Checking Project Item Characteristics—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating a Project Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a project product structure.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Creating Project Product Structures 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to check the project item's characteristics as part of approving the project product structure.

Part/Engineerings/Characteristics Calc
Engineering PartRevision/Char.Snapshot
Project Item
Project Item/Char. Snapshot
Project Item/Char. Calc.

Checking Project Item Characteristics 

Note: If some parts in your project product structure have characteristics, then these characteristics must be approved before you can approve the part's part definition. 

  1. Open the Part window and query for your standard planned project items 20–120 (Cylinder Head 1600),  20–121 (Cylinder Head Cover 1600), 20–122 (Camshaft 1600) and 20–123 (Valve 1600).
  2. Click the Characteristics tab, and check the characteristics for each part.
  3. Verify that the characteristic status is Approved. Approval of characterictics is done by selecting the Status field and then right-clicking and then clicking Change Status.
  4. Click the Engineering tab, and then click the Characteristics Calc tab. Verify that the calculation has been performed for part 20–120
  5. Open the Engineering Part Revision window and query for parts 20–120, 20–121, 20–122 and 20–123.
  6. Verify that the status of each part is Released. This is necessary in order for a characteristic snapshot to be automatically created. 
  7. Click the Char. Snapshot tab and check the characteristics of each part.

Calculating Project Item Characteristics Rollup 

Prerequisite: You should do the above Checking Project Item Characteristics exercise first. This is because you can only calculate the characteristics rollup of a project item in IFS/Project Delivery if the item's engineering part revision has been defined with characteristics, which subsequently have been calculated and approved in IFS/Part Catalog, and the part revision has been released in IFS/PDM–Configuration.   

  1. Open the Project Item window.
  2. Query for your project XXPD–01and parts 20–120 (Cylinder Head 1600),  20–121 (Cylinder Head Cover 1600), 20–122 (Camshaft 1600) and 20–123 (Valve 1600).
  3. Click the Char. Snapshot tab to check the parts' numeric attributes.
  4. Click the Char. Calc. tab.
  5. Register the Attribute 11 (Diameter) for part 20–120, and the Unit mm. The attribute Diameter is selected because all parts 20–120, 20–121, 20–122 and 20–123 have this common attribute, which can then be calculated up to its parent part 20–120.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Select the attribute 11 (Diameter), right-click and then click Calculate Technical
  8. Verify that the calculated value is 150, based on the characteristic snapshot of this attribute for parts 20–121, 20–122 and 20–123. Note that this value is also multiplied by each part's quantity in the structure of part 20–120.