Document Package—Extended Exercises

Required Data

The following exercises should be performed:

Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a Document Milestone Template that will be used when reporting progress on the assembly instruction documents that will be part of a document package. 

Document Basic/Document Milestone Template

  1. Open the Document Milestone Template tab in the Document Basic window.

  2. Create a new template (F5).

  3. Name the template XXINSTR (where XX is your initials), and enter a short description (e.g., Progress on Assembly Instructions).

  4. Click in the table and create a new row (F5) for each milestone, entering the following data:

Description Cumulative 
10 Instructions written by engineer 50% 50%
20 Tested 60% 80%
30 Comments and corrections included 100% 100%
  1. Save (F12) the template.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to learn how to create a document package.

Document Package

Packages are intended to be used along with IFS/Project, for example to gather all project documentation in one place. The progress of documents in a package is determined with certain milestones. Before a document can be inserted into a package, an appropriate document milestone template must be available.

Creating a Document Package

  1. Open the Document Package window from the Navigator.
  2. Create a new package (F5).
  3. Fill in the header of the package window. Name your package XX122 (where XX is your initials) and enter a short description (e.g., Development of product documentation).
  4. In the Responsible field, select ALAIN (Alain Prost, the project manager of this development project) from the List of Values as the responsible person.
  5. Save the package (F12).

Result: You have created a document package, to which you can connect documents.

Connecting Documents to the Document Package

  1. Click in the table and create a new row (F5).
  2. Associate the Assembly Instruction document (that you created in the previous exercise) to the document package by selecting the document class, document number and sheet from the List of Values.

Note: If the update revision is Fixed, the document revision should be given as well

  1. In the Document Milestone Template field, select the template XXINSTR (XX is your initials) from the List of Values (F8).
  2. Associate the Addendum in the same way to the package. You can use Duplicate (F6) to duplicate the first row and then make the appropriate changes (select a different document number from the List of Values).
  3. Save the changes (F12).

Note: A document cannot be part of more than one package at the same time.

Reporting Hours on the Documents

Try to estimate the amount of hours it will take to complete each document.

  1. Click in the Planned Hours field on the table.
  2. Enter 40 planned hours for the Assembly Instruction and 8 planned hours for the Addendum.
  3. Save the changes (F12).

Note: The Hours field in the Document Package header is filled in with the sum of the planned hours for each document.

Copying a Document Package

When creating a new package, you can base the package on an existing one. With the Copy Document Package function, the package data is copied, along with the demands on what type of documents that should be associated to it.

  1. In the Document Package window, right-click and then click Copy Document Package.
  2. Enter the name of the new package (XX133) and a short description (Development of product assembly documentation).
  3. Click OK.

Note: The survey of document classes was copied from the first document package to the new one (not the actual documents!).