Complex Assembly MRO—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to enter the basic data used when defining IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM) parts, template structures and serial structures.

User Per Company

Users Per Company

  1. Open the Users Per Company window and query for company 10. 

  2. Query for your user ID. If it is not already defined, then create a new record in the table window and enter your user ID in the User ID field. Select the Default Company check box so that this company will be your default company every time you login.

  3. Save.

User Groups

User Groups

  1. Open the User Groups window and make sure that the correct company is shown in the title bar of the window. If the user group AC is not available, create a new record, enter the data in the following table and save.
    User Group Description Allowed Accounting Periods
    AC User group finance Ordinary Periods

Users Per User Group

Users Per User Group

  1. Open the Users Per User Group window and query for the AC user group.

  2. Create a new record in the table and enter your user ID in the User ID field. Select the Default Group check box and save.

MRO Site

Sites per User

  1. Open the Site window and create a new record with the following details.
    Site Site Description Company Distribution Calendar Manufacturing Calendar
    XX90 XX's Complex MRO site 10 * *
  2. Click the Manufacturing tab and select the VIM MRO Usage check box.

  3. Connect the site to your user name in Sites per User window.

  4. Set site XX90 as your default site.

    General exercise for Entering Site

Location Group

Inventory Location groups

  1. Open the Inventory Location groups window and create a new record with following details.
    Location Group Description Location Type
    100 MRO Location Group 2 Picking

           General exercise for entering inventory locations

Inventory Locations

Inventory Locations

  1. Open the Inventory Locations window and create new records with the following details.
    Site Location Number Location Group Bay Location Description
    XX90 100 100 100 100-1
    XX90 200 100 200 200-1

           General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations



  1. Open the Customer window and create a new record.

  2. Enter XX_CUST in the Customer field and Customer for XX Engine in the Name field.

  3. Enter values for the Default Language, Country, Company & Our ID fields in the General tab and save.

  4. Enter a value for the Address Identity field in the Address tab and save.

  5. Enter values for the Country and Address fields in the Address/General Address Info tab and enter today's date (system date) in the Valid From field. Save.

  6. Enter values for the Del Terms and Ship Via fields in the Address/Order Address Info tab and save.

  7. Click the Address/Tax Information tab create a new record for company 10 with the values in the following table.
    Company Tax Regime Tax Liability Tax Withholding
    10 Mixed Taxed Blocked

  8. Click the Order/General tab and enter 30 in the Cust Stat Grp field and USD in the Currency field. Also select the Allow Part Ownership Transfer check box. Save.

  9. Enter NO (Normal Order) in the Order Type field in the Order/Misc Customer Info tab and save.

  10. Click the Invoice/General tab and enter the following data.
    Company Customer Type Customer Group Currency Payment Terms
    10 External 0 - External USD 30 Days Net

  11. Save.

          General exercise for Create a Customer



  1. Open the Supplier window and create a new record.

  2. Enter XX_SUP in the Supplier field and Supplier for XX Engine in the Name field.

  3. Enter values for the Default Language, Country, Company & Our ID fields in the General tab.

  4. Enter values for the Address Identity field in the Address tab.

  5. Enter values for the Country and Address fields in the Address/General Address Info tab and enter today's date (system date) in the Valid From field.

  6. Enter values for the Supplier Name, Del Terms, Ship Via fields in the Address/Purchase Address Info tab. Make sure to use the same Ship Via code that you used in the create customer exercise.

  7. Enter 10 in the Company field in the Address/Tax Information tab.

  8. Click the Purchase/General tab and create a new record. Enter the data given in the following table and save.

    Supp Stat Grp Buyer ID Payment Terms Currency Customer No
    30 * 10 USD XX_CUST
  9. Click the Invoice/General tab and create a new record. Enter the data given in following table and save.

    Company Supplier Type Currency Supplier Group Payment Terms Invoicing Supplier
    10 External USD 0 30 XX_SUP
  10. Save.

    General exercise for Create a Supplier



  1. Open the Manufacturer window and create a new record.

  2. Enter XX_MANUF in the Manufacturer ID field and XX Manufacturer in the Name field.

  3. Enter values for the Default Language, Country, Company & Our ID fields in the General tab.

  4. Enter values for the Address Identity field in the Address tab.

  5. Enter values for the Country and Address fields in the Address/General Address Info tab.

  6. Enter today's date (system date) in the Valid From field and save.