Multi-site Master Scheduling—Advanced Exercise

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Multi-Site Master Scheduling

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the required prerequisite data needed for the advanced Master Scheduling exercise. (If the database has been refreshed since the time you set up the data for the MRP extended exercises, you will need to set up the data again.)

  1. If you haven't done so already, create your own sites and set up the Master Scheduling data (for multi-site exercise) in those sites. Recall that you created two additional sites for the master scheduling exercise, the second one to serve as a demand site, and the third one to serve as a supply site.

General exercise for Overview of Master Scheduling Data

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to perform multi-site Master Scheduling on the parts that you have already defined and evaluate the result. After evaluating results, release distribution orders and re-run Master Scheduling to observe results.

MS Level 1 Part
Background Jobs
Distribution Orders
Shop Order Requisitions
Shop Orders

Performing Level 1 Master Scheduling

  1. Open the MS Level 1 Part window, and click on the Register Forecast tab. Query for part 24-104 at your third site, i.e. the supply site. Enter a forecast for this part of quantity 100 in the Forecast 1 column, on a date outside the planning time fence. Note this date for future reference.
  2. Run the level 1 process for this part by using the Run MS - One Part right mouse button option. Verify that a master schedule receipt of quantity 100 in Proposed status is created.
  3. Change the value in the Planning Time Fence field so that the date of the forecast entered in step 1 is now inside the planning time fence date, but still outside the demand time fence date.
  4. Again run the level 1 process for this part by using the Run MS - One Part right mouse button option. Verify that the master schedule receipt of quantity of 100 in the Proposed status is now in the Fixed status. This is needed to ensure that there is sufficient unconsumed forecast or supply to satisfy demand from the demand site, in the form of distribution orders.
  5. Now query for part 24-104 at your second site, i.e. the demand site. Enter a forecast for this part of a quantity of 50 in the Forecast 1 column, on a date outside the planning time fence. This date should also be at least 7 working days after the date of the forecast entered for part 24-104 at the supply site. Note this date for future reference.
  6. Run the level 1 process for this part by using the Run MS - One Part right mouse button option. Verify that a master schedule receipt of quantity of 50 in the Proposed status is created.
  7. Change the value in the Planning Time Fence field so that the date of the forecast entered in step 5 is now inside the planning time fence date, but still outside the demand time fence date.
  8. Again run the level 1 process for this part by using the Run MS - One Part right mouse button option. Verify that the master schedule receipt of quantity 50 in the Proposed status is now in the Fixed status.
  9. Go to the next section when the process is done.

Evaluating Master Scheduling Result

  1. Recall that part 24-104 at your second site (demand site) was defined in inventory as a manufactured/acquired split part, with a 50/50 split between manufactured and acquired respectively. Therefore the demand of 50 (forecast) at the second site should be supplied half by a shop requisition and half by a distribution order.
  2. In the MS Level 1 Part window, query for part 24-104 at your second (demand) site, and click the Receipts tab. Verify that the Scheduled Orders field shows a quantity of 50.
  3. Open the Shop Order Requisitions window, and query for part 24-104 at your demand site. Verify that the quantity of the shop requisition is 50% of the forecast, i.e. 505 of 50 = 25.
  4. Open the Distribution Orders and query for distribution order with part no equal to 24-104 and Demand Site value equal to your second site. You should find one record at state Planned. Use the right-mouse button menu to select Distribution Order to navigate to the detail window.  Here you can see the Distribution Order generated as a supply proposal by Master Scheduling for the demand site.  Your third site should be indicated as the supply site. Verify that the Planned Receipt Date field has date value equal to the forecast date of 50 in your second (demand) site, and is for a quantity of 25.

Release Master Scheduling Distribution Order

  1. In the Distribution Order window, choose Release from the right-mouse button option for the distribution order to release the order for execution.  Purchase Orders and Customer Orders between the internal supplier and customer are generated to assist in execution of this material demand, though you can execute the basic material flow directly from the distribution order itself. 
  2. Open the Background Jobs window, populate it, and verify that the customer order purchase order creation process completes. Query again for the distribution order, note the status of the distribution order has changed.
  3. Use the Purchase Order... and Customer Order... right-mouse button options to navigate to the resulting orders.  Make a note of the order numbers for your records. Note that the purchase order is created at the second (demand) site, and the customer order is created at the third (supply) site.
  4. In the Shop Order Requisitions window, select the shop requisition corresponding to part 24-104 at your second (demand) site. Select the Create Shop Order(s) right mouse button option. Verify that the state of the requisition changes to ShopOrderCreated.

Re-Run Master Scheduling - Performing Master Scheduling

  1. Open the MS Level 1 Part window. Query for part 24-104 at your second (demand) site.
  2. Run the level 1 process for this part by using the Run MS - One Part right mouse button option.

Evaluating Master Scheduling Result

  1. In the MS Level 1 Part window, query for part 24-104 at your second (demand) site, and click the Receipts tab. Verify that the Firm Orders field shows a quantity of 50, and the Scheduled Orders field is 0.
  2. In the MS Level 1 Part  window, query for part 24-104 at your third (supply) site, and click the Register Forecast tab. Verify that the Actual Demand field shows a quantity of 25, corresponding to the customer order demand of 25 from the second (demand) site.