Manage Plug-In Package—Exercises

Required Data

Create a Basic Job

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a basic job.

Manage Job

  1. Create a Basic Job.

General exercise for Create a Basic Job.

Define Business Object Filters on Export Job

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to specify the business objects for export to the integration package.

Manage Job

  1. Define Business Object Filters on Export Job.

General exercise for Define Business Object Filters on Export Job.

Define Business Object Filters on Import Job

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to specify the business objects for import to the integration package.

Manage Job

  1. Define Business Object Filters on Import Job.

General exercise for Define Business Object Filters on Import Job.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these lessons are to select a plug-in on a job, export, edit and import the plug-in package. 

Manage Job
Job Overview
Outbound Plug-In Package-Convert
Inbound Plug-In Package-Convert

Select Plug-In

  1. Select an export and import job as the current job. 
  2. In the Plug-In field of the Manage Job window, use the List of Values to select an available plug-in.
  3. Click Save to save the plug-in details to the particular job.

Export Plug-In Package

  1. For the current job, used in the exercise above, open the Outbound Integration Package-Export window and click Start.
  2. When the export is complete, open the Outbound Plug-In Package-Convert window and click Start.
  3. Observe the progress of export of each business object on the Current business object progress bar.
  4. At the same time observe the progress of the entire export process on the Overall Progress bar. When this bar reaches its end, the export is complete.
  5. Open the exported plug-in package by clicking Open Current Plug-In Package.

Edit Plug-In Package

  1. Open the plug-in package created in the exercise above.
  2. Add two objects by entering the following information:
Class KeyA KeyA01 KeyA02 KeyA03 KeyA04
PUMP PM-316-PA-001 PM 316 PA 001
SUB SYSTEM PM-316 PM 316    

Note: Business objects where Objects are involved in plug-in package are not imported to an integration package if a record for Plant does not exist. A recommended work around to get records for Plant, without exporting any objects is by selecting a value for the plant on the export job, entering a dummy value for the object ID which is a object ID that does not exist in the database, exporting the integration package and converting to a plug-in package.

  1. Add three design parts by entering the following information:
Class Version UnitOfMeasure KeyA KeyA01
PUMP 1 pcs 10600201 10600201
IMPELLER 1 pcs 1216007 1216007
BEARING 1 pcs 1560033 1560033

Note: Business objects where Design Parts are involved in a plug-in package are not imported to an integration package if at least one record for Standard, UnitOfMeasure and BaseUnit does not exist. A recommended work around to get records for Standard, UnitOfMeasure and BaseUnit into the a plug-in package without exporting any design parts is by selecting a value for the standard on the export job, entering a dummy value for the design part ID which is a design part ID that does not exists in the database, exporting the integration package and converting to a plug-in package.

  1. Add a new document row by entering the following information for DocumentTitle, DocumentIssue and Files respectively:
Fields for Document Title Value
Class 500
Number 23980001
Title Equipment Data Sheet for Pump PM-316-PA-001
Fields for Document Issue Value
Class 500
Number 23980001
Sheet 1
Revision A1
Fields for Files Value
Class 500
Number 23980001
Sheet 1
Revision A1
Name EquipmentDataSheetPM-316-PA-001.xls
Path Documents

Note: The actual document file must be placed in AIIM’s export root path and in the sub folder defined by the above file path, in this case Documents. The export root path is defined in the File Locations tab in the Options dialog box.

The path, in full, where the files should be placed will be c:\program\ifs\aiim\xml\export\documents if the export root path is set to c:\program\ifs\aiim\xml\export and the document’s file path is documents.

  1. Add an object relation between pump PM-316-PA-001 as the functional parent for sub system PM-316 by entering the following information:
Target Source
PM-316 PM-316-PA-001
  1. Add an object relation between pump PM-316-PA-001 and design part 10600201 by entering the following information:
Target Source
10600201 PM-316-PA-001
  1. Add a document object connection between pump PM-316-PA-001 and document 23980001 by entering the following information:
Document Issue Object
500, 23980001, 1, A1 PM-316-PA-001
  1. Add a document design part connection between pump pump 10600201 and document 23980001 by entering the following information:
Document Issue Design Part
500, 23980001, 1, A1 10600201
  1. Add an object’s bill of material list by adding two design parts to the pump PM-316-PA-00. Enter the following information:
Design Part Object SparePartQuantity PurchaseQuantity
1216007 PM-316-PA-00 1 1
1560033 PM-316-PA-00 1 1

Import Plug-In Package

  1. For the current job, used in the exercise above, open the Inbound Plug-In Package-Convert window.
  2. Click Start.
  3. Observe the progress of import of each business object on the Current business object progress bar in the Inbound Integration Package-Import window.
  4. At the same time observe the progress of the entire import process on the Overall Progress bar. When this bar reaches its end, the import is complete.