Performing Aggregate Gap Analysis—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Competency Profile Specification

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Competency Profile Specification

  1. Open Competency Profile Specification and populate the window.
  2. Enter a competency profile for a Human Resources Officer.

General exercises for Competency Profile Specification


Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to guide you through the aggregate gap analysis process, which entails performing an aggregate gap analysis and viewing the results.

Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis
Employee Competency Comparison

Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis

  1. Open Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis and populate the window.
  2. Create a new record and enter an optional name.
  3. Save the information.
  4. Enter three of your employees to be included in the analysis. Use the List of Values to select them.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Click the Analysis Parameter tab and indicate that you want to compare the data source (the selected employees) with your previously defined profile. You enter your profile by using the List of Values. Then click Proceed.
  7. Click the Analysis by Competency tab. Right-click and then click Employees with Development Need. The employees with insufficient or no knowledge related to the defined competence requirements will show. 
  8. Click the Analysis by Competency tab. Right-click and then click Employees with Incomplete Assessment. The employees with no knowledge related to the defined competence requirements will show. 
  9. Click the Analysis by Competency tab and select one of the competencies. Right-click and then click Employees Competency Profile. You will get an overview of all the employees and their score on the selected competency.

Note: The right mouse button functions can also be found in the Analysis by Job/Organization Unit tabs.

Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis Result

  1. Open Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis and populate the window. Select the analysis you did in the previous exercise.
  2. View the Analysis Result tab, which shows an overview of all the employees and their competence in comparison to each competency requirement. The result is presented as gaps. 
  3. View the the Analysis by Employee tab, which shows each employee’s result for each competency requirement. The result is presented as gaps.
  4. View the Analysis by Organization Unit  , which shows the result per organization/department/section (often the same as the different cost centers). The tab  summarizes how many employees per organization unit need development. You can also see how many employees with incomplete assessment there are, that is, employees with no knowledge at all in the required competence.
  5. View the Analysis by Job tab, which shows the result per job and summarizes how many employees per job need development. You can also see how many employees with incomplete assessment there are, that is, employees with no knowledge at all in the required competence.
  6. View the Analysis by Competency tab, which shows the total score per competency. The tab  summarizes how many employees per competency need development. You can also see how many employees with incomplete assessment there are, that is, employees with no knowledge at all in the required competence.

Note: You can right-click during steps 4 through 6 to see the names of the employees with development needs and/or incomplete assessment. 

Employee Competency Comparison

  1. Open Employee Competency Comparison and populate the window.
  2. Select three employees.
  3. View the result.