Benefits Self-Service-Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for processing the employee self-service feature. To enter this data follow the instructions in the Maintain Benefit Plans exercise. If you have completed this exercise, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises.

Main Exercises

Enter a new dependent and change dependent information

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to enter and maintain your dependents information. Note that you need to enter the dependents in this separate window before you can select them into any benefit plans.

My Dependents

  1. Open the My Dependents web page.

  2. If you already have dependents registered, they will now be displayed to you.

  3. To enter a new dependent, press the New button.

  4. Enter the Dependent ID field with the current employee number together with a sequence number. E.g., 1004-1, 1004-2. Enter the other required information and press Save & Return. The new dependent is added to the overview.

  5. In order to remove a dependent from the list of values windows you clear the Active check box.

  6. Note that the Student/Disabled information is entered together with the plan information. It is not available in this window.

  7. In the row-menu, select the Edit option and add or change the text in the Note field. Press Save & Return.

  8. The overview now displays the updated information.

View my benefit plans

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to view your current benefits information. 

My Benefit Plans

  1. Open the My Benefit Plans web page.
  2. The page presents your current plans and any change-requests in process.


Enter a request for a new and changed benefit plan 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use the self-service functions to request for changes in your benefit plan enrollment.

Benefit Plan Wizard

  1. Open the Benefit Plan Wizard in web.
  2. Select a qualifying event from the list of values and the date for the event.
  3. If appropriate, enter a note to the plan administrator. Press Next.
  4. Select option:       

    New Plan - lets you enter a request for a new plan (only eligible plans are available).

    End Plan - lets you set a new Effective To date to a current plan.

    Change Option - lets you select a new option for a current plan.

    Extend Enrollment - lets you set a new Effective To date to a current plan and to the connected dependents. 

    Change Enrollment - lets you change the appropriate information (i.e., the information available due to the type of plan) for a current plan.


  5. Select the plan from the list of values.
  6. The following steps are depending on the selected plan.

    Is it a fixed amount plan or a plan where you are supposed to enter your percentage or amount yourself?

    Does the plan involve dependents?

  7. Press Finish and Next Plan, in order to keep the wizard open for a new entering.
  8. Press Finish, in order to close the wizard.