Accumulate Transactions to Costs—Exercises

Required Data

Determine Cost Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to determine the missing cost types for the transaction history before transactions accumulation to costs.

Complex Assembly Work Order /Transaction History

  1. Create a missing cost type for the transaction history.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Determine Cost Type.

BDR Exercises for CAMRO Cost Accumulation and Pricing

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand how the transactions are accumulated to costs.

Complex Assembly Work Order /Cost Lines

Accumulate Transactions to Costs

  1. Select the top level of the product structure and select the Aggregate check box to see all existing cost lines.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Remove all Sales Lines to clear all cost and sales lines.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Apply Contract to generate cost and sales lines.
  4. Select a cost line, right-click and then click History Lines to see how the transactions lines were accumulated to this cost line.

Note: Cost and Sales accumulation have to be synchronized through the application of the contract.