Create Document Folder and Connect to Document— Key Exercises

Required Data

These exercises require that you have completed the following exercises:

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to learn how to create a document folder and connect documents to it.

Document Folders
Document Revisions/Objects
Business Object Explorer
Document Folder Navigator

Creating a Document Folder

We are going to create a document folder. This will allow us to gather all assembly instructions for a specific race car model, so that they can be easily recovered.

  1. Open the Document Folders window in the Navigator.
  2. Create a new row (F5).
  3. Enter the following document folder data:
    Folder Name Description
    30 Assembly Instructions
  1. Save the document folder.

Result: You have created a document folder, which is regarded as a type of business object. To this folder/object, documents can be connected.

Note: Document folders can be created using the Business Object Explorer and Document Folder Navigator window as well.

Connecting Existing Documents to the Document Folder

Next, we will connect documents that should belong to the folder, i.e., all assembly instructions in English.

  1. Query for the ASSEMBLY folder row in the Document Folders window (F3).
  2. Select the folder, right-click and click Find and Connect Documents. The Add Documents dialog box is opened.
  3. Select the documents you created and click OK.

Note: Documents can be connected using the Business Object Explorer and Document Folder Navigator window as well.

Connecting New Documents to the Document Folder

Next, we will connect new documents that should belong to the folder.

  1. Query for the ASSEMBLY folder row in the Document Folders window (F3).
  2. Select the folder, right-click and click Create and Connect Documents. The Document Revision window is opened.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter a value in the Doc Class field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. Enter a value in the Format field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  6. Enter Document Folder Test in the Title field.
  7. Save the record. (F12).

Note: Documents can be connected using the Business Object Explorer and Document Folder Navigator window as well.

Creating a Document Folder Structure using the Business Object Explorer

Document folders can be organized in a structure using the Business Object Explorer.

  1. Open the Business Object Explorer.
  2. Click Explore Documents, right-click Document Folders and click Create Folder.
  3. Enter AB in the Folder Name field.
  4. Enter the name of the folder you created earlier, in the Parent Folder Name field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Navigate the parent folder and view the document structure.
  7. Drag-and-drop documents from the top folder to the child folder.

Creating a Document Folder Structure using the Document Folder Navigator

Document folders can be organized in a structure using the Document Folder Navigator window.

  1. Open the Document Folder Navigator window.
  2. Query for 30 in the Folder Name field.
  3. Right-click on the folder name in the left pane and click Create New Sub Folder.
  4. In the Folder Details tab, enter ABCD in the Folder Name field.
  5. View the folder structure on the left pane.
  6. Right-click on the folder on the left pane and add/create documents.
  7. Drag-and-drop documents from the one folder to another.

Delete Document Folder Structure

Document folder structures can be deleted using the Document Folder Navigator.

  1. Open the Document Folder Navigator.
  2. Select the folder, right-click and click Delete Folder Structure.
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog that opens.

Note: The folders belonging to the structure are deleted and the documents connected to those folders are disconnected from the folders but not deleted. Folders can also be deleted using the Business Object Explorer or the Document Folders window.

Delete Folder

An empty document folder can be deleted using the Document Folder Navigator.

  1. Open the Document Folder Navigator.
  2. Select the folder, right-click and click Delete Folder.
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog that opens.

Note: Folders can also be deleted using the Business Object Explorer or the Document Folders window.