Additional Result Calculation—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Create Wage Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the wage codes required for the following exercises.

Wage Codes

  1. Create the following wage codes for wage class 10.
Wage Class Wage Code Wage Code Description Wage Code Type
10 801 Total Normal Information
802 Total Overtime Information
803 Total Presence Information

General exercise for creating wage codes

Required Data

Assign Employee to Position

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the employee setup required for the following exercises.

  1. Open the Employee window and select employee 1050.
  2. Go to the Employment/Assignments/Positions tab.
  3. Ensure that the employee is connected to a position belonging to organization code B-MFG.

Assign Employee to Work Schedule

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the employee setup required for the following exercises.

  1. Open the Employee window and select employee 1050.
  2. Go to the Employee/Employment/Assignments/Schedules tab.
  3. Ensure that employee 1050 is linked to a day type dependent work schedule with work hours from 8:00 to 17:00 on week days and holidays on weekends. 
  4. Also, ensure that the employee is assigned to the Workers selection group.

General exercise for administering work hour schedules.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create an additional result calculation rule.


       Additional Result Calculation Definition

       Time Addition Result Calculation Setup

Additional Result Calculation Definition

Create an additional result calculation rule to total all presence hours of the employee from Mondays to Sunday. An Increment should be given for 50% of the presence hours.

Process Order Affected days of the Week Wage Class Original Wage Code Original Wage Code Description Calculation Method Factor New Wage Code New Wage Code Description
1 Monday to Friday 10 100 Normal Hours Total 1 803 Total Presence
2 Monday to Friday 10 211 Overtime Clerk, Working Days Total 1 803 Total Presence
3 Saturday and Sunday 10 213 Overtime Clerk, Non Working Days Total 1 803 Total Presence
4 Monday to Sunday 10 803 Total Presence Total 0.5 301 Inconvenient Hours
  1. Open Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  2. Create a new record and Presence for rule ID and Total Presence Hours for rule description.
  3. Save the record.
  4. Create a new record in the table to define the rule definition.
  5. Process order is filled automatically. This will define the order in which the rule definition will be executed.
  6. Select the check boxes  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This ensures that the definition will only apply for hours entered on the selected week days.
  7. Enter 10 as the wage class. The wage codes for the calculation will be used from this wage class.
  8. Enter 100 - Normal Hours as the original wage code. Any results generated for this wage code will be converted/transferred to the new wage code.
  9. Select Total in the Calculation Method field. This ensures that the total hours shown in the result tab for the original wage code will be converted/ transferred to the new wage code.
  10. Enter 1 as the factor. This indicates that the new wage code hours should be the same as the original wage code hours.
  11. Enter 803- Total Presence as the new wage code. This will be the wage code that will show the hours that are converted/ transferred from the original wage code.
  12. The value in the Rounding field will be 0 by default. This is the setting to round the new wage code hours.
  13. The Validity check box will be selected by default to indicate that the definition is valid for the rule.
  14. Save the information.
  15. Create a new line in the table and select the check boxes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  16. Enter 10 as the wage class and set the original wage code to 211 - Overtime Clerks, Workdays.
  17. Select Total in the Calculation Method field.
  18. Enter 1 as the factor and 03- Total Presence as the new wage code.
  19. Save the information.
  20. Create a new line in the table and select the checkbox for "Saturday and Sunday"
  21. Enter the age Class as "10" and set the original wage code to 213 - Overtime Clerks, Non working days."
  22. Select Total in the Calculation Method field.
  23. Enter 1 as the factor and 03- Total Presence as the new wage code.
  24. Save the information.
  25. Create a new line in the table and select the check boxes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This ensures that this definition will apply to all 7 days of the week.
  26. Enter the age Class as "10" and set the original wage code to 803 - Total Presence.
  27. Select Total in the Calculation Method field.
  28. Enter as 0.5 as the factor. This ensures that only 50% of the original wage code hours will be converted/transferred to the new wage code.
  29. Enter 301 - Inconvenient Working Hours, Weekdays as the new wage code.
  30. Repeat the above steps to create another rule to total all overtime wage code hours on weekdays. Create rule ID OT with rule description Total Overtime Hours according to the data shown in the table below.
Process Order Affected days of the Week Wage Class Original Wage Code Original Wage Code Description Calculation Method Factor New Wage Code New Wage Code Description
1 Monday to Friday 10 211 Overtime Clerk, Working Days Total 1 802 Total Overtime
2 Monday to Friday 10 212 Overtime Shift Workers Total 1 802 Total Overtime
3 Monday to Friday 10 213 Overtime Clerk, Non Working Days Total 1 802 Total Overtime
4 Monday to Friday 10 802 Total Overtime Total 0.5 301 Inconvenient Hours

Assign Additional Result Calculation Rules to Employees

The additional calculation rule Presence which you created above should only apply to employees belonging to B-MFG organization and Workers selection group. Also, the additional calculation rule OT should only apply to employees belonging to the Workers selection group.

Priority Rule ID Emp ID Org Code Wage Class Schedule Day Type Selection Group Valid From Valid To Rule Selection
1 Presence   B-MFG       WORKER 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 Include
2 OT B-MFG         1/1/2012 12/31/2012 Exclude
  1. Open Absence Result Calculation Setup window and create a new record.
  2. Enter the Presence rule ID with priority 1. Specify org code B-MFG and selection group Workers.
  3. Specify the validity as 1/1/2012 and 12/31/2012 using the Valid From and Valid To field.
  4. In the Rule Selection field select Include. This will ensure that the particular definition is assigned to the employees. This will enable the rule to be assigned to employees who have the organization code B-MFG and selection group Workers for the period 1/1/2012 to the 12/31/2012.
  5. Repeat the steps to assign the rule ID OT to employees belonging to organization code B-MFG.
  6. Select Exclude in the Rule Selection field. That is, the additional calculation rule will not apply to employees belonging to the organization code. Note that the priority will be set to 2 for this additional rule assignment.
  7. Save the information.

Calculate Additional Attendance Results

Register clocking records for an employee assigned to additional result calculation rules setup defined in the previous exercises.

  1. Open the Time Card Day window.
  2. Select employee 1050. This employee belongs to organization code B-MFG and selection group Workers. Therefore, both the Presence and OT additional result calculation rules applies to this employee according to the setup.
  3. Select a Monday.   Right-click and click Employee Schedule Information to open the Employee Schedule Information window. View the additional result calculation rule assigned.
  4. Go to the Interval tab and register time from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
  5. Save the record and go to the Result tab.
  6. You will see 2 normal hours calculated with wage code 100 (wage code for normal hours in the employee's day type) as well as 2 hours from wage code 803 - Total Presence.
  7. Extend the time interval to 5:00 pm in the Interval tab. Recalculate the day and notice that the wage hours for 100 will now show as 8 hours while wage hours for 803 will also show as 8.

    Setting Calculation Method to Exceed.
  8. Change the calculation method of row 1 in the Additional Result Calculation Definition window by selecting the value Exceed in the Calculation Method field and set the value 5 for Calculation Limit field.
  9. Now recalculate the Time Card Day window and note that the result tab shows only 3 hours from wage code 805.
  10. Therefore the Exceed setting controls the number of hours transferred to the new wage code.

    Setting Calculation Method to Below.
  11. Change the calculation method of row 1 in the Additional Result Calculation Definition window by selecting the value Below in the Calculation Method field and set the value 5 to the Calculation Limit Field.
  12. Change the time Interval to begin at 8:00 am and end at 10:00 am in the Interval tab.
  13. When the results are calculated we would see 2 hours from the 100 wage code for the reported 2 hours and -6 hours for the new wage code 803.
  14. Therefore the Below setting enables us to view hour many more hours the employee needs to report in order to achieve the calculation limit.

    Setting the Calculation Base
  15. Change the calculation method of row 3 to Exceed and select the value in the Calculation Base to Schedule Hours.
  16. Select a Saturday or Sunday and report overtime from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
  17. When the results are calculated, you will see 1 hour from wage code 213 and 1 hour from the new wage code 803.
  18. Therefore the calculation base also controls the number of hours that are transferred based on the schedule hours of the day.

    Setting the Factor
  19. Change the setting in row 1 so that the calculation method is Total and there are no values in the Value field.
  20. Notice the setting of the factor field in row 4. It is set to 0.5.
  21. Now report 8 hours of normal time for employee 1050 on a Monday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  22. Notice that in the result tab we see 8 hours from wage code 100 and 8 hours from wage code 803. in addition we see 4 hours from increment wage code 301.
  23. Therefore having a factor value can manipulate the interpretation of the new wage code value. That is, in this example, since the factor is 0.5 and the definition states that the total hours from wage code 803 should be shown with wage code 301 it calculates only 4 hours for the wage code 301.

    Setting Maximum Conversion Value
  24. Enter 2 in the Maximum Conversion Value field for row 1 in the Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  25. Recalculate the Time Card Day window and note that only 2 hours have been transferred to the 803 wage code from the reported 8 hours.
  26. Therefore the maximum conversion value controls how many hours are transferred to the new wage code.

    Setting Delete Original Wage Code
  27. Select the Delete Original Wage Code check box in row 1 of the Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  28. Recalculate the Time Card Day window and note that the line for wage code 100 is not seen anymore in the result.
  29. Therefore by using the Delete Original Wage Code check box, we can control whether or not the original wage code should be shown.

    Setting Reduce From Original Wage Code
  30. Clear the Delete Original Wage Code check box in row 1 of the Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  31. Select the Reduce from Original Wage Code check box in row 1. Set the maximum conversion value to 2.
  32. Now, recalculate the Time Card Day window and note that only 6 hours are shown for the 100 wage code while 2 hour are shown for the 803 wage code.
  33. The Reduce from Original Wage Code check box manipulates the number of hours shown for the original wage code. The number of hours shown will be the difference between total reported and total transferred hours. In this example, since the maximum conversion value is 2, only 2 hours are transferred to 803 and the reported hours are 8. Therefore the difference is 6 hours.

    Setting the Rounding Value
  34. Enter 0.5 as the the rounding value in the first row of the Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  35. Set the maximum conversion value to zerro and clear the Reduce from Original Wage Code check box.
  36. In the Time Card Day window, report 20mins (0.33 hrs) from 8:00 am to 8:20 am.
  37. When results are calculated we could see 0.33 hours shown for the reported time through wage code 100 while 0.5 hrs are shown for the new wage code 803. The 0.33  hours are rounded to the nearest 0.5.
  38. Therefore defining a value in the Rounding field enables the rounding of the new wage code value.

    Setting Validity
  39. Clear the Validity check box for row 1 in the Additional Result Calculation Definition window.
  40. Recalculate the Time Card Day window and notice that only the wage hours for wage code 100 are shown.
  41. Therefore, clearing the Validity check box ensures that the additional calculation definition does not apply.

    Change Process Order of Calculation Rules
  42. Select the Validity check box for row 1.
  43. Right-click and click Change Process Order to open the Change Process Order dialog box. and move the row 4 to the first position.
  44. This ensures that the row containing the definition of converting all hours in 803 wage code to 301 wage code will be on top.
  45. Now, recalculate the Time Card Day window and note that we do not see results for wage code 301. Since there are no hours for 803 at the start, no results are shown for wage code 301.

    Change Priority Order of Calculation Rule Assignments
  46. Open Absence Result Calculation Setup window. Note that we have two rules Presence and OT with priority order 1 and 2 respectively. Also, the rule OT is excluded for employees belonging to org code B-MFG, therefore it did not apply to employee 1050 in the above exercises.
  47. Open the Time Card Day window and search for employee 1050.
  48. Right-click and click Employee Schedule Information to open the Employee Schedule Information window. Notice that in the Additional Calculation ID field, the rule ID's are show in the order "Presence^OT" . That is, Presence rule applies before the OT rule.
  49. Now, go back to the Absence Result Calculation Setup window and change the value in the Rule Selection field to Include for rule OT.
  50. Recalculate the  the Time Card Day window for employee 1050 and see how the results change. After the additional result for rule Presence is calculated (as shown in the above exercises), the more results will be generated according to the rule OT.
  51. Now, go back to the Absence Result Calculation Setup window.
  52. Right-click and click Change Priority to open the Change Priority dialog box.
  53. Use the arrow keys to reverse the priority order of rule assignments for Presence and OT.
  54. Open the Time Card Day window and search for employee 1050.
  55. Right-click and click Employee Schedule Information to open the Employee Schedule Information window. Notice that in the Additional Calculation ID field. the rule ID's show in the order "OT^Presence" .
  56. Now, if you recalculate the Time Card Day window, results will be calculated for the OT rule prior to the Presence rule.