Concluding the Maintenance Order—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to generate a part certificate in-house from a maintenance order and to manually close the maintenance order.

Maintenance Order

Generate Part Certificate

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to prepare part certificates which are a part of the document package containing necessary reports that need to be delivered together with the overhaul object.

Prerequisites: Your person ID must have been set up as an authorized approver for the certificate and a valid approval type and form type per maintenance organization and part must have been defined in basic data. Refer the authority-related exercises in Work Processing - Exercises for BDR Lessons.

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for your maintenance order which is in the Work Done status.
  2. Right-click and click Print Part Certificate and CRS Documentation. The Print Release to Service Documents - Step 1 wizard step opens.
  3. In the Approval Type field, enter AOC.
  4. In the Form Type field, enter EASA FORM ONE or FAA 8130-3 as required. In the Revision field enter the valid form type revision, if not entered already. If your maintenance order is for a vehicle part, then you should select a form type that has the Used for Vehicles check box selected in basic data for part certificates.
  5. Click Next.
  6. If a customer is not connected to the maintenance order, enter the Customer ID of the relevant customer who is to receive the part certificate.
  7. In the Status/Work field, specify the type of work performed. A list of valid values is available to select from.
  8. If technical documentation has been used when performing the work, details of the documents can be entered in the relevant fields found in the Maintenance Document Data area.
  9. If a part certificate has already been generated for the same serial, a value in the Tracking No field is displayed automatically. In the Form Format field, specify in which format the previous certificate was delivered to the customer.
  10. To attach one or more previous certificates to the part certificate being generated, select the Attach Previous Forms check box and then either select the Only Latest Form button or the All Previous Forms button, as required.
  11. Click Next.
  12. In the Airworthiness Regulation Code field, specify the relevant regulation code by selecting a value from the list in the drop-down menu.
  13. Other information such as part usage restrictions, the airworthiness directive or service bulletin that the work was performed in compliance with and any deviations can be entered in this step of the wizard.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Select the Print Part Certificate Form check box to print the generated certificate.
  16. If CRS documentation reports are to be printed as well, select the relevant check box found in the Print Release to Service Documentation area.
  17. Click Finish to preview and print the part certificate.

Conclude the Maintenance Order

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for your maintenance order.

Note: If detailed information is required to be entered on the maintenance tasks, this information must be added before the maintenance order and connected tasks can be set to the Finished status. To supply detailed information, first select the task from the graphical object structure in the Maint. Order Str. tab. Next click the Supply Task Info tab and enter information in the relevant tabs. Detailed information includes recording the actual function breakdown for faults, setting the next execution type and rename information for modification tasks, registering operational parameter values and entering any material consumed on a task that is processed as a simplified work order.

  1. To finish the maintenance order, right-click on the header of the window, point to Status, and then click Finish. The Finish Maintenance Order dialog box opens.
  2. Enter a finish date if the finish date is to be a date before the system date.
  3. If a snapshot of the maintenance order is to be taken at this stage, select the Create Snapshot of Maintenance Order check box.
  4. Enter a description of the snapshot.
  5. Click OK.