Releasing Engineering Part Revisions— Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Build Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for verifying, approving, and releasing an engineering part revision.

Engineering Part Revision

  1. Build a product structure.  

General exercise for Building a Product Structure

Enter Manufacturers and Manufacturer Part Numbers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required if you will link one or more manufacturer part numbers to the engineering part revision.


  1. Enter manufacturers that supply the part and the part numbers used by the manufacturers in the part's part catalog record.

General exercise for Entering Manufacturers and Manufacturer Part Numbers

Main Exercises

Verifying Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that all children are okay before activating the part itself. The activation of the part indicates that it is ready for use in any product structure.

Engineering Part Revision/Development Status

Note: You can see the status of the component parts in the structure.

  1. Select the manufactured part (your top part),
  2. Click the Development Status tab, and check to see whether the structure is OK (look at the Structure OK check box). If not, proceed with the following steps.
  3. Activate any child parts that do not have a status of Active. (To activate a child part, select the part, right-click, and then click Engineering Part Revision. In the new window, right-click, point to Status and then click Set Active). 
  4. Refresh the information by pressing Shift + F5 or Refresh in the Command menu (to update the status for the parts you activated in step 3)
  5. Activate the top part (To activate the top part and the structure, in the header of the Engineering Part Revision window, right-click, point to Status, and then click Set Active). Note: When promoting your top part to the Active status, all parts in the structure below will be promoted to Active as well.

Verifying the Engineering Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify the part before you release it. When you try to release the part, the system will check to see whether all requirements for release are fulfilled. You can view the list of what is finished and what is remaining before the part can be released.

Engineering Part Revision/Development Status

Note: The four check boxes in this tab show the status for the selected part:

In addition: All documents connected to the parts must be released. To release a document, select the part, click on the Attachments panel, click the Documents link to view the connected document, select the document, right-click and then click Document Revision. In the new window, right-click and point to Status and then click Release.

  1. Select (query for) your top part, and click the Development Status tab. First, check the requirements for the top part by viewing the four check boxes.
  2. If the Structure OK check box is not selected, click Show Remaining. In the Parts tab, you can see which parts are not in the Active status. Select the part(s), right-click, and then click Engineering Part Revision to activate the part(s). When all parts are activated, the check box will be selected.
  3. Go back to the Development Status tab for the top part, and check the document requirements. If the document requirements check box is not selected, review the document requirements in the Doc. Req tab. Connect the remaining documents to the part in Attachments panel.
  4. If the approval routing is not OK, approve the remaining steps. If you added some steps that you cannot approve because of missing privileges (based on your user ID), delete the steps.
  5. Check to see whether the characteristics are OK. If not, click the Engineering Part tab, right-click, and then click Part. Click the Characteristics tab, and right-click and then click Change Status.
  6. All documents connected to the part must be released. Check this, and release if necessary.
  7. To verify whether all requirements for the parts in the structure are fulfilled, click Show Remaining. In the Document Requirements, Approval Routing, Documents Released, and Characteristics Approved fields, you can see what is missing. You must fulfill all these requirements before you can release the parts.
  8. Fulfill document requirements: If the Document Requirements column displays 1/2, one of two document requirements is met. This means that only one of the two required different document classes is currently connected to the part. To fulfill the requirement, select the part, right-click, and then click Engineering Part Revision. In the window that appears, go to Attachments panel, and click the Document Requirement and Documents links to identify what document classes are missing. Insert an appropriate document.  
  9. Complete the approval routing: The Approval Routing column shows how many steps are approved and the total number that must be approved. To complete the approval routing, select the part, and right-click and then click Engineering Part Revision. Click the Approval Process tab, and right-click and then click Approve Step for all lines. If you are not able to approve because of missing privileges (based on your user ID), delete the rows.
  10. All documents connected to the parts must be released. The Documents Released column shows how many documents are released and the total number of connected documents. If some documents are not released, select the part, right-click, and then click Engineering Part Revision. On the Revision tab, go to the Attachments panel, click the Documents link and select the documents that are not released. Right-click and click Document Revision. In the Document Revision window, right-click and then click Release.

Approving Manufacturer Part Numbers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the part numbers entered are approved before linking manufacturer part numbers to the part revision.


  1. Query for your part in the Part window.
  2. Click the Part Manufacturer tab and find the manufacturer part number record(s) that you will link to your engineering part revision. 
  3. For each manufacturer part number to be linked, make sure the record is approval (the Approved field should contain Yes). 
  4. If any manufacturer part numbers records are not approved (the Approved field contains No or Conditional), approve those records by selecting Yes from the Approved list.
  5. Save the record(s).

Linking Manufacturer Part Numbers to the Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to link the appropriate manufacturer part numbers to the part revision.

Engineering Part Revision/Manu.Part Revisions

  1. With your engineering part populating the Engineering Part Revision window, create a new record in the Manu. Part Revisions tab.
  2. In the Manufacturer Number field, either enter the manufacturer's ID or use the List of Values to select it. (Note that only those manufacturers previously entered in the engineering part's part catalog record are available in the List of Values.)
  3. In the Manufacturer Part Number field, enter the manufacturer part number that you want to link to this revision of the engineering part. (You can select the part number from the List of Values. Only those manufacturer part numbers that are entered for the manufacturer in the part catalog record are available.)
  4. Save the record.
  5. If desired, repeat the above steps, adding any other records for manufacturer part numbers that you want to link to this revision.

Releasing the Child Parts and Part Revision 

Purpose:  The purpose of this exercise is to release the child parts and the revision after all the aspects of the part and the structure have been verified and you have approved and linked any manufacturer part numbers to your part revision.

Engineering Part Revision/Development Status

  1. Selecting the child part(s), right-click and then click Engineering Part Revision
  2. Click the Revision tab, right-click, point to Status, and then click Release.
  3. When all requirements are fulfilled and the child parts are released, the top part can be released. (To verify that the revision is ready for release, display the top part record, and select Show Remaining, All four check boxes at the top of the Revision tab should be checked and the list on the Parts tab should be empty).
  4. On the Revision tab, right-click and point to Status and then click Release.