Establishing Product Functions — Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Set Up Product Basic

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Basic Data/Functions
Product Basic Data/Product Type

  1. Create two functions: Electrical and Hydraulic system.
  2. Create a product type: Car.

General exercise for Setting Up Product Basic

Set Up New Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Engineering Parts
Engineering Part Revisions

  1. Create an engineering part: F1 Racing Car.

General exercise for Establishing a New Part

Main Exercise

Create a Product Model with Functions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to initiate the design with a product model and functional design of the products before designing the final parts.

Products and Models
Product Functions

  1. First, you define a product. You do this mainly to have a framework for the details of the product, which consists of one or more models. Enter a product, Racing Car, and connect it to a product type Car in the Products and Models window.
  2. Next step is to define one or more models. Enter two models, F1 car and F3 car in the Products and Models window.
  3. In order to add components to your functions later on, you need a top part connected to the model. In the Products and Models window, connect the top part, F1 Racing Car, to your F1 car model.
  4. Enter some functions. Select the F1 car model and right-click and then click Function Structure Navigator.

Note: It is possible to copy by right-clicking and clicking. This eases the work of registering the functions for a model by copying functions from another model.

  1. Select your product model Racing Car in the graphical window and connect two functions, Hydraulic System and Electrical System from the List of Values.

Note: It is possible to reorganize your functions by dragging the function to a new location.

  1. In the Function Structure Navigator window, connect your parts (except your top part) to the functions on the lowest level in the structure by selecting a function, and right-clicking and then clicking Add (Parts). Click All parts to get access to all engineering parts in the database.
  2. You can also connect documents to functions in the same way by right-clicking and then clicking Add (Documents).