Emergency Service—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. To enter this data, follow the instructions in the Administering Wage Codes, and Administering Working Hours Schedules, exercises. If you have completed these exercises, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize you with the emergency service schedules used in IFS Applications.

Employee Schedules and Rules
 Employee Emergency Services
Wage Codes
Schedules/Working Hours Schedules
Time Card – Day

Create Emergency Schedules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a schedule containing different emergency types for work performed during emergency periods.

Emergency Schedules
Employee Emergency Services
Wage Codes

Note: This exercise assumes that an employee at your company has a scheduled emergency duty every third weekend from 12:00 P.M.  Friday to 12:00 PM Sunday. Create an emergency type that covers 24 hours.  

  1. Open the Emergency Schedules window, and click the Emergency Type tab. Create a new emergency type.

  2. Define to and from time as well as to and from day for the emergency type.

  3. Use the zoom option (press Shift + F9 or use the magnifying glass icon in the menu) to go to the Wage Codes window. 
    a.) Create a new wage code for Emergency duty increments. 
    b.) Go back to the Emergency Type and connect the new wage code to the emergency type.

  4. In the Validity column, specify how the emergency increment should be calculated. Use Emergency Net together with Value type Maximum. Value = 24 and Factor = 1. The employee will get 24 hours of emergency if he/she doesn't have to come to work. If he/she have to work, the number of emergency increment hours together with the number of hours actually worked will add up to 24 hours.

Validity Value Functional description
Emergency Net The compensation window net presumes that you use the value type = Maximum, and register a value that will be maximally given in connection with the stand-by employee. The value is granted for every 24-hour emergency compensation period.
Emergency Gross The compensation window gross presumes that you use the value type = Fixed and register a value in connection with the stand-by employee. The value will always be the same for every 24-hour emergency compensation period. A condition is that a possible threshold value has been reached. The threshold is counted on the length of the emergency clocking.
Value Type Functional Description
Fixed Compensation is paid in the amount specified in the Value field.
Minimum Not applicable to Emergency.
Maximum Compensation is paid, at maximum, in the amount specified in the Value field.
Calculated Not applicable to Emergency.
  1. Define an emergency schedule in the Emergency Schedules tab. 

    1. Create a schedule cycle that covers three weeks. 

    2. Right-click and then click Cycle of Emergency Schedule. Connect your emergency day types to the first weekend of the cycle, all other days are left empty. 

  2. Go back to the Employee Schedules and Rules window, and connect the Emergency schedule to the employee. 
  3. For emergency, you must also define a time period during which the employee is assigned to emergency duty.
    a.) Open the Employee Emergency Services window
    b.) Create a new row and select the employee from the List of Values. 
    c.) Specify a relevant one year period. 
  4. Go to Time Card – Day
    a.) Select the weekend when the employee has emergency duty. 
    b.) Create an overtime clocking, simulating two hours of overtime. 
    c.) in the Results tab, verify that 2 hours of overtime is supplemented with 22 hours of emergency increments.