Extending Routing—Exercises

Required Data 

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Standard Operation & Routing Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Work Center
Product Structure

  1. If you have not yet already done so, create the work center on your site.
  2. Create the structure on your site.
  3. Create the routing on your site.

General exercise for Creating Work Center

General exercise for Creating Structure 

General exercise for Creating Routing  

Routing Serial Range

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure
Inventory Part/Manufacturing

  1. If you have not yet already done so, create the work center on your site.
  2. Create the structure on your site.
  3. Create the routing on your site.
  4. Create two or more revisions for the routing.

General exercise for Creating Work Center

General exercise for Creating Structure 

General exercise for Creating Routing  

General exercise for Copying Routing Revision

Connect Tool to Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Manufacturing Tool

  1. If you have not yet already done so, create a routing on your site.
  2. Create a tool.

General exercise for Creating Routing

General exercise for Creating Tool

Main Exercises

Standard Operation

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to create and maintain a standard operation. You will also learn how to enter a standard operation to a routing as a copy or reference.

Standard Operation
A standard operation is useful when you have a frequently used operation that is part of the production of many products. Examples might include labeling or packing. If you change a standard operation, you can easily update it everywhere it is used.

  1. Open the Standard Operation window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the name and description for your site. Select the work center from the List of Values
  4. Enter operation data, time, etc.  
  5. Save your changes. Now you can connect tool(s) or work guideline(s) to this standard operation.
  6. Perform steps 2–5 again for another standard operation. 
  7. Go to the routing for your created structure. 
  8. Select the rows, right-click and then click Add Standard Operation.
  9. Enter the Op No field and select Standard Operation from the List of Values.
  10. Set this standard operation as a copy, and click OK.
  11. Perform steps 8–10 again for the second standard operation.
  12. Set this standard operation to Reference, and click OK.Your routing has now two operations. Note that the operation that is a reference to the standard operation has information in the Standard Operation Name and Description fields.

    If you edit a Standard operation in a routing that is a reference you will lose the reference.

Central Maintain Standard Operation

  1. In the Standard Operation window, make sure that you have at least one standard operation that is a reference.
  2. Edit one of your standard operations.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Depending on how your site data is set up, there are different ways to update standard operations (structure update set to Restricted, Enhanced, or Simplified). Change the structure update on the site, and note the difference. Information appears indicating how many places this standard operation is a reference and the status that these routings have. For more information, see the Standard Operation/Where Used tabs.
  5. Now you have to decide how this change will affect standard operations that already are in use. If you edit a standard operation and chose not to update the places where it is in use, you will lose the reference.
  6. Test different scenarios for maintain standard operations.

Routing Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create and maintain a routing template. You will also learn how to connect a routing template to a routing.

Routing Template
Note: The templates enable you to create a set of template routings that, in various combinations, reflect most of your assembly activities. For example, if you have a couple of operations that often recur in production, you can use the routing template as a powerful tool. You can use the routing template as a base and then modify it to work with the selected product. It is easy to update many routings at once, which saves you time.

  1. Open the Routing Template window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a template description on your site.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Create a new record.
  6. Enter all data for the operation, number, description, time, etc.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. You can also use standard operation in a template by right-clicking and then clicking Add Standard Operation. If you add the standard operation as a reference, it can be updated as described in earlier exercise.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. Open Routing window and enter the routing for your created product structure.
  11. Click the Routings tab, right-click and then click Use Routing Template.
  12. Select the routing template from the List of Values, and specify whether it will be a copy or a reference.

          Note: You cannot add a routing template as a reference if you already have operations in the routing. A copy is OK.

  1. The template operations are now transferred to the routing, and if you made a reference, the routing template number appears on the Routings tab. Now you can edit the operations to fit the production of this product. 

    Note: You will lose the reference if you make any change in routing. You will be warned when try to make any change in routing operation.

  2. Return to the Routing Template window.
  3. Query for a template that is used somewhere. 
  4. Where used information is shown only when the routing template is a reference (on the Routing Template/Where Used tab).
  5. Change the template by adding an operation or changing the work center.
  6. Save your changes.

    Note: The status is now Change Pending. It will stay this way until the change is propagated. This status informs other people who see this template that it has been changed but that the change has not been transferred.  
  7. The change can be propagated using a right mouse button option.
  8. You can now decide how and where the change will be propagated. You will also receive information about which status the routings have where the template is a reference.
  9. For this exercise, choose to mark checkbox Directly change for Buildable routings and Tentative/Plannable routings
  10. Click OK.
  11. Go to the place there the template is used, and check the result.
  12. Try different ways of propagating, and make some copies to see the differences in functionality.


Routing Serial Range

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to select alternate by serial range instead of the date.

Inventory Part
Shop Order
Note: This feature is used when you want to implement a change in production from a certain serial number. You have production of a product that has serial tracking, and you need to keep track of the changes. The example from Serial 101, Alternate 2 of the routing should be used regardless of the date on which Serial 101 will be produced. 

  1. Open the Inventory Part  window, and click the Manufacturing tab. Verify that the routing effectively is set to Serial.
  2. Open the Routing window.
  3. Query for your part on your site.
  4. If you have not done so already, create a routing, and set the status to Buildable.
  5. Copy the routing alternative to a new one by right-clicking and then clicking Copy Alternative.
  6. Make some changes in the new alternative, and set status to Buildable.
  7. Click the Routing Serials tab.
  8. Create a new record, and enter the serial begin value. If you know the serial end value, enter that as well.
  9. Select an alternative from the List of Values.
  10. Create a new serial range that does not overlap the one already created.
  11. Select a second alternative from the List of Values.
  12. To be able to see how the routing is selected, you need to create shop orders and define serial numbers for them.
  13. Open the Shop Order window , and create a new record.
  14. Enter a serial number, and verify that you have the correct routing.

Connect Tool to Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect a tool to a operation.

Note: This function is used when you want/need to use a special tool to be able to do the operation. By using the specified tool in the operation you also guarantee that the tool is calibrated and that the tool is adaptable for the operation. The tool can be a parameter when running CBS.

  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for your part on your site.
  3. Click the Routing Tools tab.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. Enter or select an alternative, an operation, and a tool ID.
  6. Specify the quantity needed. The default quantity is 1.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. If the parent part is configurable, you can enter a rule specifying when the tool will be used.
  9. Optionally, add a guideline for the tool for the operator's reference.
  10. To see the result of connecting the tool to the routing, you need to create a shop order with the Reserved status and then print the report.

Implement Change in Production Based on Lot Size

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to select an alternate by the minimum quantity value of the lot size.

Shop Order

Note: This feature is used when you want to implement a change in production for a certain lot size. You have different alternates on how you can produce a part. The best alternate depends on how much of the part needs to be produced in the shop order.

  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for the part you require on your site.
  3. If you have not done so already, create a routing, and set the status to Buildable.
  4. Copy the routing alternative to a new one by right-clicking and then clicking Copy Alternative.
  5. Make some changes in the new alternative, and set status to Buildable.
  6. Click the Routing Lot Size tab.
  7. Create a new record, and enter the Min Lot Qty value.
  8. Select an alternative from the List of Values.
  9. Create a new record, and enter another Min Lot Qty. (The alternate will be valid from one Min Lot Qty record up to a record with a higher Min Lot Qty).
  10. Select a second alternative from the List of Values.
  11. To be able to see how the routing is selected, you need to create shop orders with different lot sizes.
  12. Open the Shop Order window, and create a new record.
  13. Enter a lot size, and verify that you have the correct routing.

General exercise for Creating Routing