Define Survey Questions — Exercises

Basic Data Setup


For this lesson you are required to set up the basic data given in:
Employee Survey Basic Data - Exercises  

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define survey questions that should be posted in the survey for participants to answer.

Employee Survey/Questions
Employee Survey/Question Detail

Defining Questions

Consider a survey in which you want to find out the views of participant employees about the transport facilities provided by company. The table illustrates how questions can be defined.

Note : Some employees may be using company sponsored vehicles. You can see how qualifying questions are used to ask separate questions from participants who are using company sponsored vehicles.

Purpose of Question Question Question Type Predefined answer options? Qualifying Questions
  1. What is your age? Numerical Not available.
Participants can freely enter a value as the answer.
  2. How long have you been employed? Multi-choice Yes.
Alternative answer list with predefined answer options.
  • 1 - 6 months
  • 6 months - 2 years
  • 2 - 5 years
  • More than 5 years
Employees are entitled to company sponsored car after 5 years of service.
This question should only be answered by participants who have selected the 4th answer option to question 2.
3. What is the brand of your car? Open-Ended Not available.
Participants can comment freely.
Question 2 should be entered as a qualifying question.
The 4th answer option in question 2 should be entered as qualifying answer.
This question should only be answered by participants who have selected the 4th answer option to question 2. 4. Do you prefer a different vehicle to what you have? Yes/No Yes and No will be the only available answer options. Question 2 should be the qualifying question.
The 4th answer option in question 2 should be entered as qualifying answer.
  5. Are you satisfied with the transport facilities provided by the company? Yes/No Yes and No will be the only available answer options.  
If a participant is not satisfied with the transport facilities, a reason needs to be given by participant.
Should only be answered by participants who have selected No as the answer to question 5.
6. Explain why? Open-Ended Not available.
Participant should comment freely.
Question 5 should be the qualifying question.
The No option should be the qualifying answer.

Create Questions

  1. Open the Employee Survey/Questions tab.
  2. Define questions that you want the participants to answer, in the order that you want them to answer as given in the above table.

Question Types

Refer the questions defined in the table above for examples of questions created with different types.

  1. When you create questions in the Employee Survey/Questions tab, you can create questions of different types.
  2. In the Questions tab, define questions you want to ask from the participants.
  3. If you want to define question to which the answer should be a numerical value only, create a Numerical type question.
    Question 1 is a Numerical type question.
  4. If you want to define a question to which participants should only answer using the optional answers you specify, create a Multi-Choice type question and link an alternative answer list ID with the appropriate answer options. Use the list of values to select an alternative list ID.
    Question 2 is defined to find out how long a participant has been employed. However, the purpose of the question is to have participants grouped based on the length of time they have been employed.
  5. Create an Open Ended type question to which participants can answer freely.
    Question 3 and Question 6 are open ended question. Participants can freely enter their comment on these questions.
  6. If you want to define a question to which you want the participants to answer as Yes or No, create a Yes/No type question.
    Questions 4 and 5 are Yes/No type question.

Note: The details of questions defined in the Questions tab can be modified in the Question Detail tab as well.

Qualifying Questions

  1. Open the Employee Survey/Questions tab.
  2. Define a Multi-Choice or Yes/No type question as specified in the previous exercise.
  3. Define another question and enter the Multi-Choice or Yes/No type question defined in step 2 as the qualifying question. You are also required to specify the answer that should be given to the qualifying question.

    Example 1:
    The purpose of question 3 is to find the brand of vehicle used by the participants. However, this question should only be asked from participants who have been employed for more than five years. That is, question 3 should only be available when participants have selected the 4th answer option to question 2.

    Example 2: The purpose of question 6 is to find out why participants are dissatisfied with the transport facilities provided by the company. That is, it should only be asked from participants who are dissatisfied. Therefore, question 6 should only be available when participants have selected No as the answer to question 5.

Note: The details of questions defined in the Questions tab can be modified in the Question Detail tab as well.