Create View Copy — Extended Exercises

Required Data

This exercise requires that you have some sort of PDF writer installed. You should also have performed the following exercises:

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how a view copy is created.

Document Revision

Creating a View Copy

Note: We must first check out the document file from which to create a view copy. 

  1. Open the Document Revision window from the Navigator.
  2. Query for the Assembly Instruction (F3), e.g., by entering XXINSTR (where XX is your initials) for the document class.
  3. Check out the document file by clicking Edit.
  4. If the Choose Macro window opens, click Skip Macro. Microsoft Word should be opened, displaying the document file.
  5. Create a PDF copy of the file by selecting Print, and then selecting the PDF writer as the printer.

Note: This requires that you have a PDF writer installed.

  1. Verify that the PDF file gets the same file name as the original file. 

Note: The structure of the file name is Title (Class – Doc No. – Sheet no.  –  Revision).xxx (where xxx is the file extension). The PDF file and original file must have exactly the same filename, except for the file extension.

  1. Save and close both files.
  2. Open Windows Explorer.
  3. Check that both files are located in the same place (your check out path) and verify that the filenames are identical.

Note: If you do not remember your local check out path, you can view it (or edit it) in the User Settings dialog box from the IFS Navigator.

  1. Open to the Document Revision window in IFS Document Management and click Check In.
  2. Open the Windows Explorer again and check that both files have been removed from the local check out path.

Note: If the View Copy Requirement field on the Title tab of your document revision is set to Required, you cannot check in the file unless a view copy file is stored at the check out path. If the View Copy Requirement field is set to Optional, the system will check in the view copy file, if one exists, or only check in the original file.