Employee Payment—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Payment Methods

Register Basic Data in the Employee window

Employee Payment

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to learn how to request advances in Employee Payment and to register payment of advances in cash or by transfer to a financial institution.

Employee Payments
Voucher Analysis
Expense Sheet
Transfer Payments
Employee Payments

Payment in Cash

On some occasions, you will need to have money before you travel. The procedure normally followed in a situation like this is to create a request for travel advances before you travel, and then connect the advance you received to the expense sheet you fill in after you return from your travel.

  1. Open the Employee Payments window and create a request for travel advances by entering a new row for your employee number.
  2. Select USD from the List of Values for the Currency Code field and enter 200 in the Currency Amount field.
  3. Select the cash method you created in the Basic Data Setup (Payment Methods) exercise from the List of Values for the Method ID field. Save your changes. Check if the Emp Payment Status field is Requested.
  4. Authorize your request by selecting the advance you just entered, right-clicking and then clicking Authorize Payment. The Emp Payment Status field should change to Authorized.
  5. Right-click and then click Payment in Cash. If necessary, update the values displayed as follows:
  6. User Group field should be AC.
  7. Voucher Type field should be S.
  8. Payment Method field should be the same cash payment method you chose in Step 3.
  9. Payment Date field should be today’s date.
  10. Click OK and make a note of the created voucher number, or right-click and click View Payment Details to find the voucher number. Notice that the Emp Payment Status field is now Paid.
  11. Query for your voucher in the Voucher Analysis window. Is the voucher correct? 
  12. Open the Expense Sheet window. Create a new expense sheet. Enter a trip that lasts for at least two days. Save your changes. 
  13. Click the Expenses tab and enter some expenses. 
  14. Click the Entertainment tab and enter some entertainment costs. Remember to create a guest list.
  15. Click the Payments tab. In the lower part of the window, your advance is available. The status of the advance is Paid. Select the advance, right-click and then click Connect to Expense Sheet.
  16. Enter 200 in the Connect Amount field in the Connect To Expense Sheet dialog box.
  17. In the main portion of the Expense Sheet window, the advanced amount appears in the Advance field and the amount in the Balance field is changed. Are the amounts correct?
  18. Confirm and authorize the expense sheet.
  19. Payment through Financial Institution

    We have seen one way of creating and connecting advances to an expense sheet in the previous exercise. An alternate way of creating and connecting advances to an expense sheet is to follow the steps in the exercise below.

    1. Start by creating a new expense sheet in the Expense Sheet window. The travel dates should cover at least two days. Save your changes.
    2. Open the Employee Payments window and create a new row. Enter the expense ID of the expense sheet you created in the first step in the Expense ID field. Select USD from the List of Values for the Currency Code field and enter an advance amount of 175 in the Currency Amount field.
    3. Values for the Method ID and Account fields should be displayed automatically. The value for the Method ID field should be your own payment method for transfer to financial institution, i.e., the one that you connected to your employee in Employee. Save your changes.
    4. Authorize the payment by right-clicking and clicking Authorize Payment
    5. Open the Transfer Payments dialog box. If necessary, update the values displayed as follows:
    6. Company ID field should be the company in which you are working.
    7. Method ID field should be the same payment method you used in Step 3.
    8. Payment Date field should be today’s date.
    9. File Name field should be C:\Temp. This is the path to the file you want to create. Add a file name to the path and name it after your user, e.g., C:\Temp\Alain1.txt. Note: If you have a problem creating the file, it can be because the location where you should save your file is different from the one stated here. Please ask your instructor where you should save your file, then click Browse and select the new location.
    10. Click OK.
    11. If the file was successfully created (you could use Windows Explorer to find your file and then open it to verify that it contains data), open the Employee Payments window and query for your payment method.
    12. Select the row, right-click, and then click Acknowledge Payment. In the window that appears, you can see all the payments that are included in the file. There should be only one payment in the file—the one you just created. If necessary, update the values displayed as follows:
      1. Payment Method field should be the same payment method you chose in Step 3.
      2. Payment Date field should be today’s date.
      3. User Group field should be AC.
      4. Voucher Type field should be S.
      5. Paid check box should be selected.
    13. Click OK. A voucher is created. You can see the voucher number in the Voucher No field in the Employee Payments window.
    14. Query for your voucher in the Voucher Analysis window. Is the voucher correct?
    15. Go back to the expense sheet you created and refresh it (Shift+F5). Click the Payments tab. You will see that the advance payment has been connected to your expense sheet. Verify that the status of the advance is now Paid.
    16. Look at the main portion of the Expense Sheet window. The advanced amount is displayed in the Advance field and the amount in the Balance field has been changed.