Increment Definitions—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. To enter this data, follow the instructions in the Administering Wage Codes, Administering Working Hours Schedules, and Administering Work Hour Rules exercises. If you have completed these exercises, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize you with the increment schedules used in IFS Applications.

Increment Types
Increment Schedules
Sub Increment Schedules
Employee Schedules and Rules
Wage Codes
Schedules/Working Hours Schedules
Time Card – Day

Create Wage Code Lists for Increments

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create wage code lists that can be used when defining increments.

Wage Code Lists

  1. Open the Wage Code Lists window and create a wage code list ID and description. 
  2. In the table of the window enter wage codes that should be included in the list. Ex: Wage codes of type Normal.

Creating Increment Schedules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define an increment schedule for different types of increments for shift work, such as early mornings, late evenings, and nights. 

Increment Types
Increment Schedules
Sub Increment Schedules
Wage Codes


Note: This exercise assumes that employees of your company are covered by a union agreement whereby additional compensation (increments) is provided for work performed between 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. on weekdays, as well as from 3:00 P.M. on Fridays to 6:00 A.M. on Mondays. Working on Fridays and weekends gives a higher amount of compensation than working on weekdays, making it necessary for you to create two new wage codes: 

  1. Inconvenient work hours Weekdays, with the wage type Increment. 

  2. Inconvenient work hours Weekends, with the wage type Increment.

  1. Open the Increment Types window, and create a new record. Give the increment type a name and description.  
  2. Define the start and end days and times for the increment type as defined above.
  3. Enter a wage code for the increment. 
  4. Set the calculation rule to either clockings based or result based.
  5. Specify when the increments will be valid from the values listed in the table below. For the purpose of this exercise, set the value to Presence and use Value Type Calculated.
Validity Value Functional description
Normal Hours Gives the increment wages in connection with normal time and for absence wage codes with Increments handling set to Increments for presence. 
Presence Gives the increment for all attendance time and for absence wage codes with Increments handling set to Increments for presence. 
Overtime Gives the increment only in connection with overtime.
Absence Gives the increment for absence wage codes with Increments handling set to Increments for absence.
Appearance Compensation in the event of detached overtime.
On Call Compensation in the event of scheduled On Call duty (On Call factor in the day type.)
Value Type Functional description
Fixed Compensation is paid at the value specified in the Value field. 
Minimum Compensation is paid at a minimum of the value specified in the Value field.
Maximum Compensation is paid at a maximum of the value specified in the Value field. 
Calculated Compensation is based on total time for the wage types covered by the specified validity.
  1. Define values for the selected increment type period. 
    1. Enter a value in the Value field if you use any of the value types (Fixed, Minimum, or Maximum).
    2. You can also enter a threshold value. This is the value that must be reached before the supplement is given.
    3. Check the value in the Factor field. The default is 1.00.

  2. Define increments for selected wage codes. 
    1. In the Wage Code List field, enter a wage code list by selecting from the list. Ensure that this list contains wage codes of type Normal that are used for schedules.
    2. In the Wage Code Rule field, select the Exclude option from the list.

      Note: Since Normal type wage codes are excluded, the increment will not be calculated if an employee has accumulated normal work time during the specified increment period.
  3. Define the increment schedule. Open the Increment Schedules window.
    1. Create a new record and give it a name and description.
    2. Enter the schedule cycle. This cycle is defined by dates used to define how many days that are included in the schedule. Save your changes.
    3. Right-click and then click Increment Schedule Cycle. Add the increment types to the schedule. Save the record.
  4. Define the substitution schedule in the Sub Increment Schedules window. This is used to administer the right compensation on, e.g., holidays. 
    1. Give the schedule a name and description.
    2. Enter the date on which the sub increment schedule should replace the increment schedule.
    3. Connect an increment type to the date. Save your changes.
    4. Repeat steps a–c above until the sub increment schedule is complete, then connect the sub increment schedule to the increment schedule in the Increment Schedules window.

Assign Increment Schedules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to assign the increment schedule to the employees.

Employee Schedules and Rules
Time Card – Day

  1. Open the Employee Schedules and Rules window, and populate it.
  2. Select or query for an employee. 
  3. Use the List of Values to select your increment schedule.
  4. Repeat on all your employees.
  5. Go to Time Card – Day and make a clocking covering the time when the employee is eligible for increment.
    1. Make a clocking on a Monday - one before schedule start date and one in the afternoon.
      Two rows should be visible in the Results tab, one with weekend increment, and one with weekday increment.
    2. Make a clocking on a Thursday - should give weekday increment.
    3. Make a clocking on a Friday afternoon - should give weekend increment.
    4. Make a clocking on a Saturday - should give weekend increment.

Note: On weekdays you can use either the normal time interval, or add overtime to a day, the Presence option means that increments will be calculated for both. Check the Results tab to see if the increment is calculated correctly. 

Create Increment Schedules for Appearance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create and use Appearance.

Employee Schedules and Rules
Time Card – Day
Increment Types
Increment Schedules
Wage Codes

  1. Go back to the Increment Types window and select the Increment Types you created in the Creating Increment Schedules exercise. 
  2. Add a new row to the two increment types that covers weekdays. This row will give employees a compensation with 3 hours of increment for Appearance every time they are called back to work after the normal schedule has ended.
    1. use 12:00 AM  Current (00:00 Current depending on your date and time settings) as from time
    2. use 12:00 AM  Next (00:00 Next) as to time
    3. Enter a wage code for Appearance compensation. Create a new wage code if necessary (Wage Type Time Increment)
    4. Use Calculation option Calculated, Validity option Appearance, Value type Minimum, value 3 and factor 1.
  3. Go to Time Card – Day
    1. On a weekday, make an overtime clocking covering one hour. It needs to begin at least a minute after the scheduled out time. Check the Results tab to see that at the sum of overtime results and increment adds up to three hours.
    2. Delete the overtime clocking and make one in conjunction with regular working hours i.e. 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. with out type Overtime Cash. Check the Results tab. There should be no Appearance increments in the results calculated for this day. 

Note: The Appearance option means that increments will be calculated only when employees work overtime that is not in connection with the normal schedule. 

Create Increment Schedules for On Call

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create and use On Call in both working hours schedules and in increment schedules.

Employee Schedules and Rules
Increment Types
Wage Codes
Working Hours Schedules
Time Card – Day

  1. Go to the Working Hours Schedules window.
    1. Select your 8 AM to 5 PM  day type. Duplicate and rename it. Enter a description that specifies that this day type contains on call.
    2. Select the right mouse button Day Type Details and add 5 hours of normal time to the day type (a row with normal time beginning at 5 PM  ending at 10 PM  when overtime starts).
    3. Add an On Call factor of 0,5. (This means that the 5 hours will be calculated as 2,5 hours instead.) 
    4. Create a new 7 day long day schedule for employees with On Call duty. 
    5. Connect the On Call day type to Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Use a regular 8 AM  to 5 PM day type on the other days, and a work free day type on Saturday and Sunday. 
  2. Go back to the Increment Types window and select the Increment Types you used in previous exercises. 
    1. Add a new row to the two increment types that covers weekdays. This row will give employees a compensation for On Call duty every day covered by a day type containing a On call factor. 
    2. use 12:00 AM  Current (00:00 Current depending on your date and time settings) as from time
    3. use 12:00 AM  Next     (00:00 Next) as to time
    4. Enter a wage code for On Call compensation. Create a new wage code if necessary (Wage Type Time Increment)
    5. Use Calculation option Calculated, Validity option On Call, Value type Calculated value 1 and factor 1.
  3. Go to the Employee Schedules and Rules window
    1. Select one employee and connect the new On call day schedule to this employee.
    2. If you haven't already connected your employee to the Increment schedule, do it now.
  4. Go to Time Card – Day. This step in the exercise serves two purposes, one is to teach you how to use On call, the other is to see how the different rows in the increment type works depending on how the day type looks like.
    1. Select a Monday. Make a clocking that covers the regular normal time as well as the On call time in the day type. Go to the results tab and check that the employee gets 10,5 normal hours, 2,5 On call increment, and 4,5 hours of inconvenient working hours (Weekdays) increment.  
    2. Select a Tuesday. Make a clocking covering regular normal hours. Since no On call exist in the day type, there shouldn't be any On call increments in the Results tab. But the employee should still get 2 hours of inconvenient working hours (Weekdays) increment (from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.). 
    3. Select a Thursday. Make a clocking that covers the regular normal time as well as the On call time in the day type. Go to the results tab and check that the employee gets 10,5 normal hours, 2,5 On call increment, and 4,5 hours of inconvenient working hours (weekdays) increment.
    4. Select a Friday. Make a clocking that covers the regular normal time as well as the On call time in the day type. Go to the results tab and check that the employee gets 10,5 normal hours, 2,5 On call increment, and 4,5 hours of inconvenient working hours (Weekends) increment.