Receive PO (Purchase Order) from Manual Supplier Invoice


This activity is used for reporting a Purchase Order Arrival directly from The Supplier Invoice. Arrival is only possible if IFS/Purchasing is installed. The arrival can only be performed if you have entered a purchase order number in the header section. This includes the orders concerning inventory registered purchase parts, non-inventory registered purchase parts, and no-number parts. An exception to this is any receipt line with the demand code Customer Order Direct, Customer Order Transit Rental part lines, Project connection lines, Self-billing invoice function activated order lines and parts with ownership Customer owned, Supplier owned and Supplier loaned.

The arrival registration is performed in different dialog boxes, depending on whether the parts are serial handled and whether the serial numbers will be defined at the arrival registration or later. If you are handling serial handled parts and have decided to postpone the serial numbering, you should enter the arrival by using the dialog box for parts without serial numbers.


System Effects

The inventory registered purchase parts are entered as arrived.

The cost of arrival transactions are updated using the Invoice Price Net/Unit value for nonstandard cost parts.


Manual Supplier Invoice


Related Window Descriptions

Register Purchase Order Arrival,


Report Arrival:

  1. In the Manual Supplier Invoice window, enter the PO reference in the header with all other necessary basic data.
  2. In the line section, right-click and select Copy Unreceived PO lines or enter PO line number and Release number manually. This will display the Part number and Invoice Price Net/Unit.
  3. Enter Quantity.
  4. Enter the Gross Amount or Net Amount for the Invoice.
  5. Save the Record.
  6. Select one or several lines, right-click and then click Receive Order.
  7. The Receive dialog box opens. You can also modify some data on the receipt line.
  8. Select the Print Arrival Report check box if you want to print an arrival report. If you want to print bar codes, select the Print Barcodes check box.
  9. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order the serviceability tag report for the component being received. When you click OK in this dialog box, a separate dialog box will open where you need to enter the relevant serviceability status for which the serviceability tag is to be printed.
  10. Confirm by clicking OK.