Maintain Benefit Plans—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. To enter this data, follow the instructions in the Benefits Basic Data Requirements exercise. If you have completed this exercise, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises.

Main Exercises

Entering benefit plans

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to enter a benefit plan.

Benefit Plan

  1. Open the Benefit Plan window.

  2. Press New, and enter, e.g., Medical, in the Benefit Plan field.

  3. In the Benefit Plan Description field, you can enter a longer description. Double click the field to open the field editor. Note that this is an internal text visible only to the administrator.

  4. Select the Fixed Amount check box since this is a plan where the option amounts are predefined and not entered by the employees themselves.

  5. If you have defined benefit categories, you can select the relevant category into the optional Benefit Category field.

  6. Select the appropriate value into the Benefit Type field. in this case, Amount.

  7. Select the correct provider into the Provider ID field.

  8. In the Plan Information field, you can enter a text that will be public once the plan is published to the self-service web windows

  9. Save the information. Always save the master information before starting to enter data in any of the tabs!

  10. In the General tab, enter the Group Number and the Plan Number.

  11. Open the Benefit Options tab, and press New.

  12. Select the appropriate Option List by using the List of Values. For our Medical you should select a list including items such as Employee only, Employee+1, Family etc.

  13. In the Option Item field, select an item by using the List of Values.

  14. Note what happens in the Short Name field! This is what will be displayed in the self-service web windows. You can edit the short name now or later on. Save the data you entered.

  15. Select the first row in the table area and press New. Enter Premium, (Premium) Per and Employee Amount. Change the Valid From and Valid To dates if necessary. Save the data.

  16. Select the Option List field and press New.

  17. Repeat from 12 to 15 until you have entered all options for your Medical benefit plan. Note that you have to press New in the Option List field for every new option you add.

  18. Use the right mouse button option Benefit Plans, to see all the options you entered.

Entering eligibility rules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter the benefit plan eligibility rules. 

Benefit Plan/Eligibility Rules

  1. Select an existing benefit plan and open the Eligibility Rules tab.
  2. Enter a new row.
  3. Use the List of Values and select one of the available eligibility attributes into the Eligibility Attribute field.
  4. Enter the appropriate Attribute Min Value and/or Attribute Max Value, or enter a list of values into the Attribute Value List field. Note! The value list can not be used for numerical values such as age, salary etc. These fields require you use the minimum and/or maximum definitions.
  5. Select the Eligible or Ineligible option into the Eligible Control field.
  6. You can change the validity dates or just accept the default dates filled in for you.
  7. Open the Benefit Plan Wizard web window, enter the required data in the first step, select the New Plan option, and view the list of values for the Benefit Plan field. The LoV-window will adapt to the eligibility rules you set up. Note that you will have to enter corresponding information to your employee in order to get the eligibility definitions to work.
  8. Add more eligibility definitions to the plan and see how they work together.