five new purchase orders for 21-350 and five new purchase orders for 21-352 with several need dates and different quantities.

General exercise for Create Shop order Manually 
General exercise for Entering Purchase Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how manual pegging of shop order material is perform and what are the effects of pegging and order receiving 

Shop Order
Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line
Purchase Order
Receive Shop Order
Register Purchase Order Arrival
Purchase Order Receipt

Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material

  1. Open Shop Order window. Create a new shop order for 21-250.
  2. Go to Material tab. Verify there are three component lines.
  3. Select component line of 21-350. Right click and then click Manual Pegging. This will open the Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line window.
  4. Go to Purch Order tab. You will see the all open purchase orders that supply 21-350 to your site.
  5. Go to Qty Pegged column. Assign values in order that the total requirement of 21-350 is pegged. You may use several order lines.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for component line 21-352.
  8. Select component line of 21-351. Right click and then click Manual Pegging. This will open the Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line window.
  9. Go to Shop Order tab. You will see the all open shop orders that supply 21-351 to your site.
  10. Go to Qty Pegged column. Assign values in order that the total requirement of 21-351 is pegged. You may use several order lines.
  11. Save the changes.
  12. Record the shop order and purchase order numbers that you pegged in this exercise in the following table.
Components Purchase Order Numbers Shop Order Numbers

Note You have to consider the date in Date Required field in the header area when pegging material. Purch Order and Shop Order tabs show all available supply purchase orders and shop orders and it is your responsibility to select only suitable purchase orders and shop orders considering their finish dates.

  1. Go to Shop Order window. Query for the shop order for 21-250 that you created in this exercise.
  2. Go to Material tab. verify that the column Qty Pegged shows that all necessary material for the shop order have been pegged.

Receive Pegged Orders

  1. Open Shop Order window. Query for the shop orders that you recorded in the above table.
  2. Release and receive the shop orders into inventory.
  3. Open Shop Order window again. Query for the shop order for 21-250 that you created in earlier exercise.
  4. Go to Material tab. Verify that Qty Pegged column has zero and total qty is assigned in 21-351 material line.
  5. Open Purchase Order window. Query for the purchase orders that you recorded in the above table. Release those purchase orders
  6. Open Register Purchase Order Arrival window. Query for the shop orders that you recorded in the above table.
  7. Receive material into inventory. Open Purchase Order Receipt window and register inspection results if the suppliers for purchase parts have been set for inspection.
  8. Open Shop Order window again. Query for the shop order for 21-250 that you created in earlier exercise.
  9. Go to Material tab. Verify that Qty Pegged column has zero and total qty is assigned in 21-350 and 21-352 material lines.
  10. verify that the shop order status has been changed to Reserved.