Entering Maintenance Plans—Exercises

Required Data


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that you have the instructions that will be connected to the Maintenance plan created in the exercises below. These instructions exist if you have finished the Defining Instructions exercises.

Operation Number Description
n072112 Engine Inspection
n032110 Wheel Inspection
n032111 Hydraulic Oil refill
n032201 NLG Replacement
n032501 NLG Overhaul

Note: If you have not created these instructions, go to main exercise for Defining Instructions

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these lessons are to learn how to do maintenance planning based on calendar intervals and/or operational parameter intervals. 

Maintenance Plan - Daily inspection of aircraft

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a simple daily inspection routine. To reduce administrative time, it is decided that maintenance tasks should not be created for this daily routine. This inspection is included in the Maintenance Code called nXDAY - Daily Check.

Prerequisites: Instruction number n072112 has been pre-registered and is connected to this maintenance code.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Maintenance Program 10n, Part Number X747-900 and Maint Group n.
  3. Click the Intervals tab (This check does not use any Operational Parameter)
  4. Create new record (F5) and specify Maint Code nXDAY - Daily Check.
  5. Specify Calendar Interval 1 day, check the Recurring Calculation check box and set Recurring Cal Interval to 1 day.
  6. Set Days Forewarning to 1 day and Duration Workshop to 0.5 hours.
  7. Set Calculation Rule No Calculation (to avoid the creation of daily maintenance tasks) and cycle No Cycle.
  8. Optionally, you can enter additional information on the interval maintenance in the Task Remark field. When a task is created for the interval maintenance, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  9. Save the information (F12).
  10. Select the record just entered, right-click and select Instructions per Maint Code to verify that the instruction and the maintenance plan are linked together.

Maintenance Plan - A-check on aircraft

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define an interval based A-check for your A/C. This check should be executed first time at 100 Flying Hours or 50 Flying Cycles and should be repeated with the same intervals or at least once every 3 months. You accept a +/-10% interval tolerance. You want to have 7 days forewarning on A-check tasks. Total time in workshop for A-check is expected to be 2 hours.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Maintenance Program 10n, Part Number X747-900 and Maint Group n.
  3. Click the Oper. Param. per Maint Group tab.
  4. Check that operational parameters FHR and FCYC exists already.
  5. Click the Intervals tab. Now you a ready to specify maintenance plan for A-check.
  6. Create new record (F5) in the upper part of the window and specify Maint Code nXA.
  7. Specify Oper Parameter FHR, Maint Interval 100 and Calendar Interval to 3 months.
  8. Select the Recurring Calculation check box and enter identical intervals for the recurring plan.
  9. Select the Use Tolerance check box and set Tolerance to +/-10% respectively.
  10. Specify Days Forewarning to 7 and Duration Workshop to 2 hours. 
  11. Set Calculation Rule to Inspection and Cycle to No Cycle.
  12. Optionally, you can enter additional information on the interval maintenance in the Task Remark field. When a task is created for the interval maintenance, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Select the row just entered and create new record in the lower part of the window.
  15. Specify Oper Param FCYC and set Maint Interval and Recurring Interval both to 50.
  16. Save (F12) and verify that upper and lower tolerances for flying cycles are calculated according to what was specified above.

Maintenance Plan - A-check on Nose Landing Gear

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define an interval based A-check for the Nose Landing Gear. This check should be executed every 50 Flying Cycles or 100 Flying Hours, or at least once every 3 months. You accept a +/-10% interval tolerance. You require 7 days task forewarning and time in workshop is estimated to 1,5 hours.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Maintenance Program 10n, Part Number X32NLG7001 and Maint Group n.
  3. Click the Oper. Param. per Maint Group tab.
  4. Check that operational parameters FCYC and FHR exists already.
  5. Click the Intervals tab.
  6. Create new record (F5) in the upper part of the window and specify Maint Code nXA.
  7. Specify Oper Parameter FCYC, Maint Interval 50 and Calendar Interval 3 months.
  8. Select the Recurring Calculation check box and enter identical intervals for the recurring plan.
  9. Select the Use Tolerance check box and set Tolerance to +/-10% respectively.
  10. Specify Days Forewarning  to 7 and Duration Workshop to 1.5 hours. 
  11. Set Calculation Rule to Inspection and Cycle to No Cycle.
  12. Optionally, you can enter additional information on the interval maintenance in the Task Remark field. When a task is created for the interval maintenance, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Select the row just entered and create new record in the lower part of the window.
  15. Specify Oper Param FHR and set Maint Interval and Recurring Interval both to 100.
  16. Save and verify that upper and lower tolerances for flying cycles are calculated according to what was specified above.

Maintenance Plan - C-check on Nose Landing Gear (Instr n032201/n032501)

Purpose: In this exercise you define a maintenance plan for the C-check Overhaul of the Nose Landing Gear. The C-check is planned at every 150 Flying Cycles (with +/-10% tolerance) or 300 Flying Hours. The C-check Overhaul of NLG means that it has to be replaced, and therefore the C-check also creates an replacement of the Nose Landing Gear. You want 14 days forewarning of C-check tasks which require about 8 hours in the workshop.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Maintenance Program 10n, Part Number X32NLG7001 and Maint Group n.
  3. Click the Intervals tab.
  4. First you will specify the NLG Overhaul as it is the NLG overhaul that trigs the replacement of the NLG.
  5. Create new record (F5).
  6. Set Maint Code nXOHL and Maint Interval to 150 (Primary Oper Param FCYC appears automatically).
  7. Select the Use Tolerance check box and set Tolerance to +/-10% respectively.
  8. Specify Days Forewarning to 14 and Duration Workshop to 8 hrs.
  9. Set Calculation Rule to Overhaul and Cycle to Cycle.
  10. Save the information (F12).
  11. Click on this record and create new record in the lower part of the window - where to specify the other trigger.
  12. Specify Oper Param FHR and Maint Interval 300 hrs. 
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Create new record in upper part to specify the NLG Replacement.
  15. Set Maint Code XRPL and Parent Maint Code to nXOHL (Replacement is trigged by the Overhaul).
  16. Specify Days Forewarning to 14 and Duration Workshop to 6 hours.
  17. Set Calculation Rule to Replacement and Cycle to No Cycle.
  18. Optionally, you can enter additional information on the interval maintenance in the Task Remark field. When a task is created for the interval maintenance, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  19. Save the information (F12).

Define Convenience Task

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a non-requirement based task that is to be carried out during a maintenance visit.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Plan window.
  2. Query (F3) for your maintenance program 10n, part number X747-900 and maintenance group n.
  3. Click the Convenience Task tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Register a valid maintenance code for your convenience task. Note that the maintenance code nXDAY - Daily Check cannot be used since it has already been used for the maintenance interval definition.
  5. Optionally, you can enter additional information on the interval maintenance in the Task Remark field. When a task is created for the convenience task, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Activate Maintenance Program

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to activate a maintenance program. When you have created a maintenance plan for all the parts on the maintenance program you have to change status to Active to be able to use the program on your serials.

Define Maintenance Program

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window.
  2. Find (F3) your maintenance program 10n.
  3. Right-click on the window header and then click Status/Set Active.
  4. You will get a message that serials exist without a maintenance program. You have to manually update these serials (see next exercise).

Connect Serials to Maintenance Program

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect serials to an active maintenance program. You will connect your maintenance program to your already defined serials.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Find (F3) your aircraft nX40000.
  3. Right Click on the window header and then click Change Maintenance Program.
  4. Enter New Maint Prog 10n and chose to change maintenance program for all serials in the structure.
  5. Click Finish. You will get an message how many serials where updated. Should be two.
  6. Verify, under the Consist Of tab, that your Nose Landing Gear also have maintenance program 10n.

Modify Active Maintenance Program

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to modify an active maintenance program. The manufacturer of the Nose Landing Gear has improved some of the materials and you can change the interval on the A-check to  60 Flying Cycles or 150 Flying Hours, or at least once every 4 months.

Define Maintenance Program

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window.
  2. Query (F3) your maintenance program 10n.
  3. Click the Maintenance Goups tab.
  4. Select your Nose Landing Gear and right-click and then click Modify Active Maintenance Program.
  5. Click Populate to get the different intervals.
  6. Change the data for the A-check according to above.
  7. Click Next if convenience tasks exists on the maintenance program and these should be updated.
  8. Click Populate to get the different convenience tasks.
  9. Change the task remark and click Apply.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Right click and then click Maintenance Plan to verify the change.