Manage Incident Notifications—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Define Incident Reporting Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create basic data used for registering incidents.

Incident Basic Data

  1. Open the Incident Basic Data window.
  2. Go to the relevant tab and enter values for incident severity level, incident class and incident type.
  3. Save the information.

General exercise for incident reporting basic data

Define Company Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create location information used for registering incidents.

Location Basic Data

  1. Open the Location Basic Data window.
  2. Create new records and enter values for location and sub location.
  3. Save the information.

General exercise for defining locations.

Define Company Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create project information.


  1. Open the Project window.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Save the information.

General exercise for creating projects

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how the distribution lists for incident notification can be configured and utilized.

Distribution List Configuration
Distribution List Basic Data
Incident/Distribution List
Distribution Lists

Define Distribution List Configuration

  1. Open the Distribution List Configuration window and create a new record.
  2. Enter Config 1 as the configuration ID in the relevant field. 
  3. Save the information
  4. Go to the Condition tab, select the relevant sub tab and enter a company ID, project ID and an incident type as conditions. Also, in the Incident Class/Type sub tab, enter Confirmed as the incident status.
  5. Save the information.

Link Configuration to Notification Recipients

  1. Open the Distribution List Basic Data window.
  2. Create a new record and select Supervisor of Injured Person in the Notify To field.
  3. In the Comm Method field, select Email from the list and give the email address in the Value field.
  4. Enter a valid period using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  5. In the Distribution List Config ID field, enter the configuration ID you defined previously.
  6. In the Notification Type field, select Automatic.
  7. Save the information.
  8. Create a new record and select Person in the Notify To field.
  9. Enter the person ID in the relevant field.
  10. In the Comm ID field, select a communication method already connected to the person in the Person window. For the purpose of this exercise, select the communication method with an email address.
  11. Enter a valid period using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  12. In the Distribution List Config ID field, enter the configuration ID you defined previously.
  13. In the Notification Type field, select Automatic.
  14. Save the information.
  15. Create a new record and select Acknowledge By in the Notify To field.
  16. In the Comm Method field, select Phone or Mobile from the list and give the phone number in the Value field.
  17. Enter a valid period using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  18. In the Distribution List Config ID field, enter the configuration ID you defined previously.
  19. In the Notification Type field, select Manual.
  20. Save the information.

Check Notification of Incidents

  1. Open the Incident window and create a new record.
  2. Ensure that the incident case you create has the following details:
    Incident is reported in company 10.
    The project linked to distribution list configuration Config 1 is linked to the incident case.
    The incident type linked to distribution list configuration Config 1 is given for the incident case.
  3. Save the incident case.
  4. Right-click and click Confirm.
  5. Go to the Distribution List tab. The distribution list for incident notification which you defined in the Distribution List Basic Data window will show in this tab. Note that the two persons (notification recipients) for whom the notification type was Automatic, the value in the Status field is Completed.
  6. The status for the notification recipient with Manual notification type is To be Alerted.
  7. Once you have informed this recipient using the phone number given, select this record, right-click and click Complete. The status will change to Completed.

Modify and Release Notifications to Recipients

  1. Open the Incident window.
  2. Search or populate to find the incident you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Distribution List tab and create a new record.
  4. Select a notification recipient in the Notify To field. Note that you can only use Person or External Person for manual records.
  5. Enter the person ID in the relevant field.
  6. In the Comm ID field, the communication method has to be selected from the options already linked to the person in the Person window.
  7. Leave the Distribution List Config ID field blank.
  8. Save the information. The Manual Entry check box will be selected automatically for this record and the status will be To be Alerted.
  9. Select the record, right-click and click Notify if the notification should be sent via email as per the communication method specified.
  10. If the communication method is not Email, right-click and click Complete once the notification is done.