Running Matching—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Competency Profile Specification

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Competency Profile Specification

  1. Open Competency Profile Specification and populate the window.
  2. Enter a competency profile for a Human Resources Officer.

General exercises for Competency Profile Specification

Main Exercises 

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to guide you through the run matching process using the Matching Engine, Matching Engine Wizard, and Competence Finder.

Matching Engine/General
Matching Engine/Matching Results
Matching Engine/Matching Criteria
Matching Engine Wizard
Competency Finder (web)

Matching Engine

  1. Open General tab and create a new record. Then enter an optional name in the Saved Matching Name field.
  2. Specify that you want to find employees matching your previously defined profile. You enter your profile by using the List of Values.
  3. Click Matching Engine/Matching Criteria tab and include only the criteria Competency.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Click Proceed, and the result will show in the Matching Result – Employees tab.
  6. You can change the matching criteria in the tab with corresponding name and repeat the match until you are satisfied with the result.

Note: If you click Setting (only available if you have chosen Competency or Employment as your matching criteria) in the Matching Criteria tab, you can specify whether the result should include all competencies or only the core competencies, presented in a total competency point. You can also specify whether to use gap tolerance or not, or whether to match fewer competencies than required (e.g., three out of four).

Matching Engine Wizard

  1. Open the Matching Engine Wizard window.
  2. Specify that you want to find employees to match your profile. Select your profile from the List of Values. Then click Next
  3. Click View Criteria and view your profile specification.
  4. Click Next and select the Competency criteria from the list. 
  5. Click Proceed and then View Result. Found employees will be displayed.
  6. You can repeat the match and change the matching criteria by clicking Clear.
  7. Click Next and enter an optional name to save the result.
  8. Click Finish

Competence Finder Web

  1. Competence Finder web page. 
  2. Select a group and a competence (this information is required). 
  3. Click Find Competence.
  4. Add information about the minimum level.
  5. View the result.
  6. Change the criteria and perform another match.