Managing Supplier Warranties—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Basic Data for Warranties

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create and connect a supplier warranty to a part using serial numbers.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a supplier that you can purchase goods from.


  1. Enter a supplier, XX-1000.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Supplier


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect a buyer to your user.

Procurement Basic Data
Sites per User

  1. Create a buyer.
  2. Connect the buyer to your user.

General exercise for Buyer.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect a coordinator to your user.

Sites per User

  1. Create a coordinator.
  2. Connect the coordinator to your user.

General exercise for Coordinator.

Create Warranty Condition

Warranty Conditions
Supplier Warranty Type Template

  1. Create a warranty condition in the Warranty Conditions window. Enter a condition description, set the min value to 0 and the max value to 1, and choose time unit year. Save and note that the Condition ID will be given.
  2. Create a supplier warranty type template in the Supplier Warranty Type Template window. Name the template ID XX-R. Enter a description, mark the Convert to Customer Warranty checkbox, and save.
  3. Add the created Condition ID, received in step 1, and save.

Connect Supplier Warranty Type Template in Part Catalog


  1. Create a new part named XX-18-450 Porsche car, in the Part window.
  2. Set up conditions for serial tracking in the General tab by enabling the following checkboxes: Inventory Serial Tracking and After Delivery Serial Tracking. Choose Manual in the Serial Rule field. Unit of measure should be pieces (pcs).
  3. Connect a supplier warranty by right-clicking, choosing Supplier Warranty and Create/Edit. Choose template ID XX-R and save. Note that the checkbox for Supplier Warranty is now marked in the General tab in the Part window.

General exercise for Enter Part in Part Catalog

Enter Purchase Part

Purchase Part
Inventory Locations
Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Enter XX-18-450 Porsche Car as a stored purchased part.
  2. Create a corresponding inventory part and enter a picking location as default. Are any of the checkboxes for warranty marked in the Misc Part Info tab? From where is the information inherited?
  3. XX-18-450 is bought from supplier XX-1000. Create a corresponding supplier for purchase part and use receive case: Receive into Inventory. Is the checkbox for Supplier Warranty marked in the General tab? From where is the information inherited?

General exercise for Purchase Part

General exercise for Minimal Inventory Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Required Data

Enter Purchase Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Enter a purchase order with 5 pcs XX-18-450 from supplier XX-1000 and release it.

General exercise for Purchase Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: To create and connect a supplier warranty to a part using serial numbers.

Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals
Part Serial

IFS Racing is buying Porsche cars and obtains a year warranty covering rust protection from the supplier.

Create and connect a supplier warranty

  1. In the Purchase Order window, check the purchase order you created for this exercise. Is the checkbox for supplier warranty marked on the order line? From where is the information inherited? Note the possibility by right-clicking on the order line to view or create/edit the supplier warranty.
  2. Receive the order by using right-clicking, choosing Receive Orders with Serials, in Register Purchase Order Arrivals window. Choose sequence, add a prefix XX and number from 1 to 5. Press OK and save.
  3. Search for one of the arrived parts in the Part Serial window. Are any of the checkboxes for warranty marked in the General tab?
  4. Choose Supplier Warranty and view by right-clicking. Has the valid warranty period been calculated?